Cahier #4

Originating from urban design studies and student works by Claudia Brandl, Edona Bytyqi, Alexandra Duschek, Sabine Gindl, Katharina Hadolt, Anika Lösch and Martina Majcen, the fourth edition of Cahier investigates open spaces in peripheral areas and identifies potentials and strategies for using them as resources for a new suburban social and physical urban landscape. The institute's journal focuses on the changes in the nature and composition of suburban areas and discusses adequate planning frameworks and design methods for their development into urban collective spaces.

The full version of Cahier #4 can be accessed free of charge via the institute’s webpage.

Prof. Aglaée Degros (Institute of Urbanism)
DI Sabine Bauer (Institute of Urbanism)
DI Radostina Radulova-Stahmer (Institute of Urbanism)


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