It is our great pleasure to announce the next issue of the recently established Alpe Adria Condensed Matter seminar series. On February 25th, about 30 collegues from Graz, Trieste, and Ljubljana will meet at TU Graz to discuss recent advances in condensed matter theory. Have a look at the program, and join us on February 25 at 10am in lecture hall P2.
Congrats to Mr. Franz Rohrhofer for bagging the best poster award in Atomistic Simulation of Carbon-based Materials (ASCM) 2019 conference, which took place in Helsinki. Franz is currently working on his master thesis in the group of Prof. Wolfgang von der Linden, in collaboration with the Know-how Center in Graz (Bernhard Geiger) and the Department of Physics of Sapienzia University in Rome (Prof. Lilia Boeri). His main objective is to construct machine learning models to learn the internal energies of carbon and boron crystal structures.