Melanie Maria Wölwitsch and Reinhard BrandnerErmittlung der Torsionskenngrößen von parallel beanspruchten Klebeflächen in BSP-ScheibenelementenShow publication in PURE
Julia Dröscher, Gerhard Schickhofer and Manfred AugustinDurchbrüche in Tragstrukturen aus BSH und BSPShow publication in PURE
Book Chapter
Konstantin Ganster and Gerhard SchickhoferHyllningsskrift tillHyllningsskrift till43-55Show publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer and Andreas RinghoferVersorgen und Uhüllen im Holzbau - Schnittstellen des Holzbaus zur Gebäude- und FassadentechnikShow publication in PURE
Journal Article
Reinhard Brandner, Philipp Dietsch, Julia Dröscher, Michael Schulte-Wrede, Heinrich Kreuzinger, Mike Sieder, Gerhard Schickhofer and Stefan WinterShear properties of cross laminated timber (CLT) under in-plane load: test configuration and experimental studyShow publication in PURE
Matteo Izzi, Georg Flatscher, Massimo Fragiacomo and Gerhard SchickhoferExperimental investigations and design provisions of steel-to-timber joints with annular-ringed shank nails for Cross-Laminated Timber structuresShow publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner and Ernst StadloberSamples of iid Lognormals: approximations for characteristics of minimaShow publication in PURE
Bhavna Sharma, Helene Bauer, Gerhard Schickhofer and Michael RamageMechanical characterisation of structural laminated bambooShow publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner and Ulrich MüllerDer Einsatz des Götterbaums im BaubereichShow publication in PURE
Catarina Silva, Jorge Branco, Andreas Ringhofer, Paulo B. Lourenco and Gerhard SchickhoferThe influences of moisture content variation, number and width of gaps on the withdrawal resistance of self tapping screws inserted in cross laminated timberShow publication in PURE
Reinhard Brandner, Georg Flatscher, Andreas Ringhofer, Gerhard Schickhofer and Alexandra ThielCross laminated timber (CLT): overview and developmentShow publication in PURE
Conference/Workshop Article
Chrysl Aranha, Jorge Branco, Paulo Lorenco, Georg Flatscher and Gerhard SchickhoferFinite element modelling of the cyclic behaviour of CLT connectors and wallsWCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Helene BauerIntroduction to CLT, Product Properties, Strength ClassesCross laminated Timber – a competitive wood product for visionary and fire safe buildings: Joint Conference of COST Actions FP1402 and FP1404Show publication in PURE
Alexandra Thiel and Reinhard BrandnerULS Design of CLT Elements – Basics and some Special TopicsJoint Conference of COST Actions FP1402 and FP1404 Cross Laminated Timber – a competitive wood product for visionary and fire safe buildingsShow publication in PURE
Georg Flatscher and Gerhard SchickhoferDisplacement-Based Determination of Laterally Loaded Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Wall SystemsINTER - International Network on Timber Engineering ResearchShow publication in PURE
Markus Grabner, Andreas Wolf, Elisabeth Schwabl and Gerhard SchickhoferMethods of Forming Veneer StructuresWCTE 2016Show publication in PURE
Ursula Mahlknecht, Reinhard Brandner and Manfred AugustinBlock shear fialure mode of axially loaded groups of screwsWorld Conference on Timber Engineering 2016, ViennaShow publication in PURE
Georg Jeitler, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard SchickhoferBIRCH | GLT+CLT - Mechanical properties of Glued Laminated Timber and Cross Laminated Timber produced with the wood species birchWCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber EngineeringShow publication in PURE
Andrea Polastri, Reinhard Brandner and Daniele CasagrandeExperimental analysis of a new connection system for CLT structuresStructures and Architecture - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Structures and Architecture119-127Show publication in PURE
Helene Bauer and Gerhard SchickhoferTest Configurations and Analysis for Determining Characteristic Properties of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)WCTE 2016Show publication in PURE
Jianhui Zhou, Ying Hei Chui, Gerhard Schickhofer and Julie FrappierElastic Constants of Cross Laminated Timber Panels of Industrial Size: Non-Destructive Measurement and VerificationWCTE 2016Show publication in PURE
Julia Dröscher, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard SchickhoferDurchbrüche in Tragstrukturen aus BSH und BSPVERSORGEN und UMHÜLLEN im HolzbauShow publication in PURE
Konstantin GansterModularisierung der Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz - Analyse und Fügung2. Klagenfurter Holzbau-Fachtagung - Versorgen und Umhüllen im HolzbauShow publication in PURE
Jochen Köhler, Gerhard Fink and Reinhard BrandnerBasis of design principles – application to CLTCross Laminated Timber – A competitive wood product for visionary and fire safe buildings45-63Show publication in PURE
Markus GrabnerUntersuchungen an geformten SchichtholzlaminatenForschungskolloquium Holzbau Forschung + Praxis91-98Show publication in PURE
Reinhard BrandnerGroup action of axially-loaded screws in the narrow face of cross laminated timberProceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2016)Show publication in PURE
Simon Günther, Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard SchickhoferWärmedämmverbundsysteme im Holz-Massivbau2. Klagenfurter Holzbau-Fachtagung (2. KlaHFT'16)1-21Show publication in PURE
Simon Günther, Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard SchickhoferExternal thermal insulation composite systems in solid timber constructionWCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering1-10Show publication in PURE
Konstantin GansterBauphysikalischer Vergleich und Bewertung publizierter und ausgeführter Dach-, Decken- und Wandaufbauten in Holz-Massivbauweise mit BrettsperrholzShow publication in PURE
Technical Report
Andreas RinghoferStiffness Properties of Axially Loaded Self-Tapping ScrewsShow publication in PURE
Other Article
Andreas MeiselErsatzneubau der Hochbrücke Levensau über den NOK - Tragsicherheitsnachweise für den zum Dauererhalt des WL Süd als FledermausquartierShow publication in PURE
Konstantin GansterHygrothermische Langzeitmessung innerhalb einer BSP-Wand im SockelbereichShow publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer, Reinhard Brandner and Helene BauerIntroduction to CLT – product properties – strength classesShow publication in PURE
Alexandra Thiel and Reinhard BrandnerULS Design of CLT Elements – Basics and some Special TopicsShow publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer, Alexandra Thiel and Julia DröscherBasic and Special Design Concepts of CLT Elements loaded out-of-planeShow publication in PURE
Gerhard Schickhofer, Georg Flatscher and Andreas RinghoferBuilding a building inside a building - CLT pre-fab solutions for fast growing cities are on the riseShow publication in PURE
Georg Flatscher and Gerhard SchickhoferDisplacement-Based Determination of Laterally Loaded Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Wall SystemsShow publication in PURE
Markus Grabner, Andreas Wolf, Elisabeth Schwabl and Gerhard SchickhoferMethods of Forming Veneer StructuresShow publication in PURE
Ursula Mahlknecht, Reinhard Brandner and Manfred AugustinBlock shear fialure mode of axially loaded group of screwsShow publication in PURE
Thomas Markus Laggner, Georg Flatscher and Gerhard SchickhoferCombinded loading of self-tapping screwsShow publication in PURE
Gerhard SchickhoferTest Configurations and Analysis for Determining Characteristic Properties of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)Show publication in PURE
Julia Dröscher, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard SchickhoferDurchbrüche in Tragstrukturen aus BSH und BSPShow publication in PURE
Julia Dröscher, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard SchickhoferReinforcement Concepts for Timber Beams with Large Round HolesShow publication in PURE
Julia Dröscher, Manfred Augustin and Gerhard SchickhoferComparison of Verification and Reinforcement Concepts for Timber Beams with Large Round HolesShow publication in PURE
Georg FlatscherErdbebenbemessung - Experimentelle Untersuchungen an der TU GrazShow publication in PURE
Georg Flatscher and Gerhard SchickhoferVerformungsbasierte Berechnung von lateral beanspruchten BSP WandsystemenShow publication in PURE
Gerhard SchickhoferIntoduction, Production and Technology of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)Show publication in PURE
Jochen Köhler, Gerhard Fink and Reinhard BrandnerBasis of design principles – application to CLTShow publication in PURE
Andrea Polastri, Reinhard Brandner and Daniele CasagrandeExperimental analysis of a new connection system for CLT structuresShow publication in PURE
Andrea Polastri, Reinhard Brandner and Daniele CasagrandeExperimental analysis of a new connection system for CLT structuresShow publication in PURE
Ursula Mahlknecht, Reinhard Brandner and Manfred AugustinBlock Shear Failure Mode of Axially Loaded Groups of ScrewsShow publication in PURE
Ulrich Müller, Reinhard Brandner and Gerhard SchickhoferDer Einsatz des Götterbaums im BaubereichShow publication in PURE
Andreas RinghoferStiffness Properties of Axially Loaded Self-Tapping ScrewsShow publication in PURE
Andreas RinghoferStiffness Properties of Axially Loaded Self-Tapping ScrewsShow publication in PURE
Simon Günther, Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard SchickhoferWärmedämmverbundsysteme im Holz-MassivbauShow publication in PURE
Simon Günther, Andreas Ringhofer and Gerhard SchickhoferExternal thermal insulation composite systems in solid timber constructionShow publication in PURE
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