In general, a Bachelor project can be performed in a field related to any lecture of the Bachelor (or early Master) curriculum. At the institute of theoretical and computational physics these are, e.g., Theoretical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Theoretical Electrodynamics, Computational Methods in Technical Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Computer Simulations, Advanced Quantum Mechanics, etc.
Depending on the expertise of our lecturers, possible topics are
- Prof. von der Linden:
- Probability theory: Bayesian probability theory and machine learning, machine learning for quantum many-body systems
- Continuum mechanics: trajectory of a spinning ball, complex analysis for the treatment of potential flows, beam bending
- Electrodynamics: Maxwell equations and impedance measurements in biological systems
- Prof. Arrigoni: Numerical and/or analytical treatment or literature search on the following subjects: (here)
- Selected topics in Theoretical Mechanics or Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum computer / quantum information: quantum algorithms, entanglement, decoherence
- Quantum systems out of equilibrium: electronic transport, quantum dots, periodically driven systems (solar cells)
- Many body systems
- Prof. Aichhorn:
- Ab-initio calculation of materials properties: density functional theory calculations, crystal structure optimisations
- Magnetism: Calculation of coupling parameters, quantum-to-classical mapping, Monte Carlo simulation of classical spin systems
- Neural networks and machine learning in various contexts
- Prof. Evertz:
- Quantum mechanics: Simulations and applications
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Prof. Bonthuis:
- Effect of ion adsorption on cyclic voltammetry curves and impedance spectroscopy
- The flexibility of charged and uncharged biological membranes in coarse-grained simulations
- The effect of applying osmotic pressure in lipid membrane systems using molecular simulations
- Prof. Albert: Current theses on Various topics on theory, simulations and data analysis in fusion plasma physics in cooperation with international research institutes
- Prof. Christiane Helling
- projects in astrophysics & space sciences, for example in the areas of
- exoplanet atmosphere modelling
- weather & climate on other worlds (e.g., hydrodynamics, cloud formation)
- modelling of astrochemical processes under changing radiation fields in planet forming disks and planetary atmospheres
- impact of high-energy radiation on atmospheric gases and cloud/dust partciles
- For details, please get in contact and/or see our webpage.
Another possibility is to work on a Bachelor project in cooperation with a company.
Regular offers can be found on the blackboard of the student union in the ground floor or on their website.
To give you an idea, what topics are possible please have a look at the list of completed Bachelor projects.