
Completed Thesis

Christian Bauer Segmentation of 3D Tubular Tree Structures in Medical Images Show publication in PURE
Paul Wohlhart Object Detection based on Local Evidence Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Schall Mobile Augmented Reality for Human Sclae Interaction with Geospatial Models Show publication in PURE
Sabine Sternig Scene specific object detection and tracking Show publication in PURE
Peter Kontschieder Context-Aware Random Decision Forests for Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation Show publication in PURE
Stefan Kluckner Semantic Interpretation of Digital Aerial Images Utilizing Redundancy, Appearance and 3D Information Show publication in PURE
Martin Hirzer Combining Descriptive and Discriminative Information for Person Re-Identification Show publication in PURE
Arnold Irschara Scalable Scene Reconstruction and Image Based Localization Show publication in PURE
Markus Steinberger Highly accurate Multiresolution Isosurface Rendering using compactly supported Spline Wavelets Show publication in PURE
Michael Maurer Rigid Body Reconstruction for Motion Analysis of Giant Honeybees Using Stereo Vision Show publication in PURE
Jens Grubert Mobile Augmented Reality for Information Surfaces Show publication in PURE
Christof Hoppe Interactive Structure-from-Motion Show publication in PURE
Jakob Santner Interactive Multi-label Segmentation Show publication in PURE
Alexander Lex Visualization of Multidimensional Data with Applications in Molecular Biology Show publication in PURE
Amir Saffari Multi-Class Semi-Supervised and Online Boosting Show publication in PURE
Kerstin Hammernik Convex Framework for 2D & 3D Image Segmentation Using Shape Constraints Show publication in PURE
Markus Heber Tracking and Visual Quality Inspection in Harsh Environments Show publication in PURE
Christian Reinbacher Instance-Specific Pose Estimation from Silhouette Information for an Accurate Handling of Smoothly-Shaped Goods Show publication in PURE
Stefan Hauswiesner Efficient Image-based Augmentations Show publication in PURE
Christian Pirchheim Exploiting Constraints in Visual Localization and Mapping for Mobile Augmented Reality Show publication in PURE
Markus Steinberger Dynamic Resource Scheduling on Graphics Processors Show publication in PURE
Horst Possegger Exploiting 3D Information for Robust Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Objects in Complex Scenarios Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Kainz Ray-Based Image Generation For Advanced Medical Applications Show publication in PURE
Stefanie Zollmann Visualization in Outdoor Augmented Reality Show publication in PURE
Tobias Langlotz AR 2.0: Social Media in Mobile Augmented Reality Show publication in PURE
Martin Köstinger Efficient Metric Learning for Real-World Face Recognition Show publication in PURE
Horst Possegger Evaluation of Feature Representations for Object Detection with Boosted Classifiers Show publication in PURE
Andreas Wendel Scalable Visual Navigation for Micro Aerial Vehicles using Geometric Prior Knowledge Show publication in PURE
Bernhard Kerbl Interactive Decomposition of Large Assemblies Show publication in PURE
Stefan Heber 3D Image Reconstruction using Active Wavefront Sampling Show publication in PURE
Stefan Heber Variational Shape from Unconventional Imaging Devices Show publication in PURE
Erich Kobler Learning variational models for blind image deconvolution Show publication in PURE
Teresa Klatzer Bi-level Optimization for Support Vector Machines Show publication in PURE
Kerstin Hammernik Regional analysis of bound proton pool fraction in the brain using MRI Show publication in PURE
Christoph Vogel Robust and Accurate 3D Motion Estimation Under Adverse Conditions Show publication in PURE
Markus Rumpler Robust Multi-View Reconstruction from Highly Redundant Aerial Images Show publication in PURE
Jan Egger Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten und bildgestützte intraoperative Navigation Show publication in PURE
Alexander Shekhovtsov Exact and Partial Energy Minimization in Computer Vision Show publication in PURE
Christina Gsaxner Automatic urinary bladder segmentation in CT images using deep learning Show publication in PURE
Christoph Hubert Klug Assistance for Measuring Human-Made Structures with Robotic Total Stations Show publication in PURE
Alexander Effland Discrete Riemannian Calculus and A Posteriori Error Control on Shape Spaces Show publication in PURE
Horst Possegger Contextual Cues for Causal Visual Tracking Show publication in PURE
Jianning Li Deep Learning for Cranial Defect Reconstruction Show publication in PURE
Lea Bogensperger Model-augmented Deep Learning for Variable Flip Angle T1-mapping Show publication in PURE
Martin Schwarzbach Image Enhancement in ASL Perfusion Imaging From Markov Random Fields to Variational Networks Show publication in PURE
Nicola Giuliani Fully-Automatic Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Images Show publication in PURE
Josef Koller Image Shading Correction via TGV and DCT with Application to MRI Show publication in PURE
Marco Stranner Subsurface Infrastructure Localization for GIS Data Alignment using Semantic Segmentation Show publication in PURE
Simon Fussi In-Situ Virtual Reality Tour using a real-time 360° Video Stream Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Stekovic Playing Proposal Selection Games in 3D Scene Understanding Show publication in PURE


Vacant Thesis

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