ICG/Research/Team Pock/Team

Joana Grah

I received my BSc and MSc degree in mathematics from the University of Münster, Germany, in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Subsequently, I worked as a scientific researcher in the Imaging workgroup led by Prof. Martin Burger, University of Münster, for six months. I received my PhD degree in applied mathematics from the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2018. My work on mathematical imaging tools in cancer research was supervised by Prof. Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and co-supervised by Dr Stefanie Reichelt, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute. After having spent six months as a research associate at the Alan Turing Institute, London, UK, working on computer-aided detection and personalised screening in breast imaging, I joined the VLO group in May 2018.

More information on me & my research can be found on my personal webpage.


  • July 2019. I'm attending ICIAM 2019 in Valencia, Spain, and together with Felix Lucka and Martin Benning I am organising a 2-part minisymposium on Deep Learning and Inverse Problems.
  • June 2019. The paper Unified Models for Second-Order TV-Type Regularisation in Imaging – A New Perspective Based on Vector Operators with Eva-Maria Brinkmann, University of Münster, and Martin Burger, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, has been published in Volume 61, Issue 5, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. [arXiv preprint]
  • March 2019. I became a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts.
  • November 2018. I’m in Cambridge, UK, giving presentations on Learning Models for Inverse Problems in Imaging at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge Image Analysis seminar) and at the Queen Mary University of London.
  • October 2018. The VLO group is taking part in the OpenLabNight at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision including some exciting demos on ongoing research.
  • September 2018. The European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2018 was hosted by the University of Graz, where you can still visit the Women in Mathematics - A Gallery of Portraits exhibition.
  • June 2018. I'm at the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science in Bologna, Italy, presenting my work on Mathematical Imaging Methods for Mitosis Analysis in Live-Cell Phase Contrast Microscopy in MS44 3D Image Depth/Texture/Reflectivity Tracking, Modelling and Reconstruction.


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