Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

© IAM, TU Graz

Open Lecture #11. Nicole Stöcklmayr: "Projection & Production: Scenes of Architecture in Movies and Games"


Dienstag, 06. Juni 2017 | 18:00 Uhr IAM Media Lab | Kronesgasse 5/III | 8010 Graz This talk will examine scenes of architecture by discussing the two movies „Inception“ (Christopher Nolan 2010) and „Wreck-It Ralph“ (Rich Moore 2012) and the digital game „Monument Valley“ (Ustwo Games 2014). Here,…

© IAM, TU Graz

Open Lecture #10. Johannes Mücke: "Independence Day: Resurgence. Designing the Alien Invasion"


Freitag, 02. Juni 2017 | 18:30 Uhr IAM Media Lab | Kronesgasse 5/III | 8010 Graz The architect and entertainment designer Johannes Mücke is one of the two founding partners of the Viennese design studio WIDESHOT established in 2010. Together with his partner Oliver Bertram and his team, Johannes…

© IAM, TU Graz

Open Lecture #9. Marko Ciciliani: "CPPG Composition, Performance and Perception of Gamified Audiovisual Works"


Dienstag, 01. Juni 2017 | 18:00 Uhr IAM Media Lab | Kronesgasse 5/III | 8010 Graz This talk will present questions, methodologies and results from the artistic research project GAPPP – Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice. GAPPP is a 3 year research project that started in…

© urba, TU Graz

Green Sofa Lecture #2


Gastvortrag & Abendveranstaltung

© IAM, TU Graz

Open Lecture #8. Emma Fraser: "Ruined Cities, Video Games, And Digital Space: Virtual-mMaterial Feedback"


Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017 | 18:00 Uhr IAM Media Lab | Kronesgasse 5/III | 8010 Graz This talk presents current research on the relation between digital environments in games, and embodied experience out in the world, through the figure of the modern architectural ruin – or, the ruins of the recent…