For the publications of each group member please have a look at their individual pages.
Ludwig Mohr, Ismail Geles and Friedrich FraundorferGAFAR revisited—Exploring the limits of point cloud registration on sparse subsetsShow publication in PURE
Dominik Hirner and Friedrich FraundorferSAda-NetPattern Recognition - 27th International Conference, ICPR 2024, Proceedings159-175Show publication in PURE
Mario Fuentes Reyes, Pablo d’Angelo and Friedrich FraundorferComparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Stereo Matching and Multi-View Stereo for Urban DSM GenerationShow publication in PURE
Stefan Ainetter, Sinisa Stekovic, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitHOC-Search: Efficient CAD Model and Pose Retrieval From RGB-D ScansInternational Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)Show publication in PURE
Rafael Weilharter and Friedrich FraundorferHAMMERProceedings - 2024 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20243454-3463Show publication in PURE
Kailin Tong, Yuxi Hu, Berin Dikic, Selim Solmaz, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel WatzenigRobots Saving Lives35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2024953-960Show publication in PURE
Emanuele Santellani, Martin Zach, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferGMM-IKRS: Gaussian Mixture Models for Interpretable Keypoint Refinement and Scoring.Show publication in PURE
Tao Li, Zhenbao Yu, Banglei Guan, Jianli Han, Weimin Lv and Friedrich FraundorferTrifocal Tensor and Relative Pose Estimation With Known Vertical DirectionShow publication in PURE
Corentin Henry and Friedrich FraundorferWorldwide High-fidelity Road Extraction from Aerial and Satellite Imagery enabled by Low-fidelity OpenStreetMap LabelsGerman Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR)1-15Show publication in PURE
Stefan Ainetter, Sinisa Stekovic, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitAutomatically Annotating Indoor Images with CAD Models via RGB-D ScansIEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 20233156 - 3164Show publication in PURE
Christian Sormann, Emanuele Santellani, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferDELS-MVS: Deep Epipolar Line Search for Multi-View StereoIEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 20233087-3096Show publication in PURE
Xiangyu Zhuo, Jiaojiao Tian and Friedrich FraundorferCross Field-Based Segmentation and Learning-Based Vectorization for Rectangular WindowsShow publication in PURE
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Daniel Barath and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal Solvers for Relative Pose Estimation of Multi-Camera Systems using Affine CorrespondencesShow publication in PURE
Ludwig Mohr, Ismail Geles and Friedrich FraundorferGAFAR: Graph-Attention Feature-Augmentation for Registration A Fast and Light-weight Point Set Registration AlgorithmProceedings of the 2023 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR)Show publication in PURE
Philipp Schuegraf, Stefano Zorzi, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Ksenia BittnerDeep Learning for the Automatic Division of Building Constructions into Sections on Remote Sensing ImagesShow publication in PURE
M. Fuentes Reyes, P. d’Angelo and F. FraundorferAn Evaluation of Stereo and Multiview Algorithms for 3d Reconstruction with Synthetic DataShow publication in PURE
Stefano Zorzi and Friedrich FraundorferRe:PolyWorld - A Graph Neural Network for Polygonal Scene Parsing2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)16716-16725Show publication in PURE
Emanuele Santellani, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferS-TREK: Sequential Translation and Rotation Equivariant Keypoints for local feature extraction2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)9694-9703Show publication in PURE
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Zhang Li, Fang Sun and Friedrich FraundorferRelative Pose Estimation With a Single Affine CorrespondenceShow publication in PURE
Harald Gietler, Christoph Böhm, Stefan Ainetter, Christian Schöffmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Stephan Weiss and Hubert ZanglForestry Crane Automation using Learning-based Visual Grasping Point Prediction2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, SAS 2022 - Proceedings1 - 6Show publication in PURE
Rafael Weilharter and Friedrich FraundorferATLAS-MVSNet: Attention Layers for Feature Extraction and Cost Volume Regularization in Multi-View Stereo2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 20223557-3563Show publication in PURE
Mario Fuentes Reyes, Pablo D'Angelo and Friedrich FraundorferSyntCities: A Large Synthetic Remote Sensing Dataset for Disparity EstimationShow publication in PURE
Yuanxin Xia, Pablo D’angelo, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Jiaojiao Tian, Mario Fuentes Reyes and Peter ReinartzGA-Net-Pyramid: An Efficient End-to-End Network for Dense MatchingShow publication in PURE
Qingyu Li, Stefano Zorzi, Yilei Shi, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Xiao Xiang ZhuRegGANShow publication in PURE
Emanuele Santellani, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferMD-Net2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 20223944-3951Show publication in PURE
Dominik Hirner and Friedrich FraundorferFCDSN-DC2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 20223937-3943Show publication in PURE
Sinisa Stekovic, Alireza Moradi, Mahdi Rad, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitMCTS with Refinement for Proposals Selection Games in Scene UnderstandingShow publication in PURE
Stefano Zorzi, Shabab Bazrafkan, Stefan Habenschuss and Friedrich FraundorferPolyWorldProceedings - 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 20221838-1847Show publication in PURE
Corentin Henry, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vig EleonoraAerial Road Segmentation in the Presence of Topological Label NoiseICPR 2020Show publication in PURE
Stefan Ainetter and Friedrich FraundorferEnd-to-end Trainable Deep Neural Network for Robotic Grasp Detection and Semantic Segmentation from RGB2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)13452 - 13458Show publication in PURE
Stefan Ainetter, Christoph Böhm, Rohit Dhakate, Stephan Weiss and Friedrich FraundorferDepth-aware Object Segmentation and Grasp Detection for Robotic Picking TasksBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021Show publication in PURE
Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Andreas Kuhn and Friedrich FraundorferIB-MVS: An Iterative Algorithm for Deep Multi-View Stereo based on Binary DecisionsBritish Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2021Show publication in PURE
Kostas Bouklas, Angelos Amditis, Rafael Weilharter, Visvanathan Ramesh, Miguel Ángel Trujillo Soto, Guillermo Heredia, Luca Belsito, Stephanos Camarinopoulos and Friedrich FraundorferIncreasing the Resilience of European Transport InfrastructureCivil Structural Health Monitoring - Proceedings of CSHM-8 Workshop761-774Show publication in PURE
Yingjian Yu, Banglei Guan, Xiangyi Sun, Zhang Li and Friedrich FraundorferRotation alignment of a camera-IMU system using a single affine correspondenceShow publication in PURE
Sinisa Stekovic, Mahdi Rad, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitMonteFloor - Extending MCTS for Reconstructing Accurate Large-Scale Floor Plans.Show publication in PURE
Qingyu Li, Stefano Zorzi, Yilei Shi, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Xiao Xiang ZhuEnd-to-End Semantic Segmentation and Boundary Regularization of Buildings from Satellite Imagery.Show publication in PURE
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Daniel Barath and Friedrich FraundorferEfficient Recovery of Multi-Camera Motion from Two Affine Correspondences2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)1305-1311Show publication in PURE
Shreyas Hampali Shivakumar, Sinisa Stekovic, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Chetan Srinivasa Kumar, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitMonte Carlo Scene Search for 3D Scene Understanding2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)13799-13808Show publication in PURE
Tobias Koch, Lukas Liebel, Marco Körner and Friedrich FraundorferComparison of monocular depth estimation methods using geometrically relevant metrics on the IBims-1 datasetShow publication in PURE
Banglei Guan, Ji Zhao, Zhang Li, Fang Sun and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal Solutions for Relative Pose with a Single Affine Correspondence2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)1926-1935Show publication in PURE
Peter M. Roth, Gerald Steinbauer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Mathias Brandstötter and Roland PerkoProceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics WorkshopShow publication in PURE
Sinisa Stekovic, Shreyas Hampali Shivakumar, Mahdi Rad, Sayan Deb Sarkar, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitGeneral 3D Room Layout from a Single View by Render-and-CompareComputer Vision – ECCV 2020 - 16th European Conference, Proceedings187-203Show publication in PURE
Miao Tian, Banglei Guan, Zhibin Xing and Friedrich FraundorferEfficient Ego-Motion Estimation for Multi-Camera Systems With Decoupled Rotation and TranslationShow publication in PURE
Yuanxin Xia, Pablo d'Angelo, Jiaojiao Tian, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzMulti-Label Learning based Semi-Global Matching ForestShow publication in PURE
Sinisa Stekovic, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent LepetitCasting Geometric Constraints in Semantic Segmentation as Semi-Supervised LearningProceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 20201843-1852Show publication in PURE
Christian Sormann, Patrick Knöbelreiter, Andreas Kuhn, Mattia Rossi, Thomas Pock and Friedrich FraundorferBP-MVSNet: Belief-Propagation-Layers for Multi-View-StereoProceedings - 2020 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2020394-403Show publication in PURE
Andreas Kuhn, Christian Sormann, Mattia Rossi, Oliver Erdler and Friedrich FraundorferDeepC-MVS: Deep Confidence Prediction for Multi-View Stereo ReconstructionProceedings - 2020 International Conference on 3D Vision, 3DV 2020404-413Show publication in PURE
Patrick Knöbelreiter, Christian Sormann, Alexander Shekhovtsov, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Thomas PockBelief Propagation Reloaded: Learning BP-Layers for Labeling ProblemsProceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 20207897-7906Show publication in PURE
Stefano Zorzi, Ksenia Bittner and Friedrich FraundorferMap-Repair: Deep Cadastre Maps Alignment and Temporal Inconsistencies Fix in Satellite Images2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2020 - Proceedings1829-1832Show publication in PURE
Stefan Ainetter and Friedrich FraundorferGrasping Point Prediction in Cluttered Environment using Automatically Labeled DataProceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020124 - 130Show publication in PURE
Hana Lee, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel Scott KiefferGigaPan Image-Based 3D Reconstruction for Engineering Geological InvestigationsIAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018207-215Show publication in PURE
Lukas Liebel, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Marco Körner and Tobias KochEvaluation of CNN-based Single-Image Depth Estimation MethodsProceedings ECCV 2018 WorkshopsShow publication in PURE
Muhammad Shahzad, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Yuanyuan Wang and Xiao Xiang ZhuBuildings Detection in VHR SAR Images Using Fully Convolution Neural NetworksShow publication in PURE
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Michael Maurer, Daniel Muschick, Manuel Hofer and Friedrich FraundorferOverview Obstacle Maps for Obstacle Aware Navigation of Autonomous DronesShow publication in PURE
Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferRESLAM: A real-time robust edge-based SLAM systemProceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019Show publication in PURE
Fabian Schenk, Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer and Friedrich FraundorferAutomatic Muck Pile Characterization from UAV ImagesISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences163-170Show publication in PURE
Guan Banglei, Ang Su, Zhang Li and Friedrich FraundorferRotational Alignment of IMU-camera Systems with 1-Point RANSACPattern Recognition and Computer Vision172-183Show publication in PURE
Werner Alexander Isop and Friedrich FraundorferSLIM-A Scalable and Lightweight Indoor-Navigation MAV as Research and Education PlatformRobotics and Education182-195Show publication in PURE
Louis Lecrosnier, Rémi Boutteau, Pascal Vasseur, Xavier Savatier and Friedrich FraundorferCamera Pose Estimation Based on PnL With a Known Vertical DirectionShow publication in PURE
Tahmineh Partovi, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Reza Bahmanyar, Hai Huang and Peter ReinartzAutomatic 3-D Building Model Reconstruction from Very High Resolution Stereo Satellite ImageryShow publication in PURE
Ksenia Bittner, Marco Körner, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzMulti-Task cGAN for Simultaneous Spaceborne DSM Refinement and Roof-Type ClassificationShow publication in PURE
Zhuo Xiangyu, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Franz Kurz and Peter ReinartzAutomatic Annotation of Airborne Images by Label Propagation Based on a Bayesian-CRF ModelShow publication in PURE
Werner Alexander Isop, Christoph Gebhardt, Tobias Nägeli, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Otmar Hilinges and Dieter SchmalstiegHigh-Level Teleoperation System For Aerial Exploration Of Indoor EnvironmentsShow publication in PURE
Yuanxin Xia, Pablo d'Angelo, Jiaojiao Tian, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzSelf-Supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for Plant Reconstruction Using Stereo ImageryShow publication in PURE
Marco Körner, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Tobias KochAutomatic and Semantically-Aware 3D UAV Flight Planning for Image-Based 3D ReconstructionShow publication in PURE
Ludwig Mohr, R. Benauer, Peter A. Leitl and Friedrich FraundorferDamage Estimation of Explosions in Urban Environments by SimulationShow publication in PURE
Stefano Zorzi and Friedrich FraundorferRegularization of Building Boundaries in Satellite Images Using Adversarial and Regularized LossesIGARSS 20195140-5143Show publication in PURE
Werner Alexander Isop and Friedrich FraundorferForce Field-Based Indirect Manipulation Of UAV Flight TrajectoriesIROS 20191-8Show publication in PURE
Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-gestütze Vermessung im Bergbau - Abschätzung der Genauigkeit bei Verwendung von Structure from MotionSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie an der Technischen Universität Bergakademie Freiberg78-92Show publication in PURE
Peter M. Roth, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Fabian SchenkProceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2019Show publication in PURE
Louis Lecrosnier, Rémi Boutteau, Pascal Vasseur, Xavier Savatier and Friedrich FraundorferVision based vehicle relocalization in 3D line-feature map using Perspective-n-Line with a known vertical direction2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 20191263-1269Show publication in PURE
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofTowards an Autonomous Vision-based Inventory DroneShow publication in PURE
Georg Waltner, Michael Maurer, Thomas Holzmann, Patrick Ruprecht, Michael Opitz, Horst Possegger, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofDeep 2.5D Vehicle Classification with Sparse SfM Depth Prior for Automated Toll Systems2018 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, ITSC 20183212-3217Show publication in PURE
Thomas Holzmann, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofSemantically Aware Urban 3D Reconstruction with Plane-Based RegularizationComputer Vision – ECCV 2018487-503Show publication in PURE
Rafael Jakob Weilharter, Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferGlobally Consistent Dense Real-Time 3D Reconstruction from RGBD DataProceedings of the OAGM Workshop 2018121-127Show publication in PURE
Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofPrioritized multi-view stereo depth map generation using confidence predictionShow publication in PURE
Alexander Tscharf, Fabian Schenk, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-Anwendungen im Bergbau - Modellversuche als Beitrag zur photogrammetrischen Forschung und Entwicklung19. Geokinematischer Tag30-43Show publication in PURE
Xiangyu Zhuo, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Franz Kurz and Peter ReinartzOptimization of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Based on Semantic Information of Oblique UAV ImagesShow publication in PURE
Alexander Tscharf, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Andreas GaichUAVs zur Qualitätssteuerung im TagbauShow publication in PURE
Guan Banglei, Yu Qifeng and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal solutions for the rotational alignment of IMU-camera systems using homography constraintsShow publication in PURE
Hana Lee, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel Scott KiefferGigaPan Image-Based 3D Reconstruction for Engineering Geological InvestigationShow publication in PURE
Michael Maurer, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofTowards an Autonomous Vision-based Inventory DroneShow publication in PURE
Banglei Guan, P. Vasseur, C. Demonceaux and F. FraundorferVisual Odometry Using a Homography Formulation with Decoupled Rotation and Translation Estimation Using Minimal Solutions2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)2320-2327Show publication in PURE
Xiangyu Zhuo, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Franz Kurz and Peter ReinartzBuilding detection and segmentation using a CNN with automatically generated training data2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 - Proceedings3461-3464Show publication in PURE
Muhammad Shahzad, Michael Maurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Yuanyuan Wang and Xiao Xiang ZhuExtraction of buildings in vhr sar images using fully convolution neural networks2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 - Proceedings4367-4370Show publication in PURE
Markus Rumpler, Alexander Tscharf, Christian Mostegel, Shreyansh Daftry, Christof Hoppe, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Gerhard Mayer and Horst BischofEvaluations on multi-scale camera networks for precise and geo-accurate reconstructions from aerial and terrestrial images with user guidanceShow publication in PURE
O. Saurer, P. Vasseur, R. Boutteau, C. Demonceaux, M. Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferHomography Based Egomotion Estimation with a Common DirectionShow publication in PURE
Thomas Holzmann, Martin R. Oswald, Marc Pollefeys, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofPlane-based surface regularization for urban 3D reconstructionBritish Machine Vision Conference 2017, BMVC 2017Show publication in PURE
Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferCombining Edge Images and Depth Maps for Robust Visual OdometryProceedings 28th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)Show publication in PURE
Fabian Schenk and Friedrich FraundorferRobust Edge-based Visual Odometry using Machine-Learned EdgesProceedings of the IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)1297-1304Show publication in PURE
Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Reinhard Teschl, Markus Rumpler and Manuel HoferCrop hail damage assessment based on radar and drone integrated technologiesShow publication in PURE
Satyanarayana Tani, Helmut Paulitsch, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Barbara Süsser-Rechberger, Reinhard Teschl, Markus Rumpler and Manuel HoferInnovative approaches for crop hail damage assessment based on Radar and drone technologiesShow publication in PURE
Michael Maurer, Manuel Hofer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofAutomated Inspection of Power Line Corridors to Measure Vegetation Undercut using UAV-based ImagesInternational Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in GeomaticsShow publication in PURE
Johannes Höller, Fabian Schenk, Martin Urschler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Alexander BornikCSISmartScan3D - Cost-efficient Integrated 3D Crime Scene DocumentationShow publication in PURE
Christian Mostegel, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofScalable Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds with Extreme Scale and Density Diversity IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Show publication in PURE
Thomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofA Detailed Description of Direct Stereo Visual Odometry Based on LinesShow publication in PURE
Alexander Tscharf, Christian Mostegel, Andreas Gaich, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofDer Einsatz unbemannter Flugsysteme zur Charakterisierung von gesprengtem Haufwerk18. Geokinematischer Tag des Institutes für Markscheidewesen und Geodäsie am 10. und 12. Mai 2017 in FreibergShow publication in PURE
Christian Häne, Lionel Heng, Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Paul Furgale, Torsten Sattler and Marc Pollefeys3D visual perception for self-driving cars using a multi-camera systemShow publication in PURE
Xiangyu Zhuo, Tobias Koch, Franz Kurz, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter ReinartzAutomatic UAV image geo-registration by matching UAV images to georeferenced image dataShow publication in PURE
T. Partovi, F. Fraundorfer, S. Azimi, D. Marmanis and P. ReinartzRoof type selection based on patch-based classification using deep learning for high resolution satellite imageryShow publication in PURE
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Michael Maurer, Daniel Muschick, Devesh Adlakha, Horst Bischof and Friedrich FraundorferPackage Delivery Experiments with a Camera DroneShow publication in PURE
Hana Lee, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Daniel Scott KiefferGigaPan Image-Based 3D Reconstruction for Engineering Geological InvestigationShow publication in PURE
Xiao Xiang Zhu, Devis Tuia, Lichao Mou, Gui Song Xia, Liangpei Zhang, Feng Xu and Friedrich FraundorferDeep Learning in Remote SensingShow publication in PURE
Friedrich FraundorferComputer Vision for MAVsComputer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Land, Sea & Air55-74Show publication in PURE
Thomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofDirect Stereo Visual Odometry Based on Lines11th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2016Show publication in PURE
Gim Hee Lee, Bo Li, Marc Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal solutions for pose estimation of a multi-camera systemSpringer Tracts in Advanced Robotics521-538Show publication in PURE
Christian Mostegel, Georg Poier, Christian Reinbacher, Manuel Hofer, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof, Thomas Höll, Gert Holler and Axel PinzThe 3D-PITOTI Project with a Focus on Multi-Scale 3D Reconstruction using Semi-Autonomous UAVs1st OAGM-ARW Joint Workshop51-52Show publication in PURE
Christian Mostegel, Markus Rumpler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUsing Self- Contradiction to Learn Confidence Measures in Stereo Vision IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)Show publication in PURE
Christian Mostegel, Markus Rumpler, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-based Autonomous Image Acquisition with Multi-View Stereo Quality Assurance by Confidence PredictionIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) WorkshopsShow publication in PURE
Gellért Máttyus and Friedrich FraundorferAerial image sequence geolocalization with road traffic as invariant featureShow publication in PURE
Thomas Holzmann, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofRegularized 3D Modeling from Noisy Building ReconstructionsInternational Conference on 3D VisionShow publication in PURE
Alexander Tscharf, Markus Rumpler, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofUAV-Vermessung im Bergbau - Stand der Forschung und AusblickSchriftenreihe des Instituts für Markscheidewesen und GeodäsieShow publication in PURE
Alexander Tscharf, Markus Rumpler, Gerhard Mayer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofAccuracy related research on the use of UAVs in Mine SurveyingXVI International Mine Surveying CongressShow publication in PURE
Werner Alexander Isop, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Gabriele Ermacora, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Dieter SchmalstiegMicro Aerial Projector - Stabilizing Projected Images Of An Airborne Robotics Projection Platform2016 IEEE/RJS International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2016)5618 - 5625Show publication in PURE
Fabian Schenk, Ludwig Mohr, Matthias Rüther, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofGuided sparse camera pose estimationProceedings of The 40th Annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM), 2016139-146Show publication in PURE
Tobias Koch, Xiangyu Zhuo, Peter Reinartz and Friedrich FraundorferA New Paradigm for Matching UAV- and Aerial ImagesISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences83-90Show publication in PURE
Tobias Koch, Pablo d'Angelo, Franz Kurz, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Peter Reinartz and Marco KörnerThe tum-dlr multimodal earth observation evaluation benchmarkShow publication in PURE
Tobias Koch and Friedrich FraundorferAutomatic alignment of indoor and outdoor building models using 3d line segments.Show publication in PURE
Jesus Pestana Puerta and Friedrich FraundorferVision based safe navigation for search and rescue dronesShow publication in PURE
Gim Hee Lee, Bo Li, Marc Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferMinimal solutions for the multicamera pose estimation problem.Show publication in PURE
Thomas Holzmann, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Jesus Pestana Puerta, Daniel Muschick, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof and Gottfried GraberPerformance Evaluation of Vision-Based Algorithms for MAVsWorkshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition1-8Show publication in PURE
Markus Rumpler, Alexander Tscharf, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Horst Bischof and Gerhard MayerOn the use of UAVs in Mining and Archaeology - Geo-accurate 3D Reconstructions using Various Platforms and Terrestrial ViewsProceedings of the International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics (UAV-g)Show publication in PURE
Jesus Pestana Puerta, Rudolf Prettenthaler, Thomas Holzmann, Daniel Muschick, Christian Mostegel, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Horst BischofGraz Griffins’ Solution to the European Robotics Challenges 2014Austrian Robotics WorkshopShow publication in PURE
Friedrich FraundorferBuilding and site reconstruction from small scale unmanned aerial vehicles (uav's)Proceedings Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE)1-4Show publication in PURE
Olivier Saurer, Pascal Vasseur, Cedric Demonceaux and Friedrich FraundorferA homography formulation to the 3pt plus a common direction relative pose problem.Lecture Notes in Computer Science288-301Show publication in PURE
Johannes L. Schönberger, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Jan Michael FrahmStructure-from-motion for MAV image sequence analysis with photogrammetric applicationsShow publication in PURE
Lionel Heng, Dominik Honegger, Gim Hee Lee, Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysAutonomous visual mapping and exploration with a micro aerial vehicleShow publication in PURE
Gim Hee Lee, Marc Pollefeys and Friedrich FraundorferRelative pose estimation for a multi-camera system with known vertical directionProceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition540-547Show publication in PURE
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysStructureless pose-graph loop-closure with a multi-camera system on a self-driving carIROS 2013: New Horizon, Conference Digest - 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems564-571Show publication in PURE
F. Burkert and Friedrich FraundorferUAV-based monitoring of pedestrian groupsShow publication in PURE
Paul Furgale, Ulrich Schwesinger, Martin Rufli, Wojciech Derendarz, Hugo Grimmett, Stefan Wonneberger, Julian Timpner, Stephan Rottmann, Bo Li, Bastian Schmidt, Thien Nghia Nguyen, Elena Cardarelli, Stefano Cattani, Stefan Bruning, Sven Horstmann, Martin Stellmacher, Holger Mielenz, Markus Beermann, Christian Häne, Lionel Heng, Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Rene Iser, Rudolph Triebel, Ingmar Posner, Paul Newman, Lars Wolf, Marc Pollefeys, Stefan Brosig, Jan Effertz, Cedric Pradalier, Roland Siegwart, Kevin Köser and Peter MühlfellnerToward automated driving in cities using close-to-market sensors2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IEEE IV 2013809-816Show publication in PURE
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysRobust pose-graph loop-closures with expectation-maximizationIROS 2013: New Horizon, Conference Digest - 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems556-563Show publication in PURE
Jean Charles Bazin, Olivier Saurer, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysInteractive Omnidirectional Indoor TourEmerging Technologies for 3D Video: Creation, Coding, Transmission and Rendering395-415Show publication in PURE
Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen, Lionel Heng, Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysPIXHAWK -A micro aerial vehicle design for autonomous flight using onboard computer visionShow publication in PURE
Friedrich Fraundorfer, Lionel Heng, Dominik Honegger, Gim Hee Lee, Lorenz Meier, Petri Tanskanen and Marc PollefeysVision-based autonomous mapping and exploration using a quadrotor MAV2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 20124557-4564Show publication in PURE
Markus Achtelik, Michael Achtelik, Yorick Brunet, Margarita Chli, Savvas Chatzichristofis, Jean Dominique Decotignie, Klaus Michael Doth, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Laurent Kneip, Daniel Gurdan, Lionel Heng, Elias Kosmatopoulos, Lefteris Doitsidis, Gim Hee Lee, Simon Lynen, Agostino Martinelli, Lorenz Meier, Marc Pollefeys, Damien Piguet, Alessandro Renzaglia, Davide Scaramuzza, Roland Siegwart, Jan Stumpf, Petri Tanskanen, Chiara Troiani and Stephan WeissSFly2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 20122649-2650Show publication in PURE
Gim Hee Lee, Friedrich Fraundorfer and Marc PollefeysRS-SLAMIROS'11 - 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Celebrating 50 Years of Robotics1655-1660Show publication in PURE
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