Banglei Guan

Guan Banglei received his B.S. degree in Geomatics Engineering from Wuhan University in 2012. His studies were focused on photogrammetry, multi-sensor calibration, structure-from-motion, and 3D reconstruction. Currently he is a visiting PhD student at the Institute of Computer Vision and Graphics at Graz University of Technology, Austria.

Selected Publications

  1. Zhaokun Zhu, Banglei Guan, Xiaohu Zhang, et al. (2014). “Automatic Three-Dimensional Measurement of Large-Scale Structure Based on Vision Metrology.” The Scientific World Journal 2014(185269): 1-10.<wbr>viewdoc/download?doi=10.1.1.<wbr>653.9997&rep=rep1&type=pdf
  2. Langming Zhou, Xiaohu Zhang, Banglei Guan. (2014). “A Flexible Method for Multi-view Point Clouds Alignment of Small-size Object. ” Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 58: 115-129.<wbr>S026322411400342X/1-s2.0-<wbr>S026322411400342X-main.pdf?_<wbr>tid=ba6e466a-b560-11e6-8972-<wbr>00000aab0f01&acdnat=<wbr>1480333953_<wbr>22a79aa53e498af2575a3f7f6d1643<wbr>94
  3. Langming Zhou, Xiaohu Zhang, Banglei Guan. (2014). “Dual Force Hybrid Detector for Hyperspectral Images.” Remote Sensing Letters 5(4):377-385.<wbr>doi/abs/10.1080/2150704X.2014.<wbr>907969