Grazer Holzbau-Seminar (GraHSE)

The Graz timber seminars (GraHSE) deal with current research topics and/or content from offered courses (Teaching). In detail, they offer a transfer platform for people, who are interested in timber. The number of participants is limited to 25 to 30 people (class size).
Seminar Original Titel
4. GraHSE'10 Bestandsanalyse und Instandhaltung historischer Holzkonstruktionen
"Analysis and Maintenance of timber structures"
3. GraHSE'09 Holz-Massivbauweise in Brettsperrholz
"Solid timber constructions in CLT"
2. GraHSE'08 Verbindungstechnik im Ingenieurholzbau
"Joints in timber structures"
1. GraHSE'07 Einflussfaktoren auf die Eigenschaften von Brettschichtholz
"Influencing factors on the mechanical properties of glue laminated timber"

Institute of Timber Engineering and Wood Technology
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 24
A-8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0)316 873 - 4601
Fax: +43 (0)316 873 - 4619