STS/Publications/Christian DAYÉ

Christian DAYÉ: Selected Publications


Dayé, Christian. 2024. Die Hoffnungen der Auguren: Techniken der Sozialprognose im Amerika des Kalten Krieges. Cham: Springer VS. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47579-5 .

Solovey, Mark, and Christian Dayé (eds.). 2021. Cold War Social Science: Transnational Entanglements. Cham, CH: Palgrave Macmillan

Dayé, Christian. 2020. Experts, Social Scientists, and Techniques of Prognosis in Cold War America. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.

Fleck, Christian, and Christian Dayé (eds.). 2020. Meilensteine der Soziologie. [Milestones in Sociology.] Frankfurt am Main, New York: Campus.

Dayé, Christian, and Stephan Moebius (eds.). 2015. Soziologiegeschichte. Wege und Ziele.
[Writing the History of Sociology: Paths and Aims.] Berlin: Suhrkamp.

Journal articles and book chapters

Dayé, Christian. 2024. Plenty of Traces, Limited Bearing Capacities: A Grateful Reply. The American Sociologist, online first. DOI: 10.1007/s12108-024-09625-3 .

Dayé, Christian. 2024. Effects of Strangeness in the Production and Reception of Social Scientific Knowledge. Contribution to a symposium on George Steinmetz’ The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought, in Social Science History 48(1), 154-157. DOI: 10.1017/ssh.2023.28

Dayé, Christian, Roman Luka Prunč, and Martin Hofmann-Wellenhof. 2023. The Mammoth Prophecies: Gaming the social acceptance of a technological innovation. European Journal of Futures Research 11:7. DOI: 10.1186/s40309-023-00219-9 .

Dayé, Christian. 2023. Die Erschließung der Zukunft: Unsicherheit als Motor der Sozialwissenschaften. Pp. 219‑234 in Soziologie und Krise. Gesellschaftliche Spannungen als Motor der Geschichte der Soziologie, edited by Nicole Holzhauser, Stephan Moebius, and Andrea Ploder. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Dayé, Christian. 2023. A Movement Matured: Results of a Co-citation Analysis, and Some Reflections on the Relations Between Social Structure and Ideas in Futures Studies. World Futures Review online first. DOI: 10.1177/19467567231170822 .

Dayé, Christian, Armin Spök, Andrew C. Allan, Tomiko Yamaguchi, and Thorben Sprink. 2023. Social Acceptability of Cisgenic Plants: Public Perception, Consumer Preferences, and Legal Regulation.” Pp. 43–75 in Cisgenic Crops: Safety, Legal and Social Issues, Concepts and Strategies in Plant Sciences, edited by Anurag Chaurasia and Chittaranjan Kole. Cham: Springer International.

Dayé, Christian. 2022. On the icy slopes of expertise: How a Cold War-era solution to the problem of expert opinion in science might transform the epistemology of simulation. Futures 142, 103012. DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2022.103012 .

Spök, Armin, Thorben Sprink, Andrew C. Allan, Tomiko Yamaguchi, and Christian Dayé. 2022. Towards social acceptability of genome-edited plants in industrialised countries? Emerging evidence from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Frontiers in Genome Editing. Genome Editing in Plants. DOI: 10.3389/fgeed.2022.899331 .

Dayé, Christian. 2022. The Cultural Embedding of Foreknowledge in Modern Society: Recent Contributions to the Analysis of Foreknowledge. Serendipities. Journal for the Sociology and History of the Social Sciences 6(1): 55–63. DOI: 10.7146/serendipities.v6i1.130368 .

Dayé, Christian. 2020. Fast Trade? Interdisciplinarity under Time Pressure. The Digital Scholar: Philosopher’s Lab 3(1): 80-100. DOI: 10.5840/dspl2020318;

Dayé, Christian. 2019. Historische Epistemologie der Soziologie? Probleme eines Theorietransfers [Historical Epistemology of Sociology? Problems of a Transfer of Theory], in Martin Endreß and Stephan Moebius (eds.). Zyklos 5: Jahrbuch für Theorie und Geschichte der Soziologie. Wiesbaden: VS Springer. 17 40.

Franzen, Martina, Monika Krause, Christian Dayé, Verena Halsmayer, Julian Hamann, Nichole Holzhauser, Jasper Korte, Fran Osrecki, Andrea Ploder, and Barbara Sutter. 2019. Das DFG-Netzwerk „Soziologie soziologischen Wissens“. Soziologie 48 (3): 293-308.

Dayé, Christian. 2019. Die Blindheit der Auguren: Delphi, Political Gaming und das Phänomen der wechselseitigen Nichtbeachtung, in Fabian Link & Uwe Dörk (eds.). Geschichte der Sozialwissenschaften im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Idiome – Praktiken – Strukturen. Sozialwissenschaftliche Schriften, Bd. 51. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 265-286.

Dayé, Christian. 2018. How to Train Your Oracle: The Delphi Method and its Turbulent Youth in Operations Research and the Policy Sciences. Social Studies of Science, 48 (5):846-868. DOI: 10.1177/0306312718798497.

Dayé, Christian. 2018 A Systematic View on the Use of History for Current Debates in Sociology, and on the Potential and Problems of a Historical Epistemology of Sociology. The American Sociologist 49 (4): 520-547. DOI: 10.1007/s12108-018-9385-1.

Dayé, Christian. 2018. The Expert as Messenger: Media Philosophy and the Epistemology of the Inexact Sciences, in Wolfgang Göderle & Manfred Pfaffenthaler (eds.). Dynamiken der Wissensproduktion. Räume, Zeiten und Akteure im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Bielefeld: transcript. 239 258.

Dayé, Christian. 2017. Soziologische Konzeptualisierungen von wissenschaftlichen Kollektiven und ihr Einsatz in der Soziologiegeschichte [Sociological concepts of scientific collectives and their use in sociology’s historiography], in: Stephan Moebius and Andrea Ploder (eds.). Handbuch Geschichte der deutschsprachigen Soziologie. Band 2: Forschungsdesign, Theorien und Methoden. Wiesbaden: VS Springer. 63-80.

Dayé, Christian. 2016. ’A Fiction of Long Standing:’ Techniques of Prospection and the Role of Positivism in US Cold War Social Science, 1950-1965. History of the Human Sciences 29(4-5): 35–58. DOI: 10.1177/0952695116664838.

Dayé, Christian. 2014. In fremden Territorien: Delphi, Political Gaming und die subkutane Bedeutung tribaler Wissenskulturen. [In Strange Territories: Delphi, Political Gaming, and the Subcutaneous Relevance of Tribal Cultures.] Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften  25(3): 83-115.

Dayé, Christian. 2014. Visions of a Field: Recent Developments in Studies of Social Science and Humanities. Science, Technology & Human Values 39(6): 877-891. DOI: 10.1177/0162243914538323

Dayé, Christian. 2012. Eine Unterscheidung, keine Trennung: Soziologiegeschichte mit Robert K. Merton [A distinction, no separation: Writing the history of sociology with Robert K. Merton] Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 37(1): 79–84.

Dayé, Christian, and Marianne Egger de Campo. 2011. User–Driven Research – How To Integrate Users’ Needs and Expectations in a Research Project. In: Johan F. M. Molenbroek, John Mantas & Renate de Bruin (eds.): A Friendly Rest Room: Developing Toilets of the Future for Disabled and Elderly People. Assistive Technology Research Series vol. 27. Amsterdam, Berlin, Tokyo: IOS Press. 60–68.

Dayé, Christian. 2009. Spielarten der Fortschrittsidee in der 'jungen' Anthropologie. Überlegungen zu Bernd Weilers Die Ordnung des Fortschritts. [Variations of the idea of progress within 'young' anthropology. Considerations on Bernd Weiler's The Order or Progress.] Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 20(1): 195–208.

Dayé, Christian. 2008. 'According to the Books ...': Reviewing Science Studies Textbooks. Social Studies of Science 38(2): 303–318.

Dayé, Christian, and Alberto de Campo. 2006. Sounds sequential: Sonification in the social sciences. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 31(4): 349–364.

Dayé, Christian, Alberto de Campo, and Marianne Egger de Campo. 2006. Sonifikationen in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Datenanalyse. [Sonification in social scientific data analysis.] Angewandte Sozialforschung. Zeitschrift fuer Mitteleuropa 24(1&2): 41–56. &


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