Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

ABGESAGT: Ringvorlesung/Doctoral School "Architectural Research" 2015/16


#6: Carlotta Darò (Ecole nationale supérieure d´architecture Paris Malaquais - ENSAPM)

ABGESAGT! Vortrag am  14. Jänner 2016 um 19.00 Uhr im HS V, Rechbauerstraße 12/1.OG, 8010 Graz
Carlotta Darò (Ecole nationale supérieure d´architecture Paris Malaquais - ENSAPM): "The Geometry of Sound: On Gustave Lyon Acoustician"

This presentation traces the consultation work of Gustave Lyon, who served as director of the famous Parisian piano manufactory Maison Pleyel. During 1900 and 1935, Lyon devised a graphic method for determining room acoustics. His plans and sections, which are highly compatible with the language of architectural drawings, propelled Lyon to become the most sought for acoustic consultant in the 1920s. How does Lyon‘s geometric approach to acoustics, as opposed to the empiric and statistic ones, contribute to a larger artistic debate on the value of applied techniques in modern architectural discourse?

Free admission – the lecture will be introduced by Daniel Gethmann of the Institute of Architectural Theory, Art History and Cultural Studies.