Keypoint Transformer: Solving Joint Identification in Challenging Hands and Object Interactions for Accurate 3D Pose Estimation


We propose a robust and accurate method for estimating the 3D poses of two hands in close interaction from a single color image. This is a very challenging problem, as large occlusions and many confusions between the joints may happen. State-of-the-art methods solve this problem by regressing a heatmap for each joint, which requires solving two problems simultaneously: localizing the joints and recognizing them. In this work, we propose to separate these tasks by relying on a CNN to first localize joints as 2D keypoints, and on self-attention between the CNN features at these keypoints to associate them with the corresponding hand joint. The resulting architecture, which we call “Keypoint Transformer”, is highly efficient as it achieves state-of-the-art performance with roughly half the number of model parameters on the InterHand2.6M dataset. We also show it can be easily extended to estimate the 3D pose of an object manipulated by one or two hands with high performance. Moreover, we created a new dataset of more than 75,000 images of two hands manipulating an object fully annotated in 3D and will make it publicly available.


H2O-3D is a dataset with 3D pose annotations for two-hands and object during interaction. The annotatations are automatically objtained using the optimization method proposed in HOnnotate. The 17 multi-view (85 single-camera) sequences in the dataset contain 5 different persons manipulating 10 different objects, which are taken from YCB objects dataset. The dataset currently contains annotations for 76,340 images which are split into 60,998 training images (from 69 single-camera sequences) and 15,342 evaluation images (from 16 single-camera sequences). The evaluation sequences are carefully selected to address the following scenarios:
  • Seen object and seen hand: Sequences MBC0, SB4, SHP32, SSB1, SSC4 and SSPD3 contain hands and objects which are also used in the training set.
  • Unseen object and seen hand: Sequences SHSB0, SHSB1, SHSB2, SHSB3 and SHSB4 contain 004_sugar_box object which is not used in the training set.
  • Seen object and unseen hand: Sequences MEM0, MEM1, MEM2, MEM3 and MEM4
  • contain a subject with different hand shape and color and is not part of the training set.
In order to evaluate different methods for hand pose estimation from RGB/depth images on our dataset using a common protocol, we have launched a codalab competition. The online competition server evaluates hand pose estimation results from different methods using three different standard metrics (see our paper) and can be used to compare with other submissions. The hand pose annotations for the evaluation split are withheld, while the object pose annotations are made public. A set of additional information is provided for the evaluation split to aid the pose estimation task (see evaluation page in competition). Evaluation scripts used in the challenge are available in the github repo provided below.


This work was supported by the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Semantic 3D Computer Vision, funded in part by Qualcomm Inc, and ChisteraIPalm


Keypoint Transformer: Solving Joint Identification in Challenging Hands and Object Interactions for Accurate 3D Pose Estimation
Shreyas Hampali, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Mahdi Rad, and Vincent Lepetit
in Proc. CVPR'22, New Orleans, USA. 
