Visit of Dr. Hannes Androsch at the IME

Visit of Dr. Hannes Androsch at the Institute for machine components and methods of development as chairman of the Council for Research and Technology Development of the Federal Government on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.

Chairman of the Council Dr. Hannes Androsch and Prof. Dr. Hannes Hick at the AVL-TU Graz Transmission Center
© TU Graz/IME

Remark from The Austrian Federal Government is clearly committed to the EU goals of Lisbon and Barcelona and attaches particular importance to scientific research and technological development. To this end, the legislator established a new, independent Council for Research and Technological Development on July 11, 2000 and gave it its own legal personality on September 1, 2004. Its scope of action covers the entire national innovation system and its recommendations can be obtained equally from federal and state authorities.


Institute of Machine Components and Methods of Development

Inffeldgasse 21b/II
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 873 7361 
Fax: +43 316 873 7370
