Journal Article
Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Gabriele Berg, Kristina Lindström and Leena A. Räsänen Alleviation of salt stress of symbiotic Galega officinalis L. (goat's rue) by co-inoculation of Rhizobium with root-colonising Pseudomonas Plant and Soil 369, 453-465, 2013 Show publication in PURE
K. Maurer, Christin Zachow, S. Seefelder and Gabriele Berg Initial steps towards biocontrol in hops: Successful colonization and plant growth promotion by four bacterial biocontrol agents Agronomy 3, 583-594, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Katja A. Maurer, Sebastjan Radisek, Gabriele Berg and Stefan Seefelder Real-time PCR assay to detect Verticillium albo-atrum and V. dahliae in hops: development and comparison with a standard PCR method. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 120, 105-114, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Mohammadali Alavi, Henry Müller, Massimiliano Cardinale, Christin Zachow, M.B. Sánchez, J.L. Martínez and Gabriele Berg The DSF quorum sensing system controls the positive influence of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia on plants PLoS ONE , 0-0, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Gabriele Berg, Christin Zachow, Henry Müller, Jörg Phillips and Ralf Tilcher Next-generation bio-products sowing the seeds of success for sustainable agriculture Agronomy 3, 648-656, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Gabriele Berg, Kristina Lindström and Leena A. Räsänen Alleviation of salt stress of symbiotic Galega officinalis L.(goat's rue) by co-inoculation of Rhizobium with root-colonizing Pseudomonas Plant and soil 369, 453-465, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Lucia Muggia, Barbara Klug, Gabriele Berg and Martin Grube Localization of bacteria in lichens from Alpine soil crusts by fluorescence in situ hybridization Applied Soil Ecology 68, 20-25, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Anastasia Bragina, C. Berg, Henry Müller, Daniel Moser and Gabriele Berg Insights into functional bacterial diversity and its effects on Alpine bog ecosystem functioning Scientific Reports 3, 0-0, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Martina Köberl, Ruth Schmidt, Elshahat M. Ramadan, Rudolf Bauer and Gabriele Berg The microbiome of medicinal plants: diversity and importance for plant growth, quality and health Frontiers in Microbiology 4, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Mohammadali Alavi, Margaret Starcher, Christin Zachow, Henry Müller and Gabriele Berg Root-microbe systems: the effect and mode of interaction of Stress Protecting Agent (SPA) Stenotrophomonas rhizophila DSM14405T Frontiers in Functional Plant Ecology 4, 0-0, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Anastasia Bragina, Chistian Berg, Massimiliano Cardinale and Gabriele Berg Vertical transmission explains the specific Burkholderia pattern in Sphagnum mosses at multi-geographic scale Frontiers in Microbiology 4, 394-394, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Martina Köberl, Elshahat M. Ramadan, Mohamed Adam, Massimiliano Cardinale, Johannes Hallmann, Holger Heuer, Kornelia Smalla and Gabriele Berg Bacillus and Streptomyces were selected as broad-spectrum antagonists against soilborne pathogens from arid areas in Egypt FEMS Microbiology Letters 342, 168-178, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Christin Zachow, Henry Müller, Christina Donat, R. Tilcher and Gabriele Berg Catch The Best – Novel screening strategy to select stress protecting agents for crop plants. Agronomy 3, 794-815, 2013 Show publication in PURE
K.A. Maurer, Christin Zachow, S. Seefelder and Gabriele Berg Initial steps towards biocontrol in hops: Successful colonization and plant growth promotion of four antagonistic bacteria Agronomy 3, 583-594, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Henry Müller, Michael Fürnkranz, M. Grube and Gabriele Berg Genome sequence of Serratia plymuthica strain S13, an endophyte with germination-and plant-growth-promoting activity from the flower of Styrian oil pumpkin Genome Announcements 1, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Lisa Oberauner, Christin Zachow, Stefan Lackner, Christoph Högenauer, Karl-Heinz Smolle and Gabriele Berg The ignored diversity: complex bacterial communities in intensive care units revealed by 16S pyrosequencing Scientific Reports 3, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Henry Müller, Christin Zachow, Mohammadali Alavi, Ralf Tilcher, Peter Krempl, Gerhard Thallinger and Gabriele Berg Complete Genome Sequence of the Sugar Beet Endophyte Pseudomonas poae RE*1-1-14: a Disease-Suppressive Bacterium Genome Announcements 1, e00020-13, 2013 Show publication in PURE
A. V. Shcherbakov, Anastasia Bragina, E. Yu. Kuzmina, Christian Berg, A. N. Muntyan, N. V. Makarova, N. V. Malfanova, Massimiliano Cardinale, Gabriele Berg, V. K. Chebotar and I. A. Tikhonovich Endophytic Bacteria of Sphagnum Mosses as Promising Objects of Agricultural Microbiology Microbiology 82, 306-315, 2013 Show publication in PURE
Book Chapter
B. Lugtenberg, [No Value] Malfanova, F. Kamilova and Gabriele Berg Microbial control of plant diseasesMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere575-586 Show publication in PURE
Gabriele Berg, P. Alavi, Christoph Stephan Schmidt, Christin Zachow, D. Egamberdieva, F. Kamilova and BJJ Lugtenberg Biocontrol and osmoprotection for plants under salinated conditionsMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere587-592 Show publication in PURE
N. Malfanova, B. Lugtenberg and Gabriele Berg Bacterial Endophytes: Who and Where, and What are they doing there?Molecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere393-404 Show publication in PURE
N. Malfanova, B. Lugtenberg and Gabriele Berg Bacterial endophytes: who and where, and what are they doing thereMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere393-404 Show publication in PURE
B. Lugtenberg, [No Value] Malfanova, F. Kamilova and Gabriele Berg Plant growth promotion by microbesMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere561-573 Show publication in PURE
Gabriele Berg, Mohammadali Alavi, CS Schmidt, Christin Zachow, E. Egamberdieva, F. Kamilova and BJJ Lugtenberg Biocontrol and osmoprotection for plants in salinated soil. In De Bruijn FJ (ed.) Molecular Microbial Ecology of the RhizosphereMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere587-592 Show publication in PURE
Martina Köberl, Ruth Schmidt, Elshahat M. Ramadan, Anastasia Bragina, Henry Müller and Gabriele Berg Biocontrol strategies and next generation sequencing: organic desert agriculture in EgyptGenomics I – humans, animals and plants317-336 Show publication in PURE
Martin Grube, Gabriele Berg, Olafur S. Andrésson, Oddur Vilhelmsson, Paul S. Dyer, Vivian P. W. Miao and V.W.P. Mia Lichen Genomics: Prospects and ProgressThe ecological genomics of fungi191-212 Show publication in PURE
Gabriele Berg, Mohammadali Alavi, CS Schmidt, Christin Zachow, D. Egamberdieva, F. Kamilova and B. Lugtenberg Biocontrol and osmoprotection for plants in salinated soilMolecular Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere587-597 Show publication in PURE