The 17th Bageco Symposium will take place this year in Graz

The main topics are

  • Defining pathogens from an ecological perspective
  • Anthropocene and biogeochemical cycles
  • Soil microbiome and One Health
  • The human microbiome in health and disease
  • Food-gut microbiome axis
  • Microbiome engineering for sustainable agriculture
  • Microbial production systems and artificial intelligence

Detailed Information you can find at https://bageco.org/


Lectures on the Microbiome, Biodiversity and Health at the Organic Farm

© Barbara Mang
© Barbara Mang

The organic farm Birnstingl-Gottinger organized a summer evening with scientific lectures and a get-together afterwards and many members of the instiute enjoyed the evening at the organic farm in Seiersberg

© Barbara Mang
© Barbara Mang
© Barbara Mang
© Barbara Mang
© Barbara Mang
© Barbara Mang

Open Positon for Bachelor resp. Master

please go to Institute / Open Positions



Publication about Microbiome Management for a Sustainable Agriculture

Title: Missing symbionts-emerging pathogens? Microbiome management for sustainable agriculture.
Berg, Schweitzer, Abdelfattah, Cernava, Wassermann; Symbiosis; 20.01.2023;
Link to Publication


Knowledge Exchange in Pretoria

In cooparation with the University of Pretoria (Department of Plant Pathology) we explore the microbiomes of indigenous fruits and vegetables and their impact on our health. Colloquia for the purpose of exchange of knowledge and ideas took place during the visit of Gabriele Berg and Birgit Wassermann in South Africa.

Publication about Microbiome in Tomato Roots in Journal "Phytobiomes"

Title: Biotic and Abiotic Stress Factors Induce Microbioms Shifts and Enrichment of Distinct Beneficial Bacteria in Tomato Roots.
Flemer, Gulati, Bergna, Rändler, Cernava, Witzel, Berg and Gosch. Phytobiomes Journal, Vol.6 Nr.4, 2022
Link to Publication

Plant Growth Promotion and Biocontrol on Passion Fruit by Bacillus subtilis-Publication

Title of the Publication: Plant Growth Promotion and Biocontrol of Leaf Blight Caused by Nogrospora sphaerica on Passion Fruit by Endophytic Bacillus subtilis Strain GUCC4.
Wang et. al., Journal of Fungi, Vol 9, Issue 2
doi: 10.3390/jof9020132  

Publication about Viral Ecology in an Extreme Environment

Title: Viral Community Structure and Potential Functions in the Dried-Out Aral Sea Basin Change along a Desiccation Gradient.
Wicaksono et al, American Society for Microbiology, Jan.10, 2023


New Publication in "Trends in Microbiology"

From seed to seed: the role of microbial inheritance in the assembly of the plant microbiome.
Ahmed Abdelfattah, Ayco J.M. Tack, Carolina Lobato, Birgit Wassermann, Gabriele Berg, TIM 2022, 2164, 05.12.2022

Impressions from the 9th Theodor Escherich Symposium 2022 in Graz

The 9th Theodor Escherich Symposium, organized by the Med Uni Graz, has been held this year as a hybrid meeting (online or in person) this year and took place from the 17th to 18th November 2022. 

Publication in American Society for Microbiology about Rhizosphere Assembly in the Dried Up Aral Seaetrockneten Aralsee

Function-Based Rhizosphere Assembly along a Gradient of Desiccation in the Former Aral Sea
Wicaksono et. al, American Society for Microbiology, 30 Nov. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1128/msystems.00739-22…

At the Phytobiome Symposium at the University of Helsinki

Publication in Frontiers: Suppression of Plant Pathogens with Volatiles

To defend or to attack? Antagonistic interactions between Serratia plymuthica and fungal plant pathogens, a species-specific volatile dialogue.
Rybakova et al; Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 28.10.2022; https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2022.1020634.

Kick-off of the Seed Microbiome Working Group

A space for interaction between early career scientists of the field of Seed Microbiome is created.
The first meeting will take place on Thursday, 13th of October.
Details can be found here.



Publication in "Current Opinion in Biotechnology"

Microbiome-based biotechnology for reducing food loss post harvest.
Birgit Wassermann et al; Current Opinion in Biotechnology, Vol 78, Dec 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copbio.2022.102808

New Book with Chapter about Beneficial Microbes in Agriculture is published

The chapter "Beneficial Microbes for Agriculture" in the book "Good Microbes in Medicine, Food Production, Biotechnology, Bioremediation, and Agriculture" was contributed by Gabriele Berg, Peter Kusstatscher, Birgit Wassermann, Tomislav Cernava and Ahmed Abdelfattah.

TU Graz-Science for Future 2022

Digital Visions at Science: Talks from Tomislav Cernava (picture) and Matthias Schweitzer for the Field of Expertise "Answering new research questions with (decade-) old data"

ÖGMBT Meeting 2022

Talk from master student Isabella Kögl at the ÖGMBT Meeting held from the 20th to the 22nd of September 2022 in Vienna.

New Position as University Assistant with Doctorate available on the Institute

Details can be found at Institute/Open Positions

New Publication in the frame of Hedimed2020

Modulation of the food microbiome by apple fruit processing.
Wicaksono et al., Food Microbiol.2022 Dec.
PMID: 36088117
DOI: 10.1016/j.fm.2022.10410

At the Excalibur h2020 Meeting in London

Contribution of Samual at this year's Excalibur Meeting in London.

New Publication in Elsevier about Microbiome Resilience

Trade-off for survival: Microbiome response to chemical exposure combines activation of intrinsic resistanes and adapted metabolic activity
Wicaksono et. al, Environmental International, Volume 168, October 2022, 107474 

[Translate to Englisch:] Voronoi treemap visualization highlighting changes in bacterial metaproteome composition on the bacterial order level

Online Meeting about Microbiom Science for the Agriculture on 22.09.2022 (in German)

Online Meeting (in German) about the soil microbiome and the connection to the human microbiome and the effect on the agricultural practice and the nutrition.

Speakers are Michael Schloter, Gabriele Berg, Martin Grassberger, Michael Weiß and Christoph Felgentreu

Article in TU Graz News+Stories about a Microbiome Management Guideline

©artjazz - Adobe Stock

Under a TU Graz initiative, a group of leading international specialists have demonstrated how microbes can be harnessed to reverse biodiversity deterioration. Their findings have been presented in a critical guide published in Nature Microbiology.

Here the link to the article

At the IHC 2022 (31th International Horticultural Congress) in Angers in France

THe 31th International Horticultural Congress takes part from 14th to 20th of August in Angern in France. Prof. Bergs contribution about the impact of  the science of microbiome  to the horticulture.

Publication in the Journal "Food Microbiology"

Modulation of the food microbiome by apple fruit processing
Wisnu Adi Wicaksono et al, Food Microbiology, Volume 108, Dec 2022, 104103
Here the link to the publication

At the 10th International Symbiosis Society Congress in Lyon

The ISS Congress is the sanctioned meeting of the International Symbosis Society and is held every three years. This time it took place on 25th of July to 29th of July in Lyon.

Children's Book "Der Besuch im Labor (Was ist ein Mikrobiom?)" published

The book written by Dr. Daria Rybakova "Was ist ein Mikrobiom? Der Besuch im Labor" can be purchased from now on at Amazon.

Article "Harnessing the microbiome to prevent global biodiversity loss" published in Nature

Raquel S.Peixoto et al, Nature Microbiology (2022), 21 July 2022

here the link to the article

MiCROPe 2022 in Vienna - some impressions

Summer Internships

Also in this year school pupils can try out lab work on our institute

Publication about Standards in Omics Data published

Metadata harmonization-Standards are the key for a better usage of omics data for integrative microbiome analysis.
Cernava et al., Environmental Microbiome (2022) 17, Article Nr. 33
Link: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40793-22-425-1

Microbiome for Future in the Botanical Garden

Just good impressions from our M4F! celebration: a lot of guests, much sun, many positiv feedbacks and above all fun & happiness in the Botanical Garden.
The "Game of µCoins" was played for the first time in a large group. The audience decided whose idea investment was the best.
The three best groups (see below) have the opportunity for the final round at Arc Elctronica in Linz, which will take place on 31th of May.

1rst Place: Sauerkraut - the New Destresser Food? (Sauerkraut – der neue Stresskiller?)
2nd Place:  Magic Bubbles (S(Z)auber-Bubbles)
3rd Place: Harrys Fertiliser and the Chamber of Growing (Harrys Dünger und die Kammer des Wachsens).

Very engaged participants were the pupils of the school BG/BRG Carneri-find here a video from the recent workshop, produced on there own: https://youtu.be/UZhfU7K3xc0

Hedimed Meeting in Prague

A group of people walking on a path with trees and a building in the background

New Publication in Environmental Microbiome

Insights into the microbiome assembly during different growth stages and  storage of strawberry plants
Expedito Olimi, Peter Kusstatscher, Wisnu Adi Wicaksono, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Tomislav Cernava, Gabriele Berg; Environmental Microbiome (2022) 17:21

"Save our soils" Workshop

"Save our soils" workshop organized from the project LANDSUPPORT. The workshop took place on 27th and 28th of April at the University of Naples Federico II in Portici, near Naples in Italy.
Link for further information
Link to YouTube Contribution: Save Soil Microbial Diversity for Sustainable Agriculture-Talk of  Prof. Gabriele Berg can be seen from 1'16" on'

Article in Futurezone

Gamification in Medicine: Playing for Health.
A game was designed to enhance the knowledge in the field of awareness for the diversity and functionality of the microbiome.
Link to Article

Conference of the Microbiology Society in Belfast

First time at the annual conference of the Microbiology Society in Belfast in Northern Ireland.
Talk of Prof. Gabriele Berg on 05th of April 2022: Microbiome management for plant and planetary health

Styrian Badge of Honor for Science, Research and Art awarded to Gabriele Berg

On the 31st of March in the assembly hall of the Old University of Graz,the Styrian Badge of Honor was awarded to Prof. Gabriele Berg from the Styrian State Governor Hermann Schützenhofer for the work of Berg in the field of microbiom research.

Link to  press release (in German)

Publication in the Journal "Microbiome": The plant microbiota signature of the Anthropocene as a challenge for microbiome research.

Gabriele Berg and Tomislav Cernava. Microbiome 10, Article number: 54 (2022)

Link to Publication

M4F!& Secondary School Graz-St. Leohnard

On 23.03.2033 the 2nd part of the M4F workshop took place at the Secondary School Graz St. Leonhard.

Link to the Blog Microbiome 4 Future

Position of a Senior Scientist will be filled starting with June 2022!!!

Details you can find at "Open Positions"

Tenure Track Professorship for Women will be filled starting with June 2022!!!

Details you can find at "Open Positions"

Styria's Prize for Research goes to Prof. Gabriele Berg

©Fischer; Gabriele Berg; ©Fischer; Landesrätin Eibinger-Miedl with Award Winner Julia Danzer,Gabriele Berg, Michael Steiner

On the 11th of March 2022, the State Official for Science MMag.a Barbara Eibinger-Miedl has awarded the Styrian Prize for Research and Sponsorhip to four prominent figures with a cash prize of 36.000,00 Euro in all.

The Prize for Research with a cash prize of 12.000,00 Euro goes to Univ.-Prof.in Dipl.-Biol.in Dr.in Gabriele BERG from the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology of the Technical University of Graz for her work: „Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges"

The other prizes were awarded to Juli Danzer, Norbert Paulo und Michael Steiner. For further information (content in German) go to: https://www.wissenschaft.steiermark.at/cms/beitrag/12710086/133043219/#tb10

Winner of the FFG Internship Competition among pupils

Hooray! We are proud to post the video about internship this summer of the pupil  Vincent Mastela. This video has won the FFG Internship Competition among pupils. The award will be hand over this spring in Vienna.

Hier der Link zum Video 


MOOC Course Microbiome & Health is Online

The course Microbiome & Health MOOC Basics treats basics, current topics from the scientific literature and latest scientific results in the field of microbiome. The impact to the health of plants, humans and the planet is discussed, current techniques and methods are presented.

Follow this link to the course: Microbiome & Health

#M4F! Summer Internship

©UBT/ TU Graz

The #M4F! summer internship has come to an end. The three pupils, which have never seen a scientific lab before, had the opportunity to assist real scientific work, help in the lab and realize also own ideas! A lot has been learned, research was done and even more discussion about the future of the microbiome research took place.

Congratulation to Chiara Versic from the  Highschool "Akademisches Gymnasium" and to Vincent Mastela und Valentin Fina from the Highschool "BRG Keplerstraße 1", both located in Graz, to the passed internship!

Many thanks to Katherine Cuadros Patino, Adrian Wolfgang and Franz Stocker for their great personal assistance and to Professor Gabriele Berg for the supporting this project!

Further information and impressions can be found on the site https://microbiome4future.tugraz.at/das-sommerpraktikum-ist-abgeschlossen/ (only German)

Sponsorship Award from Styria's Prize for Research

In the ceremonial hall the 4 laureates are placed at the forefront with the the certificate (green with the styrian panther) in their hands

The Sponsorship Prize from Styria's Prize for Research of this year is awarded to Birgit Wassermann! 

Article in "ORF Wissenswert": Microbiome Science at the TU Graz (in German)

This video is hosted by Youtube, clicking on it will send data to Youtube. The privacy policy of Youtube applies.
Play video

We carry around two kilograms of microorganisms on and with us through life. Researchers at the Institute for Environmental Biotechnology at TU Graz explain why this is less frightening and much more vital and, with apples and rice grains, they provide two examples of how microbiome research can improve our lives.

Microbiome 4 Future Post in fti-remixed

Our Project "Microbiome 4 Future" is released on the site fti-remixed, a science platform for young people.

Publication in Nature Plants

Figure 3 from the puplication (Agar plates, phylogenetic tree, 3 potts with rice plants, chart bars)

Bacterial seed endophyte shapes disease resistance in rice
Haruna Matsumoto, Xiaoyan Fan, Yue Wang, Peter Kusstatscher, Jie Duan, Sanling Wu, Sunlu Chen, Kun Qiao1, Yiling Wang, Bin Ma, Guonian Zhu, Yasuyuki Hashidoko, Gabriele Berg, Tomislav Cernava and Mengcen Wang

Link: Article in Nature Plants

Does the Plant Microbiome respond to Sound Vibration?

Vineyard in fine weather

Perhaps it does!

This is first analysis on the impact of sound on any microbiome, published as Short Commentary in the Journal Pathogens. Yet, further research is required to prove the results – but when, if not in 2020-2021, the International Year of Sound.

Plant Health and Sound Vibration: Analyzing Implications of the Microbiome in Grape Wine Leaves

Birgit Wassermann, Lise Korsten and Gabriele Berg

Link: Article in MDPI


New Publication in Frontiers

Exploring the Microbiota of East African Indigenous Leafy Greens for Plant Growth, Health, and Resilience
Julian Taffner, Olivia Laggner, Adrian Wolfgang, Danny Coyne and Gabriele Berg

Link to Original Research Article:
Front.Microbiol.,19. November 2020

7th Theodor Escherich Symposium 2020-Impressions

The 7th Theodor Escherich Symposium 2020 organized by our institute was a great pleasure and a complete success! Around 100 participants attended the Webinar each day!

International experts in microbiome research shed light on the microbiome from different perspectives, discussing functions and potential of the microbiome for human, plant and ecosystem health. We gratefully acknowledge the impressive contributions of our invited speakers Lise Korsten (University of Pretoria, South Africa), Joanna Salles (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Michael Schloter (Helmhotz Center Munich, Germany), Christine Moissl-Eichinger (Medical Univeristy of Graz, Austria) und Wisnu Wicaksono (Graz University of Technology, Austria).

Selected short talks covered a broad range of microbiome related topics, ranging from global warming and antibiotic resistance issues, up to bacteria and archeaea associated with human gut and skin and their contribution to health and disease.
Although the choice was hard, we are happy to announce the winners of this year's Best Talk Awards:

Maria Faticov (Stockholm University, Sweden): "Global warming plays a bigger role than the plant genotype in shaping the seasonal dynamics of fungal leaf communities on oaks."

Jesus Miguens Blanco (Imperial College London, United Kingdom): "Identification of New Associations Between Psoriatic Arthritis and Gut Microbiota, A Phenomenal Study."

Franziska Bauchinger (University of Vienna, Austria): "Shed ligtht on the mucus breaking community in the human intestine: is it Tetris or a puzzle?"

Stefanie Duller (Medical University of Vienna, Austria): " Interaction between hospital microbiome and resistome"

We greatly thank all speakers and participants for making this year's Theodor Escherich Symposium such an exciting event and we already joyfully anticipate next year's 8th TES! 

Gabriele Berg, Ahmed Abdelfattah, Tomislav Cernava, Matthias Schweitzer and Birgit Wassermann

Winner of Mind the Gap Award for Gender and Diversity is the Sparkling Science Project from the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology

Picture of Daria Rybakova in the auditorium
All Winner in front of the main building of the TU Graz

In the Sparkling-Science Project “Apple Microbiome: Research and complex analysis for our health“ pupils with diverse educational levels examined together with scientists and artists the microbiological diversity of apples. The results were published, transferred into art projects and exhibited in the "Haus der Wissenschaften” and in the Botanical Garten in Graz (Austria) .
Scientific Project: „ Apple Microbiome: Research and complex analysis for our health”  https://apfelmikrobiom.tugraz.at/
Project Team: Daria Rybakova, Gabriele Berg, Birgit Wassermann und Timothy Mark from the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology

Start of "Talente Regional" Project "Microbiome 4 Future"

Auditorium in which the project "Microbiome 4 Future" is presented by Prof. Berg

The FFG "Talente Regional" project "Microbiome 4 Future!" has officially started yesterday (29th of September 2020) with a Kick-Off meeting at the campus of the TU Graz. Over 50 high school students from the schools in Graz participated and listened to the lectures of our projects partners, did some experiments and even performed with the musical accompaniment of Beatrice Audetat and Timothy Mark while testing their protecting masks for their ability to hold away bacterial strains. Keep informed by liking our site https://www.facebook.com/microbiome4future (only German for now)

New Publication in Frontiers

Understanding the Impact of Cultivar, Seed Origin, and Substrate on Bacterial Diversity of the Sugar Beet Rhizosphere and Suppression of Soil-Borne Pathogens
Adrian Wolfgang, Christin Zachow, Henry Müller, Alfred Grand, Nora Temme, Ralf Tilcher, Gabriele Berg

Original Research Article: Front. Plant Sci., 30.September 2020

APA Science in Talk with Christine Moissl-Eichinger and Gabriele Berg

Output during Social Distancing

New Publication

Dissertation and Master Prizewinner of "Forum für Technik und Gesellschaft"

Two scientific works produced on our institute have been awarded.
Congratulation to Melanie Obermeier and Laggner Olivia

Open position in our office

Press Release-German Article: Der Standard: Forscheralltag in Zeiten von Corona


New Publication: Microbiome response to hot water treatment and potential synergy with biological control on stored apples

Gabriele Berg, Birgit Wassermann and Peter Kusstatscher
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019

For the first time the impact of hot water treatment (HWT), a widely used technique to increase storability in fruits, on the apple microbiome was investigated. Even though highly reducing the disease frequency, HWT only slightly changed the postharvest apple microbiome. Additionally, lab experiments showed the high potential of a combined approach of biocontrol agents with HWT, due to occurring heat induced fruit damage.

Link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2019.02502/abstract

Minimizing post-harvest food losses

The three scientists show in the lab an apple, a cutted apple and an agar plate with grown fungus
©Lunghammer-TU Graz

Gabriele Berg (right), Birgit Wassermann (centre) and Peter Kusstatscher (left) from the Institute for Environmental Biotechnology at TU Graz and the Austrian Center of Industrial Biotechnology (acib) developed methods to significantly improve the shelf life of fruit and vegetables and minimize post-harvest food losses 
Link to Articel

Daria Rybakova and Christina Müller are handling with liquid nitrogen
©TU Graz/ UBT

Nanoversity 2019

Last Thursday, 8th of August, a group of children from the TUG daycare (“Nanoversity”) aged from 2 to 10, visited our lab and enjoyed exciting hands-on experiments: At the end they enjoyed self-made ice-cream that was made using liquid nitrogen

For more impressions of the event click on this link!

New publication on the microbiome of the apples we eat! (25.07.19)

© TU Graz/ UBT

We just published our paper on the microbiome of apples. The paper draw massive public attention, so here is your chance to read it and some press articles writing about it:
Publication: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2019.01629/full
Press articles:

Invitation for EcoArt Day 2019, Sparkling Science

We would like to invite you to the 2nd EcoArt Day at the Botanical Garden!

When: 25.06.2018, 18:00
Where: Botanical Garden
Who: Everyone of all age is welcome!

For more information, please read the official invitation!

Master Thesis Prizewinner of "Forum für Technik und Gesellschaft"

Miriam Bayer is surrounded from TU Representatives and is holding the printed award in her hand
© TU Graz


5th Theodor Escherich Symposium (08.-09.11.2018)

We are proud to announce the 5th Theodor Escherich & 2nd AMICI Joint Symposium on medical microbiome research.
The symposium will host international experts in the field and should foster the medical perspective of microbiome research.

 Confirmed speakers:

  • Paul O'Toole (University College Cork Cork, Ireland)
  • Ruth Schmitz-Streit (University of Kiel, Germany)
  • Alexander Loy (University of Vienna, Austria)
  • Julia Drewes (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, USA)
  • Josberg Keller (NDFB, The Netherlands)
  • Mahmoud Ghannoum (Case Western Reserve University, USA)
  • Eva Pferschy-Wenzig (University of Graz, Austria)
  • Leo van Overbeek (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
  • Dror Minz (Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Israel) 
  • Lise Korsten (University of Pretoria, South Africa) 
  • Ina Bergheim (University of Vienna, Austria) 
  • Doris Marko (University of Vienna, Austria) 
  • Michael Schloter (Technical University of Munich, Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany)
  • Gabriele Berg (Technical University of Graz, Austria)

Date: 8th (full day)- 9th (half day) November 2018


 Deadline for abstract submission (oral and poster abstracts): September 30th 2018

 We are looking forward to welcoming you in Graz!

Invitation for EcoArt Day 2018, Sparkling Science

We would like to invite you to the EcoArt Day and
the “Science meets Art” exhibition in the Haus der Wissenschaft 2018!

When: 14.06.2018, 18:00-21:00
Where: Haus der Wissenschaft, Elisabethstraße 27, 8010 Graz
Who: Everyone of all age is welcome!

For more information, please read the official invitation!

External Talk From Prof. Kurisu (University of Tokyo)

Dear colleagues,

it is a great pleasure to announce the presentation of our guestspeaker Prof. Kurisu from the "Research Center for Water Environment Technology (RECWET)" of the University of Tokyo.


The presentation will be held on Friday, the 16th of February 2018 at 11am, in our seminar room (BC01190) at Petersgasse 12 1.OG. Prof. Kurisu will give us an overview about his research and will be available in the afternoon for further questions and research interchange.

You are welcome to spread the information and invite interested collegues from other institutes.
We are looking forward to your numerous attendance.

19th DocDay (09.02.2018)

The Doctoral School of Molecular Biosciences and Biotechnology invites you to the 19th DocDay.

It will be held this Friday (09.02.2018), starting at 08:45 am at TU Graz (Hörsaal H, Kopernikusgasse 24). Please find attached the program for the upcomping DocDay.

We are looking forward to welcome you at the DocDay!

The organising committee

Jelena, Julian, Katharina, Melanie, and Sami​

Open PostDoc position on "The indoor & plant microbiome"

We are offering a PostDoc position in Environmental Biotechnology at TU Graz (Austria) for two years starting March 1st 2018. The key tasks will be to manage and to carry through the research project "The indoor & plant microbiome: understanding its diversity for human health" (Follow the link for more detailed information).


New press release: "Germfree hatching-eggs: a natural alternative to formaldehyde" (16.10.17)

Tomislav Cernava and Gabriele Berg work on the laminar flow, Cernava inoculates on an agar plate, Berg presents an egg
©TU Graz/ Lunghammer

We made it into the news again! Check out the article about the project "germfree hatching-eggs". You can find the article following this link.

4th Theodor Escherich Symposium (12.-13.10.2017)

It is our pleasure to announce the 4th Theodor Escherich Symposium on Medical Microbiome Research.

 Confirmed speakers:

Angela Sessitsch (Boku Wien, Austria)

Kornelia Smalla (Julius Kühn-Institut Braunschweig, Germany)

Leo van Overbeek (University Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Adam Schikora (Julius Kühn-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany)

Jose Luiz Martinez (CNB Madrid, Spain)

Itzhak Mizrahi (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)

And Fredrik Bäckhed (University of Göteborg, Sweden)

Date: October 12th and 13th 2017 (1.5 days)


 Deadline for abstract submission (oral and poster abstracts): September 6th 2017

 We are looking forward to welcoming you in Graz!

Open topic for master thesis! (NEW, Feb. 2017)

We are looking for a motivated student for our master thesis topic

"Bioprospecting metagenomes for bioactive volatiles".

For more information please read the info letter.

Please contact: Melanie-Maria Obermeier; melanie.obermeiernoSpam@acib.at

Phone: +43 316 873 4317


Master thesis in Environmental Biotechnology

We are looking for a master student interested in Biotechnology, Microbiology and Plant Sciences for our project funded by the Austrian Development Agency:  

Healthy seedling systems for safer, more productive vegetables in East Africa

For more information please read the information letter.

Our research on the spotlight! (30.05.16)

Check out our new article released at "die Presse". Find the article at DiePresse.com.

(Text in German only)

Workshop-"Innovations in plant-microbe interaction and plant protection" (31.05.16)

There will be a fascinating workshop on the topic "Innovations in plant-microbe interaction and plant protection". It will take place at June 6th Open TU Graz, Petersgasse 12, 8010 Graz.

For more information, please follow this link.

From the TU lab to the Austrian state awards! (06.04.16)

The company Ortner Reinraumtechnik GmbH won the Austrian state award for innovation "ECONOVIUS 2016" for small and medium sized companies during this year's Innovation Awards in Vienna (29th March 2016). The price was awarded for their innovative development of a new process that avoids the spreading or carry over of germs (pathogens), the so called PDc Technology (Photodynamic Disinfection Certified Technology).

The starting idea for the development of this technology was launched within an interdisciplinary project of the RCPE, where 3 institutes of the TU Graz worked together under coordination of Prof. Gabriele Berg (Institute of Process and Particle Engineering, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Institute of Environmental Biotechnology).

For more information contact:

Gabriele Berg; gabriele.bergnoSpam@tugraz.at

The technology:  http://www.ortner-group.com

Welcome to our new laboratory technicians: Tanja and Tobi! (11.03.16)

Tanja und Tobi showing their presents
©TUGraz/ UBT

After 3,5 years of hard work, Tanja Nottendorfer and Tobija Glawogger successfully accomplished their apprenticeship as laboratory technicians and today (March 11, 2016) we celebrated on their behalf!

We wish them all the best on their future work! 

New school-project proposal! (06.02.16)

In this link you will find more information on the project.



New publications on the highly restricted indoor environments of spacecraft assembly cleanrooms! (07.10.15)

In our new publications we could determine the source of microbial dispersal inside a cleanroom facility of the Airbus Defence and Space Division (the former European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) and revealed the viable microbiome of the rare cleanroom biosphere at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Moissl-Eichinger C, Auerbach AK, Probst AJ, Mahnert A, Tom L, Piceno Y, et al. (2015). Quo vadis? Microbial profiling revealed strong effects of cleanroom maintenance and routes of contamination in indoor environments. Sci Rep 5:9156.


Mahnert A, Vaishampayan P, Probst AJ, Auerbach A, Moissl-Eichinger C, Venkateswaran K, et al. (2015). Cleanroom Maintenance Significantly Reduces Abundance but Not Diversity of Indoor Microbiomes. PLoS One 10:e0134848.


Your houseplants will alter your microbiome at home… (07.10.15)

Check out our recent publications about the interaction of the phyllosphere associated microbiome of plants and the microbiome of the built environment (including links which summarize our study and give an outlook of upcoming research in this topic).

Berg G, Mahnert A, Moissl-Eichinger C. (2014). Beneficial effects of plant-associated microbes on indoor microbiomes and human health? Front Microbiol 5:1–5.


Mahnert A, Moissl-Eichinger C, Berg G. (2015). Microbiome interplay: plants alter microbial abundance and diversity within the built environment. Front Microbiol 6:1–11.


For more information see the links below:



   click on “Gesundheit” on the right side of the page.

New publication! (06.10.15)

Bauermeister A, Mahnert A, Auerbach A, Böker A, Flier N, Weber C, et al. (2014). Quantification of encapsulated bioburden in spacecraft polymer materials by cultivation-dependent and molecular methods. PLoS One 9:e94265. You can get the publication here.

Press release in "Die Presse" (02.10.15)

The austrian newspaper "Die Presse" published on the 02.10.2015 an article about our instituts spin-off Roombiotic. Check it out: article of "Die Presse"

Winner of the „Fast Forward Award 2015“ (16.09.15)

 Zachow Christin and Müller Christina
© TU Graz/ UBT

We are very proud to announce that our acib team (Austrian center of Industrial Biotechnology) with Key Researcher Prof. Gabriele Berg won the prestigious „Fast Forward Award 2015“ in the category „Institutions of applied R&D“!

The winning project led by Dr. Christin Zachow entitled „Leibwächter für Bio-Pflanzen” (eng.: bio-plant bodyguards) has a focus on bioprospecting microorganisms for advanced biocontrol strategies. Within the frame of the nomination the ORF team (Austrian broadcasting) recorded a 1-min introduction into the project (link to FFA ceremony).