Faculty News

© CH Studio

Graz Architecture Lectures 2024 – "Celebrating Collectivity!"


This year’s Graz Architecture Lectures, conceptualized by Aglaée Degros (Institute of Urbanism) and Klaus K. Loenhart (Institute of Architecture and Landscape), was an invitation to step out of our comfort zone and to have the courage to face the social and ecological challenges that currently…

© CH Studio

PHD Day | Winter semester 2024


The first PHD-Day of 2024 took place on February 5th as part of the Doctoral School of Architecture. The event was led and organised by Matthias Castorph and Svenja Hollstein (Design in Existing Structures and Architectural Heritage Protection). Overall, fifteen ongoing dissertations were presented…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

“City, Meadow, River”: Herbert Eichholzer Awards 2023


The competition theme for this year’s Herbert Eichholzer Awards, under the title “Stadt, Anger, Fluss: Erinnerungskultur und Zukunft am Grünanger” (City, Meadow, River: Culture of Remembrance and the Future at the Grünanger), was to come up with concepts, strategies, and viewpoints for the future…

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© Lunghammer - TU Graz

Honoring Barbara Herz


Barbara Herz, former Head of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Architecture and Chair of the Office for Gender Equality and Equal Opportunity at TU Graz was awarded the Erzherzog Johann Medal on November 6, 2023. With this award, bestowed by Rector Horst Bischof, Senate Chair Annette Mütze, and…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

GAD Awards 23


The Graz Architecture Diploma Awards (GAD Awards) are bestowed annually by the Faculty of Architecture to honor outstanding diploma projects from the previous academic year. This year, the accompanying program for the GAD Awards ceremony was supplemented by “Three Standpoints of Architecture,” in…

© CH Studio with Christoph Straganz

Welcome Guide | E-Book Online!


With the start of the new semester, the faculty presents the release of the Welcome Guide - a booklet designed for incoming and first-year students to help them get started with their studies and navigate the campus.

© GAM.Labor

Forum Technology and Society Prize for Azra Alibabić


For her diploma thesis “Ein Raum. Für Frauen. In Karatschi.” (One Space. For Women. In Karachi.), Azra Alibabic, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at TU Graz, was awarded the special prize “IngenieurINNEN gestalten 2023” as part of the advancement awards presented by the Forum Technology and…

© KOEN, TU Graz

Building Memory Competition: Women Pioneers of TU Graz


In association with the alumni women’s network (“WomenUniverse”) of TU Graz, a KOEN model-building seminar took place during the summer semester of 2023 with the aim of designing a memorial dedicated to the first women graduates of TU Graz. The seminar provided the students with a suitable backdrop…

© KOEN, TU Graz

Sketchbook Prize


The annual KOEN Sketchbook Prize was awarded to first-year students at the Faculty of Architecture’s summer exhibition. The sketchbook has been used from the very beginning as an integral element of the architectural studies program. It reflects one of our primary concerns: the understanding that…

TU Graz Graduate Dinko Jelečević Wins the Young Talent EU Mies Award 2023


In recognition of his master’s thesis “VALTER — Vraca Forum Sarajevo,” Dinko Jelečević, a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at TU Graz, was awarded the “Young Talent EU Mies Award 2023” on June 29, 2023. Supervised by Petra Petersson at the Institute of Construction and Design…