ISV/Research/Completed Projects
© TU Graz / ISV
Road and rail traffic noise - effects on physiological parameters regarding the subjective estimation Keywords: Road and rail traffic noise, psychoacoustics, physiological parameter, labor study

Noise is one of the most often reported negative environmental effects of traffic because of their direct perceptibility. Our main focus of research is to improve the sound analysis and to grasp the subjective effects. Based on results of the former project Traffic noise annoyance on roads TNAR a measuring method was developed, which represents the subjective and the physiological traffic noise influences on humans in an objective form. These results may serve as a supplemental tool for road- and rail traffic planners as well as civil engineers to predict not only objective consequences but also the subjective estimation of noise induced discomfort caused by road and rail traffic noise.  

Duration: December 2006 – November 2008  

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