In the Bachelor's degree program in Architecture, the essential fundamentals of urban design are taught in support of the design competence. The lecture Basics of Urbanism offers a comprehensive introduction to the basics and the practice of the department and the urban design.In a design exercise (either Design 2 or 3), which must be completed at the Institute of Urbanism, the contents of the lecture are applied or implemented in a design project with the appropriate support of the teachers. Focal points are the acquisition of an understanding of functional and form-related relationships, the development of spatial qualities and simple methods of designing and presenting urban planning situations on different scales. The curriculum is supplemented by optional elective courses (Workshops 1-3 and Designing 4) that can be chosen by the Institute of Urbanism, as well as elective electives from the master's program which are recommended as free subjects and can be completed by Bachelor students.
Electives of Urban Design Institute for Bachelor students
At the Institute for Urbanism, workshops 1, 2, 3 deal with urban planning and design-related aspects in relation to Graz and its surroundings in a time-focused process. The tutoring is usually done by international visiting teachers, to show different perspectives and to ensure a view from the outside.
145.513 145.514 145.515
Workshop 1 › Workshop 2 › Workshop 3 ›
The lecture covers the basics of urban design -concepts, processes and methods of urban design and planning in different scales: from the region to the parcel.
The lecture consists of these parts:
LV-Nr. Titel SWS Type Semester
145.553 Urbanism 2 VO SS
The following master courses are available for bachelor students from the electives offered at the Institute of Urbanism and can be completed as free subjects:
145.801 Local Spacial Planning
145.808 Sociology for Architects
145.809 History of the City
145.412 Collaborative Modelling
145.805 Contemporary Urban Processes
Also recommended is a elective of the Civil Engineering faculty: