Upcoming DocDay

The next DocDay of our Doctoral School will be on Monday July 1st, 2024. It will be held at KFU Graz, lecture hall 05.12. The short programm is given below, and the full list of titles and abstracts can be found here.

Meet the coordination team:
The coordination team of the DocSchool will be present at the DocDay. There will be the possibility that students and the coordination team can get in contact and discuss formal issues of the PhD studies.

Short Program

A complete list of talks including abstracts can be found here.

9:00 - 9:30: Mario Fratschko
Identifying Structures of Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films and Understanding the Thin Film Formation

9:30 - 10:00: Lukas Legenstein:
Modelling Lattice Vibrations and Heat Transport in Organic Semiconductors

10:00 -10:30: Josef Simbrunner:
Contributions to indexing of diffraction patterns

10:30 - 11:00: COFFEE

11:00 - 11:30: Jaytee Kanwar:
Title- Deciphering chemistry in disks around very low-mass stars

11:30 - 12:00: Patrick Lainer:
Towards hybrid kinetic-MHD modelling of RMP interaction with tokamak plasmas

12:00 - 13:30: LUNCH, and "Meet the coordination team"

13:30 - 14:00: Hana Hampel:
Metaoptics for Attosecond Microscopy

14:00 - 14:30: Greta Cappello:
Insights on small-scale structures of CMEs using WISPR/Parker Solar Probe and SolO-HI/Solar Orbiter

14:30 - 15:00: Richard Berger:
Ab-initio studies on heterogeneous adlayers on coinage metal surfaces

15:00 - open end: Posters
DocSchool posters by Eva Kogler, Nina Kainbacher, David Loibner, Robbin Steentjes, Elena Unterleutner, Lorenz Huber, Stefan Eber, Relindis Rott.

Coffee and Lunch

During coffee and lunch breaks, we will provide snacks and drinks for free!