Herbert Eichholzer Awards 2013

© Ia&l, TU Graz

In the name of this year’s student prize “OCCUPY: ROOFSCAPE” – Performative Urbanism GRAZ comes the call to think of political engagement and architecture together, not only to create architectural form-related spaces, but also to bring into discussion the social fabric of the neighborhood in relation to education and the lived environment.
As a place with high potential for the development of both ecologically and socially sustainable behavior in our society, the BG/BRG & MG Dreihackengasse school in Graz – developed by TEAM A Architekten in the 1970s with particular attention to the fallow roofscape of the facility – was selected for this project.

Award Winners

1st Prize
Theresa Reisenhofer

2nd Prize
Fabian Fitzner | Janosch Wrebersnik

3rd Prize
Wolfgang Windisch | Anna Kickingereder

Recognition Prize
Selina Mirkovic | Georg Siegfried


Award Ceremony, Symposium and Exhibition Opening
February 26, 2014 at 7:00pm in Haus der Architektur Graz

Beginning February 26, 2014 in Haus der Architektur Graz


Eva Guttmann | HDA Graz

Marie-Therese Harnoncourt | the next enterprise | Vienna

Bernhard Inninger | City Planning Department Graz

Andreas Lichtblau | Graz University of Technnology

Klaus K. Loenhart | Graz University of Technnology

Petra Petersson | Graz University of Technnology

Organisation and Realisation

IA&L | Institute of Architecture and Landscape
Technikerstraße 4/5.OG
8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (316) 873-6311