Graz Architecture Lectures 2021

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

The Graz Architecture Lectures 2021 are dedicated to the topic of "corrections". There is no design process that occurs without corrections to previous ideas, plans and sometimes the authors’ very convictions. Corrections are the most important drivers for change and ideally progress––especially in the field of architecture. Having changed our mind is rarely admitted in public. The image of "consistency" and "stance", still held in high esteem in architectural discourse and strongly influenced by masculinity, is too overpowering, and the fear of damaging oneself with this image is too great. However, is stubborn adherence to one’s convictions a virtue in itself? Aside from the market-driven understanding of architecture as a customized service, don’t we rather have a culture of correction now, which not only students of architecture endure as a pedagogical measure, but which is part of everyday business in architectural practice?

We have invited experts working in the field of architecture who are prepared to present and discuss such a review and amendment of their work or judgement using a concrete example.

GAL21 - Korrekturen will take place online through Webex ( on Wednesday, March 24, and on Thursday, March 25, from 4-7pm.

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

Organisation und Implementation

Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (316) 873 - 4188