Peter Maydl Werkstoff und Konstruktion – die vernachlässigte SchnittstelleBaustoff und Konstruktion, Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Harald Budelmann3 -11
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Andre Baldermann, G.H. Grathoff and Claudia Nickel Micromilieu-controlled glauconitization in fecal pellets at Oker (Central Germany)
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Peter Maydl and Alexander Passer Das europäische Regelwerk für Nachhaltiges Bauen
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Gerhard Santner, Bernhard Freytag, Joachim Juhart, Erwin Baumgartner, Franz Schmied and Christian Teichert Adhesive Power of Ultra High Performance Concrete from a Thermodynamic Point of View
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Alexander Passer, Helmuth Kreiner and Peter Maydl Assessment of the environmental performance of buildings - a critical evaluation of the influence of technical building equipment on residential buildings
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Alexander Passer, Johannes Wall, Ernst Rainer, Thomas Mach, Kersten Hofbauer, Karl Höfler, Sonja Geier and Kai-Uwe Hoffer A long way to go - from urban development to plus energy buildings - case study: Energy City Graz ReininghausSUN 2012 - Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods 2012---
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Josef Tritthart Chloridbelastete Stahlbetonbauteile - Zerstörungsfreie Sanierung und aktive PräventionBFT International 201290-91
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Peter Maydl Risk Management and Robustness as Part of Sustainability AssessmentInternational Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering341-341
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Danilo Schulter Risk management and robustness as part of sustainability assessmentRisk management and robustness as part of sustainability assessment
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Dietmar Klammer, Josef Tritthart, Florian Mittermayr and Andrea Brunnsteiner Deterioration of concrete caused by the thaumasite form of sulfate attack (TSA) - A case study8th International Conference: Concrete in the Low Carbon Era1572-1580
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Johannes Wall and Alexander Passer Sustainability in hydropower generationPumpspeicherung im Kontext der erneuerbaren Energieversorgung775-785
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Helmuth Kreiner and Alexander Passer Interdependency of LCCA and LCA in the assessment of buildingsLife-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 20121794-1801
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Joachim Juhart, Bernhard Freytag, Gerhard Santner and Erwin Baumgartner Adhesion of fine-grained HPC and UHPC to Steel and GlassUltra-High Performance Concrete and Nanotechnology in Construction717-724
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Danilo Schulter Know How Plus - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Gebäudesanierung auf PlusenergiehausstandardNachhaltige Gebäude357-364
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Joachim Juhart, Norbert Randl, Walter Schneider and Arnold Pichler Study on the Application of UHPC for Precast Tunnel SegmentsInternational Symposium on Ultra High Performance Concrete981-988
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Johannes Wall and Alexander Passer Harvesting factor in hydropower generationLife-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems2419-2426
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Josef Tritthart Deterioation of concrete caused by the thaumasite form of sulfrate attack (TSA) - A case studyConcrete in the low carbon era1572-1579
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Joachim Juhart, Gernot Franz Fischer, Alexander Passer and Peter Maydl Zur ökologischen Bewertung des Werkstoffs BetonDie Vielseitigkeit eines Baustoffes193-196
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Peter Maydl A Structural Engineer´s Vision of a Sustainably Built EnvironmentIABSE Conference64-69
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Alexander Passer, Thomas Mach, Helmuth Kreiner and Peter Maydl Predictable Sustainability? The role of building certification in the design of innovative façadesAdvanced Building Skins45-0/14
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Thomas Halder, Helmuth Kreiner and Alexander Passer Life-cycle cost analysis of building components and materials used in hospitalsLife-Cycle and Sustainability of Civil Infrastructure Systems1624-1631
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Milan Pudar, Malik Lemes, Florian Mittermayr and Rudolf Vallant Artfremdes Fügen von Magnesium im KarosseriebauJOIN-EX 20121-9
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Joachim Juhart and Josef Tritthart Betontechnologische Methoden zur Klinkerreduktion im BetonDie Vielseitigkeit eines Baustoffes187-192
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Florian Mittermayr, Thomas Rinder, Dietmar Klammer, Albrecht Leis and Martin Dietzel A Carbon Isotope Study of Thaumasite and Calcite Sinter Formation in Underground Construction1st International Congress on Durability of Concrete1-14
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Sajjad Shafaroudi, Josef Schneider and Johannes Wall Sedimente im physikalischen Modellversuch am Beispiel der Wasserkraftanlage SchönauWasserbau Symposium 2012 Wasser - Energie Global denken - lokal handeln443-449
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Dietmar Klammer, Josef Tritthart, Florian Mittermayr and Andrea Brunnsteiner Sulfatbeständigkeit - aktuelle ForschungsergebnisseDie Vielseitigkeit eines Baustoffs57-68
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Peter Maydl Nachhaltigkeit von Beton, - Potentiale und ZukunftsperspektivenDie Vielseitigkeit eines Baustoffes49-56
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Josef Tritthart, Florian Mittermayr, Dietmar Klammer and Andrea Brunnsteiner Schädigung von Beton durch ThaumasitSpritzbeton-Tagung 201277-83
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Bernhard Freytag, Joachim Juhart, Gerhard Santner and E Baumgartner A novel microstructural approach for modeling the adhesive power of UHPCProceeding of 4th international Symposium: Bond in concrete 2012: Bond, Anchorages, Detailing.703-710
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Gerfried Klammer, Gabriele Harb and Josef Schneider Experimantelle Ermittlung der kritischen Schubspannung bei kohäsiven SedimentenWasserbausymposium 2012323-329
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Josef Tritthart, Florian Mittermayr, Andrea Brunnsteiner and Dietmar Klammer Schädigung von Beton durch Thaumasit
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Florian Mittermayr, Dietmar Klammer, Josef Tritthart and Andrea Brunnsteiner Deterioration of concrete caused by the thaumasite form of sulfate attack (TSA) - A case study
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Florian Mittermayr, Dietmar Klammer, Daniel Höllen, Martin Dietzel, Christoph Kurta, Albrecht Leis and Michael Böttcher Concrete damage in underground structures
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Joachim Juhart, Bernhard Freytag, Gerhard Santner and Erwin Baumgartner Adhesion of fine-grained HPC and UHPC to Steel and Glass
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Gernot Franz Fischer, Matthias Lenz, Peter Maydl and Alexander Passer Einsatz von Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen als Bewehrung im Beton
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Joachim Juhart, Gernot Franz Fischer, Alexander Passer and Peter Maydl Zur ökologischen Bewertung des Werkstoffs Beton
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