greenchips-edu/Deliverables & Resources/Deliverables


Work Package 1: Project Management & Coordination

  • D1.1: Updated and detailed project management plan & Consortium Agreement
  • D1.2: Year one management reports of all activities and up-dated project management plan
  • D1.3: Year two management reports of all activities and up-dated project management plan
  • D1.4: Final management reports of all activities

Work Package 2: Conceptual Design (for bachelor programme, master programme, self-standing modules and MBA)

  • D2.1: First concept report about Curriculum redesign
  • D2.2: Concept for Double Degree Master Programmes
  • D2.3: Concept report for self-standing modules
  • D2.4: Concept report for MBA
  • D2.5: Concept report for Green Electronics Bachelor

Work Package 3: Learning Content Development and adapting for Academic Degree Programmes (for Bachelor, Master, Self-standing Modules and MBA)

  • D3.1: Digitized content development
  • D3.2: Revised digitized content development
  • D3.3:
  • D3.4: Assessment of available course content & analysis of modules to develop
  • D3.5: Online serious game
  • D3.6: Bachelor Module Handbook

Work Package 4: Curriculum & Short Courses Pilot Running & Evaluation

  • D4.1: First documentation of participation in programme, content evaluation and derivation of corrective measures.
  • D4.2: Second documentation of participation in programme, content evaluation and derivation of corrective measures
  • D4.3: Report about certification of students according to new programme

Work Package 5: Partnerships- Connect Business, Research, HEIs for exchange programs & interactive learning formats

  • D5.1: Mobility report
  • D5.2: Interactive formats definition
  • D5.3: Interactive formats design
  • D5.4: Report on interactive formats pilots

Work Package 6: Upgrading Infrastructure & Equipment

  • D6.1: Infrastructure requirements and database of existing infrastructure
  • D6.2: Infrastructure purchasing and sharing concept
  • D6.3: Documentation of use in the project Infrastructure implemented

Work Package 7: Outreach, Dissemination & Exploitation/Sustainability

  • D7.1: Report on Structure, roles and added values.
  • D7.2: Revenue sharing model professional education
  • D7.3: Dissemination report and concept ensuring long term impact of project