STS/Publications/Armin SPÖK

Selected Publications: Armin Spök

Campa  M, Miranda S, Licciardello C, Lashbrooke JG, Dalla Costa L, Guan Q, Spök A, Malnoy M (2023). Application of new breeding techniques in fruit trees, Plant Physiology, 2023;

Dayé, C., Spök, A., Allan, A.C., Yamaguchi, T., Sprink, T. (2023). Social Acceptability of Cisgenic Plants: Public Perception, Consumer Preferences, and Legal Regulation. In: Chaurasia, A., Kole, C. (eds) Cisgenic Crops: Safety, Legal and Social Issues. Concepts and Strategies in Plant Sciences. Springer, Cham.

Spök A, Sprink T, Allan AC, Yamaguchi T, Dayé C.(2022) Towards social acceptability of genome-edited plants in industrialised countries? Emerging evidence from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. Frontiers in Genome Editing 4:899331.

Racovita M & Spök A (2022) Strategic science translation in emerging science: genetically modified crops and Bisphenol A in two cases of contested animal toxicity studies, GM Crops & Food, 13:1, 142-155, DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2022.2103368        

Ladics, G.S.; Fan, L.; Sewalt, V.J.; Spök, A. Chapter Eight—Safety Assessment and Regulation of Food Enzymes. In Enzymes; Kermasha, S., Michael, N.A., Eds.; Academic Press: San Diego, CA, USA, 2021; pp. 203–258. ISBN 978-0-12-800217-9

Sprink, T., Wilhelm, R. A., Spök, A., Robienski, J., Schleissing, S., Schiemann, J. H., eds. (2020). Plant Genome Editing – Policies and Governance. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88963-670-9 ISSN 1664-8714, ISBN 978-2-88963-670-9, DOI 10.3389/978-2-88963-670-9, pdf and  epub available at

Lang, A., Spök, A., Gruber, M., Harrer, D., Hammer, C., Winkler, F., ... Griessler, E. (2019). Genome Editing - interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. (TA-SWISS; Vol. 70/2019). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich.

Steinberg P, Van der Voet H, Goedhart P W, Kleter G, Kok EJ, Pla M, Nadal A, Zeljenková D, Aláčová R, Babincová J, Rollerová E, Jaďuďová S, Kebis A, Szabova E, Tulinská J, Líšková A, Takácsová M, Lehotská Mikušová M, Krivošíková Z, Spök A,·Racovita M, de Vriend H, Alison R, Alison C, Baumgärtner W, Becker K, Lempp C,·Schmicke M, Schrenk D, Pöting A, Schiemann J and Wilhelm R, (2019). Lack of adverse effects in subchronic and chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity studies on the glyphosate-resistant genetically modified maize NK603 in Wistar Han RCC rats. Archives of Toxicology, 93(4), 1095-1139.

Spök, Armin; Racovita, Monica; Karner, Sandra; Adduci, Gloria; Smets, Greet; Rüdelsheim, Patrick et al. (2018):
Inclusive development and prioritization of review questions in a highly controversial field of regulatory science.
In: Environ Evid 7 (1), S. 933.

Spök, A.; Arvanitakis, G.; McClung, G. (2018 Jun): Status of microbial based cleaning products in statutory regulations and ecolabelling in Europe, the USA, and Canada. In: Food & Chemical Toxicology 116 (Pt A), S. 10–19.

Arvanitakis, G.; Temmerman, R.; Spök, A. (2018 Jun): Development and use of microbial-based cleaning products (MBCPs). Current issues and knowledge gaps. In: Food & Chemical Toxicology 116 (Pt A), S. 3–9.

Haddaway, N. R.; Kohl, C.; Rebelo da Silva, N.; Schiemann, J.; Spök, A.; Stewart, R. et al. (2017): A framework for stakeholder engagement during systematic reviews and maps in environmental management. In: Environ Evid 6 (1), S. 2417. DOI: 10.1186/s13750-017-0089-8.

Schmidt K., Döhring J., Kohl C., Pla M., Kok E.J., Glandorf D. C. M., Custers R., van der Voet  H., Sharbati J., Einspanier R., Zeljenková D., Tulinská J., Spök A., Alison C., Schrenk D., Pöting A., Wilhelm R., Schiemann J., Steinberg P. (2016): Proposed criteria for the evaluation of the scientific quality of mandatory rat and mouse feeding trials with whole food/feed derived from genetically modified plants. Archives in Toxicology,  S. 2287 - 2291,  Springer International Publishing.

Zeljenková D., Aláčová R., Ambrušová K., Bartušová M., Kebis A., Kovrižnych J., Krivošíková Z., Kuricová M., Líšková A., Rollerová E., Spustová V., Szabová E., Tulinská J., Wimmerová S., Levkut M., Révajová V., Ševčíková Z., Schmidt K., Schmidtke J., La Paz J., Corujo M., Pla M., Kleter G.A., Kok E.J., Sharbati J., Einspanier R., Adel-Patient K., Spök A., Pöting A., Kohl C., Wilhelm R., Schiemann J., Steinberg P. (2016), One-year oral toxicity study on a genetically modified maize MON810 variety in Wistar Han RCC rats (EU 7th Framework Programme project GRACE), Archives in Toxicology,  S. 2531 - 2562,  Springer International Publishing

Kohl C, Frampton G, Sweet J, Spök A, Haddaway NR, Wilhelm R, Unger S, Schiemann J (2015): Can systematic reviews inform GMO risk assessment and risk management? Frontiers in Bioeengineering and Biotechnology, 12 August 2015,

Zeljenková D, Ambrušová K, Bartušová M, Kebis A, Kovrižnych J, Krivošíková Z, Kuricová M, Líšková A, Rollerová E, Spustová V, Szabová E, Tulinská J, Wimmerová S, Levkut M, Révajová V, Sevčíková Z, Schmidt K, Schmidtke J, La Paz JL, Corujo M, Pla M, Kleter GA, Kok EJ, Sharbati J, Hanisch C, Einspanier R, Adel-Patient K, Wal JM, Spök A, Pöting A, Kohl C, Wilhelm R, Schiemann J, Steinberg P. (2014). Ninety-day oral toxicity studies on two genetically modified maize MON810 varieties in Wistar Han RCC rats (EU 7th Framework Programme project GRACE). Archives in Toxicology 88(12): 2289-314.

Bammé A, Spök, A (2014): Probleme wahrnehmen und strukturieren. In: Gert Dressel, Wilhelm Berger, Katharina Heimerl, Verena Winiwarter (Hg.): Interdisziplinär und transdisziplinär forschen. transcript Bielefeld, S. 37-49.

Kohl, C.; Craig, W.; Frampton, G.; Garcia-Yi; J.; van Herck, K.; Kleter, G. A.; Krogh, P. H.; Meissle, M.; Romeis, J.; Spök, A.; Sweet, J.; Wilhelm, R.; Schiemann, J. (2013): Developing a good practice for the review of evidence relevant to GMO risk assessment. In: Romeis, J.; Meissle, M.: Proceedings of the sixth meeting on Ecological Impact of Genetically Modified Organisms (EIGMO) (IOBC-WPRS Bulletin 97), 55-63.

Fernandez A., Mills E. N., Lovik M., Spök A., Germini A., Mikalsen A., Wal J. M.: Endogenous allergens and compositional analysis in the allergenicity assessment of genetically modified plants. Food and Chemical Toxicology 16/62. Elsevier Amsterdam 2013, p 6.

Wieser Bernhard, Spök Armin: Perspektiven der Life Sciences. Wie das Wissen über die Grundlagen des Lebens hervorgebracht wurde und von wem es genutzt werden kann. In: Soziale Technik 1/2013, IFZ Eigenverlag Graz 2013, S. 15-17.

Spök, Armin: The Pharming Challenge. In: M.Barram, M.Bournier (Eds.): Governing Risk in GM Agriculture. Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Bagavathiannan, Muthukumar V.; Spök, Armin; van Acker, Rene C.: Commercialization of Perennial GE Crops: Looming Challenges for Regulatory Frameworks. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics (forthcoming), DOI: 10.1007/s10806-010-9257-3 Titel anhand dieser DOI in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen.

Spök, Armin: Assessing Socio-Economic Impacts of GMOs. Issues to Consider for Policy Development. Final Report. Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV 2/2010, Vienna.

Klade, Manfred; Spök, Armin; Steffensen, Bernd: Was wir vom Umgang mit Bio- und Nanotechnologie lernen können. Ökologisch Wirtschaften 2: 21-23, 2010.

Spök, Armin; Klade, Manfred: Environmental, Health and Legal Aspects of Cleaners Containing Living Microbes as Active Ingredients - Results and conclusions of a study commissioned by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environments and Water Management. IFZ electronic working papers IFZ-EWP 3-2010.

Spök, Armin; Klade, Manfred: Ökologische, gesundheitliche und rechtliche Aspekte von Reinigungsmitteln mit Mikroorganismen als Wirkprinzip. Projektendbericht für das Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, IFZ, 2010.

Spök, Armin; Twyman, Richard M.; Fischer, Rainer; Ma, Julian K.C; Sparrow, Pennelope A.C.: Evolution of a regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals derived from genetically modified plants. Trends in Biotechnology 2008/26 (9): 506-517.

Millstone, Erik; van Zwanenberg, Patrick; Levidow, Les; Spök, Armin; Hirakawa, Hideyuki: Risk Assessment Policy – Differences between jurisdictions. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports 23259 EN, Seville: IPTS, 2008.

Spök, Armin; Dolezel, Marion; Freigassner, Maria; Gaugitsch, Helmut.; Heissenberger, Andreas; Karner Sandra; Klade, Manfred; Proksch, Markus; Schneider Leo; Treiber, Fritz; Uhl, Maria: Assessment of Toxic and Ecotoxic Properties of Novel Proteins in GMOs. Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV, Vienna: BMGFJ 1/2008, Part 1.

Spök, Armin; Dolezel, Marion; Freigassner, Maria; Gaugitsch, Helmut.; Heissenberger, Andreas; Karner Sandra; Klade, Manfred; Proksch, Markus; Schneider Leo; Treiber, Fritz; Uhl, Maria: Assessment of Toxic and Ecotoxic Properties of Novel Proteins in GMOs. Forschungsberichte der Sektion IV 1/2008, Vienna: BMGFJ, Part 2 – Supplement.

Spök, Armin: „Molecular farming on the rise – GMO regulators still walking a tightrope”. Trends in Biotechnology, 2007/25, p. 74-82, ISSN: 0167-7799. link

Spök, Armin: „Biotechnology policy in the European Union”. In: Taylor I.P. [Eds.]: Genetically engineered crops. Interim policies, uncertain legislation. Haworth Press Binghampton 2007, pp. 229-263, ISBN: 1560229896 Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen.

Spök, Armin; Proksch, Markus: Lebensmittelenzyme in der EU – Herstellung, Anwendungen, Marktsituation und rechtliche Regelungen. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, Familie und Jugend, Wien 2007. (can be ordered free of charge from

 Spök, Armin; Eckerstorfer, Michael; Gaugitsch, Helmut; Heissenberger, Andreas: „Risk Assessment of stacked events”. Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth Vienna 2007. pdf download

Dolezel, Marion; Eckerstorfer, Michael; Gaugitsch Helmut; Heissenberger, Andreas; Spök, Armin: Review of scientific evidence including latest findings concerning Austrian safeguard measures for GM-Maize lines MON810 and T25. Forschungsbericht, Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth Vienna 2007.

Eckerstorfer, Michael; Gaugitsch, Helmut; Heissenberger, Andreas; Spök, Armin: Analysis of the final report of the WTO Panel in the dispute case “EC – Biotech”. Final Report, Umweltbundesamt Vienna 2006.  

Spök Armin: From Farming to “Pharming” – Risks and Policy Challenges of Third Generation GM Crops. Institute for Technology Assessment [ed.]: ITA – Manu:script, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2006. pdf-download

Spök Armin: Safety Regulation of Food Enzymes. Food Technology and Biotechnology, Volume 44/2006, Issue 2, pp. 197-210.

Spök Armin: „Gentechnik gehört auf das Etikett!“ – Stakeholderworkshop zu Kennzeichnung und Wahlfreiheit von GVO-Lebensmitteln in Österreich. Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit und Frauen Band 3-2005, Wien: BMGF. ISBN 3-900010-47-9

Spök Armin: Broadening the Basis for Assessing GMO Risks. In: von Kistowski Kristin G., Dalbiak Agnieszka, Engelke Thomas, Hadjiraftis Grazyna, Meissaurer Andreas, Middelhoff Ulrike, Schmatzberger Alice, Schubert Gernot, Wozniak Malgorzata [Eds.]: Genetic engineering and biosafety in Europe – Poland, Austria and Germany. Facts and Opinions. PHARE Project PL 01/EN/IB/03, Component 7: Assistance in Promoting Public Participation and Information, 2005, pp. 41-51

Spök Armin, Gaugitsch Helmut, Laffer Sylvia, Pauli Gabrielle, Saito Hirohisa, Sampson Hugh, Sibanda Elopy, Thomas Wayne, van Hage-Hampsten Marianne, Valenta Rudolf: Suggestions for the assessment of the allergenic potential of genetically modified organisms. In: International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 137, 2005, pp. 167-180, ISSN 1018–2438

Spök Armin, Klade Manfred: Molecular Farming. Neue Herausforderungen für Gesetzgebung und Risikomanagement in der EU. Studie im Auftrag des Büros für Technikfolgenabschätzung beim Deutschen Bundestag (TAB). Final Report, April 2005, Graz, IFZ. (pdf-file siehe unten bei "Downloads")

Spök A, Hofer H, Lehner P, Valenta R, Stirn S, Gaugitsch H (2004): Risk Assessment of GMO Products in the European Union. Toxicity assessment, allergenicity assessment and substantial equivalence in practice and proposals for improvement and standardisation: Vienna: Umweltbundesamt, 2004 Reports Series vol. 253, available at pdf-download also published as vol. 7-04 in the Series of the Federal Ministry of Health and Women. Vienna.


Spök, Armin (2003): ,Uneasy Divorce' or Joint Custody'. The Separation of Risk Assessment and Risk Management in Food Policy. MSc Thesis. University of Sussex.

Spök, Armin; Hofer Heinz; Valenta Rudof; Kienzl-Plochberger Karin; Lehner Petra ; Gaugitsch, Helmut (2003): Toxikologie und Allergologie von GVO-Produkten - Teil 2A. Untersuchungen zur Praxis und Empfehlungen zur Standardisierung der Sicherheitsbewertung von gentechnisch veränderten Lebensmitteln. Monographien und Forschungsberichte. 164A. Wien: Umweltbundesamt.

Spök, Armin; Hofer, Heinz; Valenta, Rudolf; Kienzl-Plochberger, Karin; Lehner, Petra; Gaugitsch, Helmut (2003): Toxikologie und Allergologie von GVO-Produkten - Teil 2B. Untersuchungen von Regelungen zur Sicherheitsbewertung von gentechnisch veränderten Lebensmitteln in der EU und den USA. Monographien 164B. Wien: Umweltbundesamt.


Spök, Armin; Karner, Sandra; Hall, Manfred (2003): Next GENeration of Risks? Stand der internationalen Diskussion zu Konzepten der Sicherheitsprüfung und -bewertung bei gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen der zweiten und dritten Generation. 

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