Some works focus on questions regarding future investments under certain regulatory conditions (cf. Nagel and Rammerstorfer 2009; Klingelhöfer and Kurz 2011). However, the aim of the project El.Adapt was to develop an integrated modelling framework to describe and analyse the requirement for and economic consequences of adaptations in the electricity sector in Austria until 2050. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, different models have been integrated (or coupled). For the analysis of the consequences of the climate change on the electricity sector, high-resolution climate change scenarios have been used as input to the hydrological model in order to determine changes in hydrology. Those changes are relevant for hydropower generation, which serves as an input to the electricity sector models (temporal and spatial high resolution temperature, precipitation, river discharge, and wind data). Because of the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, the techno-economic electricity sector model (ATLANTIS) has been coupled with a multi-country multi-sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model (based on GTAP10 v7).