Geosiences at the front !

Our Earth's surface creates a wealth of individual carbonate and silicate archives, which are examined in current review articles in Geochemistry and Clay Minerals in terms of their significance for current challenges for nature and mankind.

Precipitation of CaCO3 in natural and man-made aquatic environments - Mechanisms, analogues, and proxies
Martin Dietzel, Ronny Boch

Fig1: Schematic overview about CaCO3 precipitation in natural aquatic environments.
Schematic overview about CaCO3 precipitation in natural aquatic environments.

Fig2: Schematic overview about CaCO3 precipitation in man-made aquatic environments.
Schematic overview about CaCO3 precipitation in man-made aquatic environments.


Exploring reverse silicate weathering across geological time: a review
Andre Baldermann, Santanu Banerjee, Stefan C. Löhr, Maxim Rudmin, Laurence N.,
Warr and Arpita Chakraborty



Illustration of the interaction of clay minerals, silicate weathering and atmospheric CO2 levels.


Stratigraphic distribution of common clay minerals found in various sedimentary

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