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Total water storage anomalies from GRACE

Daily total water storage from ITSG-Grace2014

This video shows variations in the total water storage of the danube basin derived from daily Kalman smoothed GRACE solutions included in the ITSG-Grace2014 release. ©Torsten Mayer-Gürr, 2015

EOT11a ocean tide model

Ocean tide variations computed with the Empirical Ocean Tide model 11a (EOT11a). The EOT11a model is a result of the COTAGA project. ©Torsten Mayer-Gürr, 2014

Earth tides

Vertical deformation of the solid Earth caused by tidal forces of Sun (yellow circle) and Moon (white circle). ©Torsten Mayer-Gürr, 2014

Mass variations from AOD1B RL05

Non-tidal mass variations of the atmosphere (top) and ocean (bottom) derived from Atmosphere and Ocean Dealiasing product (AOD1B RL05). ©Torsten Mayer-Gürr, 2014
Torsten Mayer-Gürr
Steyrergasse 30/III
8010 Graz
Tel: +43 316 873-6359
Fax: +43 316 873-6845