Grazer Holzbau-Workshop (GraHWS)

In order to facilitate cooperation in development and standardization, the Graz timber workshops (GraHWS) were created. The aim of these workshops is to invite experts from science and industry to an open discussion regarding a specific research topic. The number of participants is usually around 15 comprising of recognized specialists in the specific areas.
Workshop Original Titel
10. GraHWS'18 Verbindungstechnik für Laubholz-Konstruktionen
"Connections in hardwood timber constructions"
9. GraHWS'18 Status quo of CLT activities
(Norway, Japan, USA)
8. GraHWS'17 Modularisierung im Holzbau
"Modularisation in timber constructions"
7. GraHWS'17 Veneer Based Products
6. GraHWS'16 Durchbrüche im Holzbau
"Openings in timber beams"
5. GraHWS'16 Status quo of CLT in Japan
4. GraHWS'09 Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz
"Solid timber constructions in CLT"
3. GraHWS'07 Laubhölzer - Exoten im Baubereich?
"Hardwood in timber constructions"
2. GraHWS'06 Brettschichtholz - Ein Produkt mit Geschichte und Zukunft
"Glue Laminated Timber - History and Future"
1. GraHWS'05 Bemessung und Konstruktion
"Design and Verification"

Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 24
A-8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0)316 873 - 4601
Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 4619