Christian Gasser, Matthias Rebhan, Alois Vorwagner and Martin Czuka Identification of force in tieback anchors by vibration analysis with AI and PINNs
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Matthias Rebhan, Stefan Grubinger, Andreas Schüppel, Simona Deutinger and Gernot Schwarzenberger Digital documentation of railway tunnel inspection in Austria
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Matthias Rebhan, Stefan Grubinger, Simona Deutinger and Gernot Schwarzenberger Digital documentation of the inspection of tunnels on the Tauern line of the Austrian Federal Railways
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Duncan Nicholson, Chris Menkiti, Franz Tschuchnigg and Johan Spross Workshop WS08 - Observational Method – From Analysis to Data Interpretation and New Eurocodes
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Haris Felic, Paul Bonnier and Sandro Brasile Implementation and appraisal of stress recovery techniques for embedded finite elements with frictional contact
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Beiträge zum 38. Christian Veder Kolloquium NEUE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN IN DER GEOTECHNIK – NACHHALTIGKEIT, ENERGIEWENDE & KLIMAWANDEL
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Embedded Finite Element with Implicit Interaction Surface for 3D Analysis of Deep Foundations
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Fengwen Lai, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger, Songyu Liu, Jim Shiau and Guojun Cai A numerical study of deep excavations adjacent to existing tunnels: Integrating CPTU and SDMT to calibrate soil constitutive model
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M.H. Zobiri, Franz Tschuchnigg, Ch. Bouraoui and M. S. Remadna Bearing capacity of strip footings placed on sloping ground
18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ARCSMGE2024)
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Matthias Rebhan, Stefan Grubinger, Andreas Schüppel, Simona Deutinger and Gernot Schwarzenberger Advances in the Digital Documentation of Railway Tunnel Inspection
12th International Conference Tunnel Safety and Ventilation
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Amin Keshavarz, Babak Nikeghbal Sisakht, Mohammad Taher Kamali and Franz Tschuchnigg Seismic analysis of cross-anisotropic poroelastic layered soil retained by rigid walls
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Christian Wallner, Dirk Schlicke and Franz Tschuchnigg Realistic regard of differential settlements in the design of foundation slabs by using non-linear soil material models
14th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering - Proceedings
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Hans-Peter Daxer, Matthias Rebhan, Johannes Leo, Haris Felic, Franz Tschuchnigg, Julia Ober and Dirk Schlicke Berücksichtigung des konstruktiven Betonbaus bei der Bemessung, dem Entwurf und der Nachrechnung geotechnischer Bauwerke
Beton Graz '24: 6. Grazer Betonkolloquium, 12./13. September
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S. Oberhollenzer, L. Hauser, R. Marte, F. Tschuchnigg, H. F. Schweiger and E. J. Lande Improved determination of the constrained modulus in soft soils using the flat dilatometer testGeotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground122-129
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Roman Marte, Markus Keuschnig, Patrik Neureiter, Hannes Ramoser and Gerald Valentin Exploring the integration of InSAR data into climate-driven creep models to assess slow-moving landslide dynamics
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Islam Marzouk, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Nikolaus Hödlmoser Parameter identification for constitutive models based on pressuremeter testGeotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society 656-659
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Florian Roman Steindl, Stefanie Radinger, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Ognjen Rudic, Katharina Maria Weisser, Anna Krammer, Klaus Doschek-Held, Bettina Ratz, Iris Zögl, Sara Raic, Florian Mittermayr and Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg Thermally treated residues and by-products as components of waste-based alkali-activated materialsProceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024. RSCC 2024.53-61
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Matthias Rebhan, Julian Schleicher, Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Daniela Wirthl and André Arnold SG4SSI Sensor Grid 4 Soil-Structure-Interaction
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Roman Marte and Robert Hofmann Sicherheitsbeurteilung für Bauwerke in langsamen Großmassenbewegungen
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Islam Marzouk, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg A Case Study on Advanced CPT Data Interpretation: From Stratification to Soil Parameters
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Haris Felic, Johannes Leo, Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical investigation of pile foundation systems employing an enhanced embedded finite element
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A. Stastny, L. Knittel, T. Meier and F. Tschuchnigg Experimental determination of hypoplastic parameters and cyclic numerical analysis for railway bridge backfills
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Haris Felic, Tobias Peterstorfer, Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Data-driven site characterization - Focus on small-strain stiffness
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
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Haris Felic, Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Parameter Optimization for Constitutive Soil Models by means of Supervised Machine Learning
28th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
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Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg A combined approach to Automated Parameter Determination (APD)
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Roman Marte, Jörg Edler, Martin Scharf, Christian Gasser and Stefan L, Burtscher Erfassung der Vorspannkraft bei bestehenden geankerten Konstruktionen – Abhebeversuche, Nachrüstung und Digitalisierung von Kraftmesseinrichtungen zu Monitoringzwecken
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Agus Himawan, Andhika Sahadewa, Masyhur Irsyam, Reguel Mikhail, Idwan Suhendra, Muchamad Rifai, Karsten Beckhaus, Yasin Widodo, Christian Moormann, Helmut F. Schweiger, Abi Maulana Hakim, Hasbullah Nawir and Fahmi Aldiamar Full-scale trial embankment and numerical analysis of mortar column inclusion and high-strength geotextile-reinforced load transfer platform on peat
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Kainz Florian and Jörg Edler Dynamic testing of micropiles subjected to tensile loads
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
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Mona Siahkouhi, Gertraud Medicus, Franz Tschuchnigg and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Investigating the Impact of Inhomogeneous Soil Parameters on Shear Strength in Biaxial Tests
28th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
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Y. Degu, Oliver Reul and Franz Tschuchnigg Calibration of a numerical model for the investigation of piled rafts under dynamic loading
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Georg H. Erharter, Suzanne Lacasse, Franz Tschuchnigg, Ewald Tentschert, Dennis Becker and Kok-Kwang Phoon A consistent terminology to communicate ground-related uncertainty
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Matthias Rebhan, Martin Hayden and Franz Tschuchnigg Insight into interaction effects between reaction systems and test piles during static load tests
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Markus Schuch, Clemens Klass, Volker Reinprecht, Stefan Grubinger, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Klimawandelbedingte Auswirkungen auf die Inspektion von Infrastrukturbauwerken und Ableitung nachhaltiger Maßnahmen für die Bauwerkserhaltung
Beiträge zum 28. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Stefan Grubinger, Sandra Hoffmann and Matthias Rebhan Automatisierte plan-, modell- und bauteilbasierte Fehlstellenverortung in 2D und 3D bei Brückenbauwerken
Tagungsband 2024
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Markus Schuch, Clemens Klass, Klaus Breit, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Dauerhaftigkeit von Zugelementen und geankerten Konstruktionen unter Berücksichtigung der geplanten Nutzungsdauer und klimawandelbedingter Effekte
Mitteilungen des Institutes für Geotechnik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Martin Ehall, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Quality control of fine-grained embankments using penetration tests
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Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Incorporating shear wave velocity measurements into an Automated Parameter Determination (APD) system
Proceedings of the 18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Markus Schuch, Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Lukas Wimmer and Robert Hofmann Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Fundierung von Schutzbauten unter Berücksichtigung stoßartiger Einwirkungen und der Dauerhaftigkeit
Tragungsbeiträge zur 14. Österreichischen Geotechniktagung
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Islam Marzouk, Ronald Brinkgreve, Arny Lengkeek and Franz Tschuchnigg APD: An automated parameter determination system based on in-situ tests
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Bernhard Fischerauer, Alois Maintinger, Markus Schuch and Jürgen Stern Bahnspezifische Anforderungen an die Untergrunderkundung bei der Planung von Spülbohrungen und Rohrdurchpressungen unter Gleiskörpern
Tagungsbeiträge zur 14. Österreichischen Geotechniktagung
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Matthias Rebhan, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Fabian Öhlinger, Marc Andre Rapp, Klaus Breit, Markus Schuch and Roman Marte Ensuring climate-friendly and sustainable rockfall protection nets
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Johannes Leo and Franz Tschuchnigg Particle Swarm Optimization of Interface Constitutive Model Parameters for Embedded Beam Formulations
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Wolfgang Fellin, Hans Peter Daxer and Franz Tschuchnigg Zum Einfluss des Dilatanzwinkels auf die Sicherheit am Beispiel einer einfach verankerten Spundwand
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Julian Schleicher, Islam Marzouk, Matthias Rebhan and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical studies on underground thermal energy storages
Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology - Proceedings of the 2nd MedGU, Marrakesh 2022 Volume 3
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Stefanie Radinger, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Ognjen Rudic, Bettina Ratz, Iris Zögl, Sara Raic, Florian Steindl, Florian Mittermayr and Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg A MULTI-STAGE EVALUATION PROCESS OF AUSTRIAN MINERAL WASTE STREAMS AS RAW MATERIALS IN ALKALI-ACTIVATED MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Saman Hosseini and Sandro Brasile Insight into numerical characteristics of embedded finite elements for pile-type structures employing an enhanced formulation
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Matthias J. Rebhan, Cornelius Dold, Franz Tschuchnigg, Stefan L. Burtscher and Roman Marte Behavior of Cracked Grout Bodies of Micro-Piles with Different Corrosion Protection Measures
Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology - Proceedings of the 1st MedGU, Istanbul 2021 Volume 3
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Hannes Ramoser, Florian Thurner and Roman Marte Modelling of slow-moving landslides triggered by rainfall
Interpraevent 2024 - Conference Proceedings
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Hannes Ramoser and Roman Marte Prediction Program for Slow Moving Landslides
Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society
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Hans-Peter Daxer, Georg O. Flatscher, Franz Tschuchnigg, Matthias Rebhan, Vera Pamminger and Daniela Wirthl Simulation and numerical back analysis of the load redistribution associated with degrading anchored structures
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
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S. Oberhollenzer, L. Hauser, A. Baldermann, R. Marte, F. Tschuchnigg, H. F. Schweiger, M. Nachtnebel and M. Dietzel Microstructure development in lacustrine, fine-grained sediments traced by in situ and laboratory testing
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Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg APD: Automated parameter determination for constitutive models based on in-situ tests
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Florian Roman Steindl, Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg, Ognjen Rudic, Stefanie Radinger, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Katharina Maria Weisser, Anna Krammer, Klaus Doschek-Held, Bettina Ratz, Sarah Steiner, Christoph Gatschlhofer and Florian Mittermayr Reactive binder components for building materials by thermochemical upcycling of mineral wastes and by-products
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Florian Roman Steindl, Bettina Ratz, Stefanie Radinger, Iris Zögl, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Sara Raic, Ognjen Rudic, Klaus Doschek-Held, Klaus Philipp Sedlazeck, Florian Mittermayr and Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg GECCO2: Ein neues Christian Doppler Labor für umweltfreundliche reststoffbasierte Baumaterialien
VORTRÄGE-Konferenzband zur 17. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz
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Matthias Rebhan, Markus Schuch, Clemens Klass, Klaus Breit and Stefan Grubinger Fehlender Know-How-Transfer bei der Ausfürhung geotechnischer Konstruktionen
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Martin Hayden, Matthias Rebhan, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte, Adrian Thylbert Brunner, C. Böhm and Dietmar Adam Einfluss der Widerlagerkonstruktion auf die Prüfung von Duktil- und Mikropfählen
Messen in der Geotechnik 2024
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Stefan Grubinger, Andreas Schüppel, Gernot Schwarzenberger, Simona Deutinger and Matthias Rebhan Digitale Lösungen für die Inspektion von Tunneln
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Stefanie Radinger, Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg and Roman Marte Neuartige Baustoffe in der Geotechnik – Was alkalisch-aktivierte Materialien so interessant macht
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Andrew Ridley Discussion Session D10 (Excavations, Tunnelling & Monitoring)
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Hans-Peter Daxer, Manuel F. Kainersdorfer, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Einfluss des Stoffgesetzes auf die Sicherheit von drainierten und undrainierten Böschungen
Numerik in der Geotechnik
9 - 14
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Haris Felic, Dirk Schlicke, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Enhanced Interoperability between Geotechnical and Structural Engineering for 3D Building ModelsSynerCrete 2023: International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures217-228
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Christian Gasser, Alois Vorwagner, Matthias Rebhan, Tomislav Dolic and Afred Lechner Künstliche Neuronale Netze in der SchwingungsanalyseTagungsband zur 18. D-A-CH-Tagung: Erdbebeningenieurwesen und Baudynamik
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Dirk Schlicke, Franz Tschuchnigg, Hannes Fischnaller and Klaus Pfaff Statische Analyse und Bemessung von Gebäuden mittels 3D-Gesamtmodellen2024 Beton Kalender505-571
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Helmut F. Schweiger Numerical modelling of complex geotechnical problems - Three examplesSmart Geotechnics for Smart Societies190-201
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Islam Marzouk, Franz Tschuchnigg and Ronald Brinkgreve Expansion of an automated system for determining soil parameters using in-situ tests
NUMGE 2023 - Proceedings
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Matthias Rebhan, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte, Harald Fuschelberger, Alexander Zöhrer, Kainz Florian, Robert Thurner, Johann Dobrezberger and Markus Schuch Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der Mikropfahltechnik
Pfahl-Symposium 2023
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Hans-Peter Daxer, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Ultimate limit state design of deep excavation problems according to EC7 using numerical methods
Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023
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Prateep Lueprasert, Pornkasem Jongpradist, Pattaramon Jongpradist and Helmut F. Schweiger Structural Responses of a Tunnel Lining Due to an Adjacent Loaded Pile
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Fabian Brand, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Diego Marchetti Characterization of Partial Drainage during Medusa Flat Dilatometer Testing
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Johannes Berndt, Oliver Reul and Roman Marte Erfahrungswerte zur Prognose der axialen Grenztragfähigkeit von Duktilrammpfählen
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Johannes Leo, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Interface Constitutive Model Calibration of Embedded Beam with Interaction Surface using Particle Swarm Optimisation
Abstract Book 4th International Symposium on Machine Learning & Big Data in Geoscience
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Johannes Leo, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Interface Constitutive Model Calibration of Embedded Beam with Interaction Surface using Particle Swarm Optimisation
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Georg H. Erharter, Hilde Aas Nøst, Islam Marzouk, Simon Oberhollenzer, Wilhelm Holmen, Hans Petter Jostad and Franz Tschuchnigg MLpFEM - towards Machine Learning based parameter calibration
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Islam Marzouk, Simon Oberhollenzer and Franz Tschuchnigg An automated system for determining soil parameters: Case study
IS-PORTO 2023 - Proceedings
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Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Ultimate limit state design for deep excavations according to Eurocode 7 by means of numerical methods
Proceedings of the 17th Danube - European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
185- 192
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Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical studies on the use of zero thickness interfaces in cyclic soil structure interaction analysis
Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023
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Manfred Scheikl, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Advancements within static and dynamic Finite Element Analyses of large Embankment Dams
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Ronald Brinkgreve, Franz Tschuchnigg, A. Laera and Sandro Brasile Automated CPT interpretation and modelling in a BIM/Digital Twin environment
Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023
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Manfred Scheikl, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Advancements within static and dynamic Finite Element Analyses of large Embankment Dams
ICOLD 2023
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Stanislav Sysala, Franz Tschuchnigg, Eva Hrubesova and Zdeněk Michalec Shear strength reduction analysis and its usage in slope stability with unconfined seepage
Proceedings 10th NUMGE 2023
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Herausforderung Bodenklassifizierung - Möglichkeiten und Vorteile der Drucksondierung
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Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg Identification of Soil Strata from In-Situ Test Data Using Machine Learning
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 3
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Stanislav Sysala, Eva Hrubešová, Zdeněk Michalec and Franz Tschuchnigg A Rigorous Variant of the Shear Strength Reduction Method and Its Usage in Slope Stability
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 3
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Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical Studies on Soil Structure Interaction of Integral Railway Bridges with Different Backfills
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 3
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Stanislav Sysala, Franz Tschuchnigg, Eva Hrubesova and Zdeněk Michalec Optimization variant of the shear strength reduction method and its usage for stability of embankments with unconfined seepage
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Markus Schuch Development of a double-corrosion-protected self-drilling micropile for the foundation of rockfall protection structures
Proceedings of the ISRM 15th International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering & 72nd Geomechanics Colloquium – Challenges in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
1025 - 1030
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Martin Scharf, Philipp Zopf, Jörg Edler, Franz Haas, Jakob Stadlbauer, Alexander Zöhrer, Reinhard Kulmer, Roman Marte and Matthias Rebhan Automatisierung und Digitalisierung der Abhebekontrolle von Verpressankern – Maschinenbau meets Geotechnik
Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium
161 - 178
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Stefan Grubinger, Matthias Rebhan, Slaven Kalenjuk, Lukas Gruber, Arnold Kogelnig and Wolfgang Walcher Digitalisierungspotential der Prüfung geotechnischer Bauwerke mittels digitaler Zwillinge, standardisierten Prüfvorschriften und on-site-Erfassungslösungen
Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium
179 - 198
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Laurin Hauser and Helmut F. Schweiger Numerische Simulation von Drucksondierungen mithilfe der Particle Finite Element Method
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Alexander Stastny, Lukas Knittel, Franz Tschuchnigg and Thomas Meier Determination of hypoplastic parameters for a typical gravel backfill material of railway bridges
IS-Porto 2023 - Proceedings
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg On the Use of Embedded Beam Formulations for the Numerical Analysis of Deep Foundations
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics
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Wolfgang Fellin, Hans-Peter Daxer and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerische Untersuchungen zur Standsicherheit in der tiefen Gleitfuge
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Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Richtlinie für lager- und fugenlose Eisenbahnbrücken mit einer ausgeprägten Boden-Bauwerks-Interaktion
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Matthias Rebhan VÖBU Ankerdatenbank
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Beiträge zum 37. Christian Veder Kolloquium: Zustandserhebung, Bewertung und Sanierung von gealterten bzw. schadhaften geotechnischen Konstruktionen
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Jörg Edler, Florian Scharinger, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Determination of the conservation status of anchored structures in Austria
Proceedings of the 17th Danube European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (17DECGE)
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Stefan Grubinger, Simon Jimenez, Andreas Schüppel, Matthias Rebhan, Christoph Antony, Clemens Klass and Lukas Gruber Digitale Prüfung von Infrastrukturbauwerken aus Sicht des Bauwerkserhalters, des Prüfpersonals und des Softwareherstellers
2. Fachkongress Digitale Transformation im Lebenszyklus der Verkehrsinfrastruktur
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Behaviour of Embedded Beam Formulations under Dynamic Loading
5th International Conference on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering - Proceedings of ZM 2022
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Matthias Rebhan and Volker Reinprecht Prüfung und Sonderprüfung von geankerten Stützbauwerken
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Haris Felic Das Embedded Beam Element mit expliziter Interaktionsoberfläche - Optimierte Modellierung linearer Strukturelemente 37. Baugrundtagung45-54
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Roman Marte and Franz Tschuchnigg Beiträge zum 36. Christian Veder Kolloquium: BAUEN IN WEICHEN BÖDEN – BESONDERE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN IN PLANUNG UND AUSFÜHRUNG
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Martin Dietzel, Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg RESEARCH PROJECT PITS - Parameter identification using in-situ tests in silty soils
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Simon Oberhollenzer and Ian Veigl Slope stability analysis: Limit analysis vs strength reduction FEA
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Roman Marte and Franz Tschuchnigg Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit von geankerten Konstruktionen
Forschung in der Geotechnik - Tagungsunterlagen
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Andre Baldermann, Roman Marte, Mahamat Moussa Tahir Djemil, Franz Tschuchnigg, Martin Dietzel and Manfred Nachtnebel Microstructure Development in Artificially Cemented, Fine-Grained Soils
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Islam Marzouk, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Interlocking of in-situ testing and parameter determination for numerical simulations
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Matthias Rebhan VÖBU Ankerdatenbank - Beitrag zur Bauwerksprüfung und Beurteilung
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Matthias Rebhan and Franz Tschuchnigg Influence of Reaction System on Uplift Behaviour of Micropiles Subjected to Static Pullout
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Field Monitoring in Geomechanics
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Matthias Rebhan, Kainz Florian, Hans-Peter Daxer, Alexander Zöhrer, Robert Thurner, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte New test method for micropiles subjected to tensile loads – first field tests and validation
11th International Symposium Field Monitoring in Geomechanics
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Goran Vojvodic, Hoang Huy Kim, Viet Tue Nguyen, Julian Schleicher, Matthias Rebhan and Roman Marte Underwater lightweight concrete for the construction of energy-efficient diaphragm walls
Beton Graz '22 : 5. Grazer Betonkolloquium, 01./02. September 2022
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Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg Classification of Cone Penetration Test data using a hybrid learning model
MLRA 2021
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Fabian Brand, Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger, Diego Marchetti and Stefan Pfeifer Characterization of young sediments using CPTu and Medusa SDMT
Cone Penetration Testing 2022
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Laurin Hauser, Simon Oberhollenzer, Araz Gharehaghajlou, Helmut Schweiger, Roman Marte and Carla Fabris Recalculation of in-situ CPTu in intermediate soils using G-PFEM
Cone Penetration Testing 2022
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Michael Premstaller Characterization of fine-grained soils by means of insitu and laboratory tests
Proceedings of the 7th International Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
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Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Einflussfaktoren in der Nachweisführung nach EC7 mit numerischen Methoden am Beispiel einer tiefen Baugrube
Workshop Numerische Methoden in der Geotechnik 2022
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Max Slowiok, Simon Oberhollenzer, Roman Marte and Thomas Freudenthaler Determination of hydraulic conductivity using HPT & CPTu
Cone Penetration Testing 2022
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Monitoring von kritischen geotechnischen Bauwerken am Beispiel von Winkelstützmauern und geankerten Konstruktionen
Beton Graz '22 : 5. Grazer Betonkolloquium, 01./02. September 2022
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Laurin Hauser, Simon Oberhollenzer, Helmut Schweiger, Roman Marte and Carla Fabris Determination of stiffness parameters by means of numerical recalculation of CPTu in silty deposits
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Wolfgang Fellin, Hans-Peter Daxer and Franz Tschuchnigg Stability of anchored walls
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Max Slowiok, Simon Oberhollenzer, Roman Marte and Thomas Freudenthaler Determination of hydraulic conductivity using HPT & CPTu
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Wolfgang Fellin, Hans-Peter Daxer and Franz Tschuchnigg Stability of anchored walls
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Laurin Hauser, Simon Oberhollenzer, Araz Gharehaghajlou, Helmut Schweiger, Roman Marte and Carla Fabris Recalculation of in-situ CPTu in intermediate soils using G-PFEM
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Fabian Brand, Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Charakterisierung strukturierter Stillwassersedimente: Von Insitu & Labor zu Numerik
Beiträge zum 36. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg On the Use of Embedded Beam Formulations for the Numerical Analysis of Deep FoundationsChallenges and Innovations in Geomechanics307–314
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Roman Marte and Simon Oberhollenzer Schadensbeispiele an Bauwerken in weichen Böden ‐ Ursachen und Erfahrungen
Geotechnische Herausforderungen bei weichen Böden
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Alexander Stastny, Ronald Stein and Franz Tschuchnigg Long-term monitoring of the transition zone of an integral railway bridge in Germany
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Field Monitoring in Geomechanics
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Georg Hermann Erharter, Jonas Weil, Franz Tschuchnigg and Thomas Marcher Potential applications of machine learning for BIM in tunnelling
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Influence of constitutive model on undrained passive earth pressure
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Sydney 2021
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Daniel Gasser, Roman Marte and Franz Tschuchnigg Horizontalverspannung nicht bindiger Böden durch die Rütteldruckverdichtung mit Tiefenrüttler (experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen)
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Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg Identification of soil strata from in-situ test data using machine learning
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Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Strength reduction technique with finite element method for slopes without stabilisation measures
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Maciej Kwapisz, Marina Ralbovsky, Alois Vorwagner and Matthias Rebhan Using submodels for a probabilistic nonlinear analysis of corroded RC-structures
Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures
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Islam Marzouk, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Integrated computational geotechnics: From in-situ testing over automated parameter determination to predictions
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Islam Marzouk, Matthias Rebhan and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical studies on 2D thermal finite element analysis
Recent Research on Environmental Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Soil Science, Paleoclimate, and Karst
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Matthias Rebhan, Cornelius Dold, Franz Tschuchnigg, Stefan L. Burtscher and Roman Marte Behaviour of cracked grout-bodies of micropiles with different corrosion protection measures
Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation
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Stefan Grubinger, Simon Jimenez, Wolfgang Walcher, Alexander Huber, Slaven Kalenjuk and Matthias Rebhan Von fehlenden Bestandsunterlagen zu einem belastbaren Bauwerksmodell für die handnahe und visuelle Prüfung von Infrastrukturbauwerken
5. Brückenkolloquium
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Embedded Beams 2.0 - Weiterentwicklung & Anwendung
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte, Jakob Stadlbauer, Martin Scharf, Philipp Zopf, Franz Haas and Jörg Edler Anchor lock-off testing – improvements on equipment and interpretation
Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Islam Marzouk, Francisco Paduli, Franz Tschuchnigg, Arny Lengkeek and Ronald Brinkgreve Determination of fine-grained soil parameters using an automated system
Cone Penetration Testing 2022
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Islam Marzouk, Francisco Paduli, Franz Tschuchnigg, Arny Lengkeek and Ronald Brinkgreve Determination of fine-grained soil parameters using an automated system
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M. Slowiok, S. Oberhollenzer, R. Marte and T. Freudenthaler Determination of hydraulic conductivity using HPT & CPTu
Cone Penetration Testing 2022 - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT 2022
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Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Martin Dietzel Characterization of postglacial, fine-grained sediments by means of in-situ and laboratory testing
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Michael Giangiulio, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Jens Hoffmann BIM-to-FEM: Development of a Software Tool to Increase the Operational Efficiency of Dam Construction Projects
Proceedings of the International Society for Intelligent Construction 2022 Conference
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Matthias Rebhan Geotechnik im BauwesenVÖBU Bohrhandbuch
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger, Boštjan Pulko, Helmut Woschitz and Vaclav Racansky Numerical Simulation of a Ground Anchor Pullout Test Monitored with Fiber Optic Sensors.
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical Analysis of Segmental Tunnel Linings employing a Hybrid Modeling Approach
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Alexander S. Eder, Harald Fuschelberger and Bruno Meyerhans Developments in the field of removable anchors
Proceedings NGM 2021
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Johann Hafellner, Florian Stindl and Otto Leibniz Dämmmaßnahmen bei erdnahen Bauteilen
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Johann Hafellner, Florian Stindl and Otto Leibniz Dämmmaßnahmen bei erdnahen Bauteilen
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Michael Premstaller, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Georg Hermann Erharter and Thomas Marcher Cone penetration test dataset Premstaller Geotechnik
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Gertraud Medicus, Manuel Bode, Franz Tschuchnigg and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Plane Strain Failure for Different Constitutive Models
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 1
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Simon Oberhollenzer and Ian Veigl Slope Stability Analysis: Limit Analysis vs Strength Reduction FEA
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 2
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Seraphin Hubert Unterberger, Roman Marte and Jan Willem van de Kuilen Wood-cement-composite behaviour of beech circular hollow sections
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Werner Lienhart and Matthias Rebhan Processing of mobile laser scanning data for large‐scale deformation monitoring of anchored retaining structures along highways
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Alois Vorwagner, Maciej Kwapisz, Matthias Rebhan and Christian Honeger Possibilities of damage detection in reinforcement of retaining structures
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Gertraud Medicus, Manuel Bode, Franz Tschuchnigg and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Der ebene Verzerrungszustand für verschiedene Materialmodelle - Einfluss der Modelle auf den Sicherheitsfaktor in der Festigkeitsreduktionsmethode
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Mohamed Ayeldeen, Franz Tschuchnigg and Robert Thurner Case study on soft soil improvement using vertical drains—field measurements and numerical studies
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Wolfgang Summerer, Robert Galler and Thomas Stoxreiter Errichtung eines Eisenbahntunnels in Deckelbauweise über dem Hauptsammler West der Stadt Stuttgart
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Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg CPT Data Interpretation Employing Different Machine Learning Techniques
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Matthias Rebhan, Ulrich König, Arnold Kogelnig and Markus Schuch Entwicklungen bei der Prüfung und Beurteilung on Mikropfählen für Schutzbauten
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Matthias Rebhan, Harald Fuschelberger, Bruno Meyerhans, Roman Marte and Alexander S. Eder Neue Entwicklungen im Bereich der ausbaubaren Anker
Innerstädtischer Spezialtiefbau- Planung und Ausführung
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Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Roman Marte and Franz Tschuchnigg Forschungen im Bereich der Anker- und Zugelementtechnik
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Elisa Angelina Hübner, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Matthias Rebhan Die Inklinodeformetermethode
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Georg H. Erharter, Simon Oberhollenzer, Anna Fankhauser, Roman Marte and Thomas Marcher Learning decision boundaries for cone penetration test classification
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Georg Hermann Erharter, Franz Tschuchnigg and Gerhard Poscher Stochastic 3D modelling of discrete sediment bodies for geotechnical applications
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Ksenia Muratova, Ksenia Strelets , Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Optimization of soil constitutive model parameters using Soil Test tool
Week of science ISI
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Andreas-Nizar Granitzer and Franz Tschuchnigg Practice-Oriented Validation of Embedded Beam Formulations in Geotechnical Engineering
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Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg A numerical study on undrained passive earth pressure
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Stanislav Sysala, Eva Hrubesova, Zdeněk Michalec and Franz Tschuchnigg Optimization and variational principles for the shear strength reduction method
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Christoph Schmüdderich, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Significance of flow rule for the passive earth pressure problem
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Stanislav Sysala, Eva Hrubešová, Zdeněk Michalec and Franz Tschuchnigg A rigorous variant of the shear strength reduction method and its geotechnical applications
XVI International Conference on Computational Plasticity.
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Macro Hofer KIM – A method to estimate the relative density of calcareous sands
6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Anna Fankhauser, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and M. Premstaller Characterization of microstructure in silty soils using SCPTu tests
6th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
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Wolfgang Summerer, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, B. Mattle and Thomas Stoxreiter Errichtung eines Eisenbahntunnels in Deckelbauweise über dem Abwasserhauptsammler der Stadt Stuttgart - Vom Entwurf über die Ausführungsplanung bis zur Umsetzung
35. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Beiträge zum 35. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Laurin Hauser and Helmut F. Schweiger Numerical study on undrained cone penetration in structured soil using G-PFEM
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Helmut F. Schweiger and Laurin Hauser Numerical Simulation of CPT with the Clay and Sand Model (CASM) Including Effects of Bonding
Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of IACMAG - Volume 1
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Roman Marte, Georg Ausweger, Helmut F. Schweiger, Stephan Seiwald, Florian Kainz and Helfried Breymann Sicherheitsbetrachtungen für einen durch eine Massenbewegung beeinträchtigten Speicher
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger, Andre Baldermann, Martin Dietzel, Alexander Leitich, Michael Premstaller and Andreas Brandner Parameterbestimmung mittels in-situ Tests in schluff-dominierten Böden
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Stefan Grubinger, Franz Nöhrer and Bernhard Saurug Risikomanagement bei Stützbauwerken im Streckennetz des Landes Steiermark
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Christoph Schüdderich, Arash Alimardani Lavasan, Franz Tschuchnigg and Torsten Wichtmann Bearing capacity of a strip footing placed next to anexisting footing on frictional soil
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Christoph Schmüdderich, Arash Alimardani Lavasan, Franz Tschuchnigg and Torsten Wichtmann Behavior of Nonidentical Differently Loaded Interfering Rough Footings
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Christopher Dich Maschinenkaverne Obervermuntwerk II – Ursachenanalyse und Sanierung der Spritzbetonabplatzungen
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Roman Marte and Franz Tschuchnigg „Mud-pumping“ im Eisenbahnbau: Labortechnische Untersuchungen der Trennstabilität zwischen Unterböden aus Schluff-Sand-Gemischen und Gleisschotter unter dynamischen Vertikallasten
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Christoph Schmüdderich, Franz Tschuchnigg and Torsten Wichtmann Rigorous lower and upper bounds for the 3D passive earth pressure problem
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Roman Marte and Alexander Englberger Applicability of finger jointing to circular laminated veneer hollow sections for temporary soil nailing
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Christoph Schmüdderich, Arash Alimardani Lavasan, Franz Tschuchnigg and Torsten Wichtmann Bearing capacity of a strip footing placed next to an existing footing on frictional soil
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Siriwan Waichita, Pornkasem Jongpradist and Helmut F. Schweiger Numerical and experimental investigation of failure of a DCM-wall considering softening behaviour
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Franz Tschuchnigg A Contribution to Computational Geotechnics
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Kamchai Choosrithong and Helmut Schweiger Numerical Investigation of Sequential Strut Failure on Performance of Deep Excavations in Soft Soil
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Matthias Rebhan, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte, Alois Vorwagner and Maciej Kwapisz Monitoringkonzept für korrosionsgeschädigte Winkelstützmauern
12. Kolloquium Bauen im Boden und Fels
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Alois Vorwagner and Maciej Kwapisz Korrosionsschäden bei Winkelstützmauern – versuchstechnische und rechnerische Untersuchungen
Messen in der Geotechnik 2020
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Matthias Rebhan, Alois Vorwagner, Stefan Burtscher, Maciej Kwapisz and Roman Marte Versuchstechnische Untersuchungen zu Korrosionsschäden an Winkelstützmauern
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Carla Fabris, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Sebastian Hirschmüller Aktuelle Forschungen im Bereich der Ankertechnik
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Roman Marte and Robert Hofmann Creeping large-scale landslides - Characterisation and assessment of safety
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Roman Marte, Florian Scharinger, Monika Paulus-Grill and Werner Lienhart Geotechnische MessverfahrenHandbuch Geotechnik1015-1057
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Franz Tschuchnigg Beech circular hollow laminated veneer lumber sections for temporary soil nailing applications
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Reinhold Gerstner, Christopher Dich, Franz Tschuchnigg and Lukas Bickel Geological basics, geotechnical design and lining of the new headrace system for the Rodundwerk I
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Christian Lederhilger BIM in Geotechnics - Application to Road and Railway Construction
International Conference on Inforatmion technology in Geo-Engineering
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Christopher Dich Rodundwerk I- Finite Element Analysis and Design
13th International Conference Underground Construction Prague
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Mohamed Ayeldeen and Robert Thurner Numerical studies on the behaviour of soft subsoil improved by prefabricated vertical drainsbased on trial field data
Proceedings of the XVII ECSMGE-2019
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Dominika Knitter and Przemysław Nowakowski Grundbruchberechnung mit der Finite Elemente Methode - Einfluss der Fließregel
Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (Hg.): Numerik in der Geotechnik. Karlsruhe: Bundesanstalt fürWasserbau.
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Standsicherheitsbeurteilung von Böschungen mittels FE-Methode - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
Beiträge zum 18. Geotechnik-Tag in München Geotechnik Zusammenwirken von Forschung und Praxis
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger, Helmut Woschitz and Vaclav Racansky Numerische Simulation eines Ankerherausziehversuches und Vergleich mit in-situ Messungen
Theorie & Praxis des Spezialtiefbaus
235 - 246
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Robert Thurner, Franz Tschuchnigg, Mohamed Ayeldeen and Christoph Wiltafsky Vertikaldrainagen – Detaillierte Bemessung, Vergleich mit Messdaten und Anwendung in großem Maßstab
12. Österreichische Geotechniktagung
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Matthias Rebhan, Alois Vorwagner, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Dominik Wöls Numerische und versuchstechnische Nachbildung von Korrosionsschäden an Winkelstützmauern
Erhaltung von Bauwerken
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Werner Lienhart, Matthias Rebhan and Roman Marte Large-scale monitoring of retaining structures: new approaches on the safety assessment of retaining structures using mobile mapping
Proceedings SPIE, Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2019
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Helmut Schweiger, C. Fabris, G. Ausweger and L. Hauser Examples of successful numerical modelling of complex geotechnical problems
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Franz Tschuchnigg Application of 3D FEA for complex deep foundation problems - Some case studies
5. Kézdi Árpád Konferencia
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Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Beiträge zum 34.Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Kamchai Choosrithong, Helmut Schweiger and Roman Marte Finite Element Analysis of Mixed-in-Place Columns (MIP) Supporting Excavations in Slopes Considering Tension Softening
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg, Alois Vorwagner and Maciej Kwapisz Safety assessment of existing retaining structures
Proceedings of the XVII ECSMGE-2019
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Diego Marchetti, Carla Fabris and Helmut Schweiger The Flat Dilatometer and Seismic Dilatometer for in situ testing
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger, Helmut Woschitz and Vaclav Racansky Pull-out behaviour of two post-grouted anchors: fibre-optic strain measurements and numerical simulations.
Proceedings of the XVII European Conference on Soil Meachanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE-2019)
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Alois Vorwagner, Franz Tschuchnigg and Maciej Kwapisz Corrosion damage to cantilever walls
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Franz Nöhrer, Matthias Rebhan, Bernhard Saurug, Roman Marte, Stefan Grubinger and Gottfried Mauerhofer Long-term experiences for the safety Assessment of existing retaining structures in Styria
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Matthias Rebhan Forschungsprojekt SIBS
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Franz Tschuchnigg Advantages of FE Analysis in Limit State Design - Two Case Studies
Prague Geotechnical Days 2019
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Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger, Kamchai Choosrithong and Roland Lüftenegger Sicherung von Baugrubenwänden und Geländesprüngen mittels scheibenartiger Stützelemente
12. ÖSTERREICHISCHE GEOTECHNIKTAGUNG 2019: Theorie & Praxis des Spezialtiefbaus
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Manuel Winkler and Robert Thurner KIM - Numerical studies on the spherical cavity expansion problem
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Alois Vorwagner CORROSION DAMAGE ON CANTILEVER WALLS
Proceedings 27th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Gertraud Medicus and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Slope stability analysis
7th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, IS-Glasgow 2019
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Roman Marte, Daniel Gasser, Michael Premstaller and Alexander Leitich Microstructure of the Salzburger Seeton
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Georg Michael Ausweger, Michael Havinga, Roland Lüftenegger, Roman Marte and Simon Oberhollenzer Stiffness of Salzburger Seeton
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Yong Ge Zang, Dong Mei Sun, Ping Feng and Stephan Semprich Numerical Analysis of Groundwater Ridging Processes Considering Water-Air Flow in a Hillslope
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Matthias Rebhan, Franz Tschuchnigg, Christina Koppelhuber, Alois Vorwagner and Roman Marte Numerische Untersuchungen zum Verformungsverhalten korrosionsbeanspruchter Stützbauwerke
11. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels
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Slaven Kalenjuk, Matthias Rebhan, Werner Lienhart and Roman Marte Neue Ansätze zur Zustandsbewertung bestehender Stützbauwerke basierend auf 3D-Modellen aus dynamischem Laserscanning
Messen in der Geotechnik 2018
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Maciej Kwapisz, Alois Vorwagner, Alfred Lechner and Matthias Rebhan Challenges in corrosion detection based on numerical and experimental studies
Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures: Proceedings of the Conference on Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures (EURO-C 2018)
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Embankment prediction and back analysis by means of 2D and 3D finite element analyses
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Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Franz Tschuchnigg, Gertraud Medicus and W. Fellin Comparison of different strength reduction techniques on slope stability calculations
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger 3D FEA of ultimate limit states: finite element limit analyses vs displacement based finite element analyses
4th International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Simon Oberhollenzer and Helmut Schweiger Slope stability analyses considering non-associated plasticity: Application to boundary value problem
809 - 814
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Magdalena Sallinger Effect of failure criterion on slope stability analysis
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Carla Fabris, Boštjan Pulko and Helmut Schweiger Numerical modelling of an anchor load test - influence of the grout
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Carla Fabris, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Fe-analysis of anchor pull out tests using advanced constitutive models
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Laurin Hauser, Lluís Monforte, Helmut Schweiger and Marcos Arroyo Numerical study of anisotropic permeability effects on undrained CPTu penetration
Cone Penetration Testing 2018
329 - 334
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Christopher Dich and Franz Tschuchnigg OBERVERMUNTWERK II: Numerical Modelling and Design
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Johann Pravida, Roman Marte and Michael Flach Adhesive properties of laminated veneer lumber poles for use in temporary soil nailing
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Johann Pravida, Roman Marte and Michael Flach Adhesive properties of laminated veneer lumber poles for use in temporary soil nailing
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Roman Marte, Johann Pravida and Michael Flach Inhibited wood degradation of cement-coated beech Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) for temporary in-ground applications
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Christoph Monsberger, Werner Lienhart, Sebastian Hirschmüller and Roman Marte Monitoring of soil nailed slope stabilizations using distributed fiber optic sensing
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems 2018
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Rita Pleschberger, Andreas Anjan Buyer, Roman Marte and Qian Liu Bestimmung der Fragmentierungsenergie von Sturzblöcken und deren Einfluss auf Felssturzereignisse
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Markus Berger, Otto Leibniz and Roman Marte Rütteldruckverdichtung zur Verringerung der Wasserdurchlässigkeit sowie zur Erhöhung der Suffosionsstabilität
Proceedings of the 16th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Johann Pravida, Roman Marte and Michael Flach Long-term material properties of circular hollow laminated veneer lumber sections under water saturation and cement alkaline attack
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Carla Fabris, Václav Račanský, Boštjan Pulko and Helmut Schweiger Numerical simulation of a post-grouted anchor and validation with in-situ measurements
Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Johannes Reinisch and Robert Thurner Estimation of Relative Density in Calcareous Sands Using the Karlsruhe Interpretation Method
Proceedings of China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
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Laurin Hauser, Lluís Monforte, Helmut Schweiger and Marcos Arroyo Numerical study of anisotropic permeability effects on undrained CPTu penetration
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Laurin Hauser and Helmut Schweiger Numerical simulation of CPTu under partially drained conditions
Proceedings 26th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger 26th European Young Geotechnical Engineering Conference
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Matthias Rebhan Forschungsprojekt SIBS
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Markus Brandtner, Matthias Hofmann, Alessandra Paternesi, Erich Saurer, Helmut F. Schweiger and Herbert Walter Bemessungsstrategien für Spritzbetonschalen
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J. P. Carter, C. S. Desai, D. M. Potts, H. F. Schweiger and S. W. Sloan Computing and computer modelling in geotechnical engineering
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R. Thurner and H. F. Schweiger Reliability analysis for geotechnical problems via finite elements - A practical application
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Kamchai Choosrithong and Helmut Schweiger Influence of Individual Strut Failure on Performance of Deep Excavation in Soft Soil
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Finite element analyses of slope stability problems using non-associated plasticity
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Robert Thurner, Johannes Reinisch and Franz Tschuchnigg Influence of the Carbonate Content on CPTResults and Practical Relevance for the Soil Improvement Works on Major Land Reclamation Projects
Proceedings GeoMEast 2018
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Robert Thurner, Franz Tschuchnigg, Mohamed Ayeldeen and Christoph Wiltafsky Betrachtungen zur Anwendung von Vertikaldrains – Erkenntnisse aus Design, Großversuch und Anwendung bei einem Mega-Projekt
Proceedings 35. Baugrundtagung
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Simon Oberhollenzer, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut F. Schweiger Finite element analyses of slope stability problems using non-associated plasticity
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Franz Tschuchnigg Water pressure definition in Plaxis
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Simon Oberhollenzer and Helmut Schweiger Finite element analyses of slope stability problems using non-associated plasticity
Proceedings - IACMAG 2017, 15th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
1351 - 1360
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Helmut Schweiger, Carla Fabris, Juraj Chalmovsky and Franz Tschuchnigg Back analysis of a Pull-Out Test of a Ground Anchor Employing a Multilaminate Constitutive Model
Proceedings of "Workshop on numerical methods in geotechnics"
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Comparison of Different Methods for Slope Stability Analysis
Proceedings of "Workshop on numerical methods in geotechnics"
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Michael Havinga, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte and Helmut Schweiger Small scale experiments and numerical analysis of integral bridge abutments
Proceedings - ICSMGE 2017
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Helmut Schweiger, Franz Tschuchnigg, Christopher Mosser and Nathan Torggler Finite element modelling of reinforced slopes by means of embedded beam rows
ICSMGE 2017 - 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Yongge Zang, Dongmei Sun, Ping Feng and Stephan Semprich Impacts of Differnt Factors on Seepage and Land Uplift due to Compressed-Air Injection
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Georg Michael Ausweger, Helmut Schweiger and Roman Marte Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Stauspiegelschwankungen auf das Verhalten einer langsamen Massenbewegung
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Georg Michael Ausweger Influences of Water Level Changes on the Behaviour of a Slow Moving Landslide – In-situ Measurements, Model Tests and Numerical Analyses
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Alessandra Paternesi, Helmut F. Schweiger and Giuseppe Scarpelli Parameter Calibration and Numerical Analysis of Twin Shallow Tunnels
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Alessandra Paternesi, Helmut F. Schweiger and Giuseppe Scarpelli Numerical analyses of stability and deformation behavior of reinforced and unreinforced tunnel faces
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Matthias Rebhan Sicherheitsbewertung bestehender Stützbauwerke
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Matthias Rebhan, Alois Vorwagner, Maciej Kwapisz, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Stefan Burtscher Safety assessment of existing retaining structures
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Helmut Schweiger, Alessandra Paternesi and Franz Tschuchnigg Eurocode 7-based design of SCL tunnels by means of numerical analyses
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Roman Marte, Florian Scharinger and Roland Lüftenegger Panels Made by the Deep Mixing Method for a Building Pit Support in a Slope
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Helmut F. Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Zur Beurteilung der Standsicherheit von Böschungen mit unterschiedlichen Verfahren
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Patrick Pichler and Helmut Schweiger Numerical analysis of the stability of soil slopes considering unsaturated conditions by using a Lysimeter-data calibrated model
Proceedings of the 6th Internattional Young Geotechnical Engineer's Conference
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G. M. Ausweger, H. F. Schweiger and R. Marte Investigations on the influence of water level changes on the behaviour of a slow moving landslide
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Yong Ge Zang, Dong Mei Sun, Ping Feng and Stephan Semprich Effects of Airflow Induced by Rainfall on Shallow Groundwater Table Fluctuations
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Simon Oberhollenzer and Helmut Schweiger Comparison of standard and userdefined strength reduction techniques with finite element limit analysis
Proceedings of 15th IACMAG - International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics
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Joshua Poganski, Helmut Schweiger, Günter Kargl and Norbert Kömle DEM Modelling of a Dynamic Penetration Process on Mars as a Part of the NASA InSight Mission
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Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Florian Scharinger and Stefan Burtscher Neue Methoden zur Korrosionsdetektion an Litzen- und Stabankersystemen
Beiträge zum 32. Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Yong-Ge Zang, Dong-Mei Sun, Ping Feng and Stephan Semprich Modeling of coupled liquid-gas-solid three-phase processes due to fluid injection
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Maciej Kwapisz, Alois Vorwagner, Matthias Rebhan and Franz Tschuchnigg Investigations on Existing Concrete Cantilever Walls Subjected to Reinforcement Corrosion
High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet
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Stefan Lackner, Werner Lienhart, Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Geodetic and fibre optic measurements of a full-scale bi-axial compressional test
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Michael Mayer, Matthias Rebhan and Dirk Schlicke WORKSHOP GEOCON
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Alessandra Paternesi, Helmut Schweiger and Peter Schubert Verification of a rheological constitutive model for shotcrete through back analysis
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Dong-mei Sun, Yong-ge Zang, Ping Feng and Stephan Semprich Quasi-Saturated Zones Induced by Rainfall Infiltration
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Mamoru Senna, Martin Fabián, Ladislav Kavan, Markéta Zukalová, Jaroslav Briančin, Erika Turianicová, Patrick Bottke, Martin Wilkening and Vladimír Šepelák Electrochemical properties of spinel Li4Ti5O12 nanoparticles prepared via a low-temperature solid route
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Christopher Dich 3D Finite Element analysis of a complex hydropower project
13th International Conference entitled “Underground Construction Prague 2016”
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Matthias Rebhan "Sicherheitsbewertung bestehender Stützbauwerke" Forschungsprojekt SIBS
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H. F. Schweiger and S. A. Jefferis Martin Fuchsberger OBITUARY
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Michael Havinga The influence of dynamic loads on postglacial lacustrine fine-grained deposits
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Pouya Sedighi, Helmut Schweiger and Wolfgang Jimmy Wehr Effect of Jet-Grout Columns on the Seismic Response of Layered Soil Deposits
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Stephan Semprich Kluckert Klaus D.: Spezialtiefbau 2.0 - Durch Schaden wird man klug (english, german)
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Roman Marte, Helmut Schweiger, Franz Rathmair and Christian Affenzeller Gründungssanierung eines Fermenterbauwerkes - Ursachenfindung, Sicherungsmaßnahmen und Qualitätssicherung
Beiträge zur 11.Österreichischen Geotechniktagung
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Sebastian Hirschmüller, Johann Pravida and Roman Marte Laminated Veneer Lumber Poles for temporary Soil Nailing-Investigation of Material Properties
Proceeding of the WCTE 2016
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Franz Tschuchnigg Student Project - Embankment and Footing Prediction
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Embankment and Footing Prediction by Means of 2D and 3D Finite Element Analyses
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Georg Michael Ausweger Earth pressure evaluation and safety assessment employing a novel measurement device – The Inclinodeformeter
5th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterisation
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Christopher Dich, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Hydro power plant Obervermuntwerk II - shotcrete phenomena in the power house cavern - decisions and remediation
Eurock 2016
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Georg Michael Ausweger and Helmut Schweiger Numerical study on the influence of entrapped air bubbles on the time-dependent pore pressure distribution in soils due to external changes in water level
3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils – “E-UNSAT 2016”
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Vaclav Racansky, Weidacher Roman, Werner Lienhart, Christoph Monsberger, Helmut Woschitz and Helmut Schweiger Überwachung eines Ankerausziehversuches mittels Glasfasersensoren
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Patrick Pichler and Helmut Schweiger Numerical analysis of the stability of inhomogeneous slopes considering partially saturated conditions
E3S Web of Conferences 9
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Wulf Schubert, Markus Brandtner, Thomas Marcher, Nedim Radoncic and Helmut Schweiger Design methodology for tunnels
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Roman Marte Einführung in die Thematik von (großen) Rutschungen mit dem Schwerpunkt der Zustands- und Sicherheitsbeurteilung
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Roman Marte Einführung in die Thematik von (großen) Rutschungen mit dem Schwerpunkt der Zustands- und Sicherheitsbeurteilung
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Michael Havinga Integralbrücken über 70 m LängeIntegralbrücken über 70 m Länge185-316
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G. Katsigiannis, Helmut Schweiger, Brian Simpson, P. Ferreira and R. Fuentes Eurocode 7 and new design challenges using numerical methods with different soil models
16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering “Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development"
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger, Scott W. Sloan, Andrei V. Lyamin and Ivo Raissakies Comparison of finite element limit analysis and strength reduction techniques
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Avirut Chinkulkijniwat, Suksun Horpibulsuk and Stephan Semprich Modeling of Coupled Mechanical-Hydrological Processes in Compressed-Air-Assisted Tunneling in Unconsolidated Sediments
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Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Application of 3D finite element analysis for deep foundation problems
Proc. 10th Indonesian Geotechnical Conference
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Dong-mei Sun, Yong-ge Zang and Stephan Semprich Effects of Airflow Induced by Rainfall Infiltration on Unsaturated Soil Slope Stability
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Helmut Schweiger On the merits of using advanced models in geotechnical engineering
“Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development”
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Roman Marte, Roland Lüftenegger and Claus Irrgeher Unterfangungsmaßnahmen mittels Düsenstrahlverfahren - Ein Erfahrungsbericht
Beiträge zum 30.Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Helmut Schweiger, Bert Schädlich, Pouya Sedighi, Erich Saurer, Thomas Marcher, Sasha Henke and K.-M. Borchert Finite element analysis of tunnel excavation and ground improvement techniques employing a new constitutive model for shotcrete
Proceedings 14th International Conference Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Performance of strength reduction finite element techniques for slope stability problems
16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering “Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development”
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Roman Marte, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger Beiträge zum 30. Christian Veder Kolloquium – Entwurf und Ausführung geotechnischer Maßnahmen zur Unterfangung und Erweiterung bestehender Bauwerke
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Wulf Schubert, Markus Brandtner, Helmut Schweiger, Albert Helmberger, Thomas Marcher and Nedim Radoncic Proposed design strategy for tunnels
Proceedings Workshop Design strategies for the 21st century
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R. Kienreich, Florian Scharinger and Roman Marte Sanierung der Stützmauern A23 Laaerberg
Beiträge zum 10.Österreichischen Geotechniktag
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L. Floroiu and Helmut Schweiger Parametric study of the seismic ground response of a linear visco-elastic soil layer improved by stone columns or pile-like elements
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Scott W. Sloan Slope stability analysis by means of finite element limit analysis and finite element strength reduction techniques. Part I: Numerical studies considering non-associated plasticity
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger The embedded pile concept – Verification of an efficient tool for modelling complex deep foundations
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Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Das Tragverhalten des einzelnen Spinnanker-Gewindestabes bei vertikaler Zugbeanspruchung
Beiträge zum Darmstädter Geotechnik-Kolloquium
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Alessandra Paternesi, Helmut Schweiger and Guiesppe Scarpelli Finite element simulations of twin shallow tunnels
ISRM Symposium EUROCK 2015
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F. Tschuchnigg, H. F. Schweiger, S. W. Sloan, A. V. Lyamin and I. Raissakis Comparison of finite-element limit analysis and strength reduction techniques
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Matthias Rebhan Ist-Zustandserfassung und Bewertung bestehender, unverankerter Stützbauwerke
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Scott W. Sloan Slope stability analysis by means of finite element limit analysis and finite element strength reduction techniques. Part II: Back analyses of a case history
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G. Katsigiannis, Helmut Schweiger, P. Ferreira and R. Fuentes Design of deep supported excavations: Comparison between numerical and empirical methods
Geotechnical Safety and Risk V
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Roman Marte and Gregor Supp Spinnanker - ein innovatives und vielseitig anwendbares Verankerungs- und Fundierungssystem
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Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Ermittlung von Sicherheitsfaktoren mit der FE-Methode durch Reduktion der Scherfestigkeitsparameter – Neue Erkenntnisse
BAW Mitteilungen Nr. 98 - Numerische Methoden in der Geotechnik
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Helmut Schweiger, Pouya Sedighi, Sasha Henke and K.-M. Borchert Numerical modelling of ground improvement techniques considering tension softening
Proc. Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground
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Otto Leibniz Frosthebung
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Roman Marte and Georg Michael Ausweger Modellierung des Verhaltens von Kriechhängen
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Comparison of Finite Element Limit Analysis and Strength Reduction Techniques
XV Danube - European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (DECGE 2014)
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Francesca Ceccato, Paolo Simonini, Christiana Köppl, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg FE Analysis of degratation effect on the wooden foundation in Venice
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Otto Leibniz Die Wechselwirkung Wasser-Mineralkorn und seine Bedeutung für das Frost-Tau-Verhalten von ungebundenen Tragschichten
Geotechnics of Roads and Railways
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Georg Michael Ausweger Earth pressure on retaining walls in slopes
European Young Geotechnical Engineers' Conference
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Bert Schädlich, Helmut Schweiger and Sebastian Pausz 3D Finite Element analysis of a RCC dam employing a concrete model with tension softening
Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics
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Laurentiu Floroiu and Helmut Schweiger Influence of vibro stone columns on ground response
Proc. 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
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Otto LEIBNIZ Geotechnik ungebundener und gebundener Tragschichten
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger 3D Finite Element Analysis for Deep Foundation Case Histories
Challanges and recent advance in geotechnics for foundation engineering
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F. Rathmair, J. Zauner and Roman Marte Kolkschaden an einem Brückenpfeiler und (geo-)technische Maßnahmen zur Rückdrehung und Sicherung des Pfeilers
Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering
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Bert Schädlich, Helmut Schweiger, Thomas Marcher and Erich Saurer Application of a novel constitutive shotcrete model to tunnelling
Proc. Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses
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Helmut Schweiger, Thomas Marcher and Bert Schädlich Application of a new shotcrete constitutive model to numerical analysis of tunnel Excavation
GeoShanghai 2014, ASCE-GSP 242
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Georg Michael Ausweger and Roman Marte Herausforderungen beim Bauen in Kriechhängen
Bauen in Boden und Fels
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger 3D Finite Element analysis of a RCC dam
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
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Christian Lackner, Dennes T. Bergado, Stephan Semprich and Roman Marte Microscopic interaction effects of prestressed geogrids in a reinforced soil element
Abstractbook 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics
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Roman Marte, Gregor Supp and Werner Lienhart Böschungsbruch Großversuche - begleitet durch ein intensives Messprogramm
Messen in der Geotechnik
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Modelling the shear strength of overconsolidated clays with a Hvorslev surface
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Gregor Supp, Roman Marte, Stefan Lackner and Werner Lienhart Großmaßstäbliche Böschungsbruchversuche mit und ohne Sicherungsmassnahmen
9. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels
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Otto Leibniz Filterkuchen aus Peggau als mineralisches Dichtmaterial
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Roman Marte, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger Beiträge zum 29. Christian Veder Kolloquium - Stützmaßnahmen in der Geotechnik: Bemessung - Ausführung - Langzeitverhalten
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Erich Saurer, Thomas Marcher, Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Validation of a novel constitutive model for shotcrete using data from an executed tunnel
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Otto Leibniz Abbaugebiet Ülmitz
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Otto Leibniz Abbaugebiet Mannersdorf
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Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Spideranchor Netting - full scale experiment, application and slope stability discussion
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H. F. Schweiger, T. Marcher and B. Schädlich Application of a new shotcrete constitutive model to the numerical analysis of a tunnel excavation
Tunneling and Underground Construction - Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the 2014 GeoShanghai International Congress
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Roman Marte, Gregor Supp and Werner Lienhart Böschungsbruch Großversuche - begleitet durch ein intensives Messprogramm
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Francesca Ceccato, Paolo Simonini, Christiana Köppl, Helmut F. Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg FE Analysis of degradation effect on the wooden foundations in Venice
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Gregor Supp, Karin Poprask and Roman Marte A transparent soil model for visualizing soil-structure interactions during pull-out tests of small diameter steel rods
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Matthias Rebhan Ein Beitrag zur Modellierung von Fachwerken im Ingenieurholzbau
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Gregor Supp, Roman Marte, Stefan Lackner and Werner Lienhart Großmaßstäbliche Böschungsbruchversuche mit und ohne Sicherungsmassnahmen
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Roman Marte, Gerhard Moyschewitz and Josef Harml Construction of a snow retention basin in an Alpine sagging mass
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Jakob Stadlbauer, Christoph Wiltafsky, Georg Michael Ausweger and Roman Marte Ertüchtigung Hangsicherung Schönberg, Red Bull Ring
Beiträge zum 29.Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Otto Leibniz Abbaugebiet Inzersdorf
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Otto Leibniz Thermal Properties of Soils - Determination of thermal Conductivity
PhD International Conference Civil Engineering
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Helmut Schweiger Influence of EC7 design approaches on the Design of deep excavations with FEM
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Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Spideranchor Netting - From life-size experiments to a prototype application
Conference Proceedings Volume 1
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger A new constitutive model for shotcrete
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
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Roman Marte, R. Kienreich, Florian Scharinger and CH: Stadler Überprüfung und Bewertung des Ist-Zustandes älterer Stützbauwerke im Straßennetz der ASFINAG
Beiträge zum 29.Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Otto Leibniz Grube Desselbrunn
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Christian Lackner, Roman Marte, Dennes T. Bergado and Stephan Semprich Prestressed reinforced soil for infrastructure projects - a microscopic research
Geotechnics of Roads and Railways
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Roman Marte and Georg Michael Ausweger Monitoring of landslides with a novel device for measuring earth pressures - Inclinodeformeter
Geotechnik im Straßen- und Eisenbahnbau
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Bert Schädlich, Thomas Marcher and Helmut Schweiger Application of a Constitutive Model for Swelling Rock to Tunnelling
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Otto Leibniz Die Wechselwirkung Wasser-Mineralkorn und seine Bedeutung für das Frost-Tau-Verhalten von ungebundenen Tragschichten
11th Slovak Geotechnical Conference - Influence of water on geotechnical structures
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Matthias Beisler, Herbert Klapperich, Dieter Jacob and Helmut Schweiger Modelling of input data uncertainty for the financial evaluation of complex infrastructure projects
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Werner Lienhart, Stefan Lackner, Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Evaluation of State of the Art Methods for Surface Monitoring of Earth Filled Dams
2nd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM)
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Bert Schädlich, Helmut Schweiger and Thomas Marcher Numerical Analysis of Swelling Deformations in Tunnelling - a Case Study
Computational Methods in Tunnelling and Subsurface Engineering
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Otto Leibniz Deponie Emberg
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Otto Leibniz Deponie Longsgraben Semmering Basistunnel NEU
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Werner Lienhart, Stefan Lackner, Florian Moser, Helmut Woschitz and Gregor Supp Deformation Monitoring of Flood Prevention Dams Using Geodetic and Fibre Optic Measurement Techniques
The 6th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-6)
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Otto Leibniz Gesamtbericht Untergrunderkundung Ankerwand 3 und 4
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Otto Leibniz Deponie Graschnitz, St. Marein i.M.
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Otto Leibniz A2 Knoten Lückenschluss Graz-Ost
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Comparison of Deep Foundation Systems using 3D Finite Element Analysis Employing Different Modeling Techniques
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Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Examples for successful 3D finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering
Int.Conf. Geotec Hanoi 2013
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Franz Tschuchnigg 3D Finite Element Modelling of Deep Foundations Employing an Embedded Pile Formulation978-3-900484-67-5
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Roman Marte, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger I.N. Hamdhan. A Contribution to Slope Stability Analysis with the Finite Element Method978-3-900484-65-1
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Christian Lackner, Dennes T. Bergado and Stephan Semprich Prestressed reinforced soil by geosynthetics - Concept and experimental Investigations
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger On modeling cross-anisotropic elasticity of soils with a microstructure tensor
Proceedings Int. Symp. on Computational Geomechanics
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Helmut Schweiger, Ikhya Ikhya and Franz Tschuchnigg Application of numerical methods for estimating settlements due to consolidation and creep – two case histories
5th Biot Conference on Poromechanics
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Werner Lienhart, Florian Moser, Gregor Supp and Roman Marte Verification of the Slope Stability of Flood Prevention Dams with Fiber Optic Sensors
Structural Health Monitoring 2013
9 p. -DVD
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Roman Marte, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger Beiträge zum 28. Christian Veder Kolloquium – Tiefgründungskonzepte: Vom Mikropfahl zum Großbohrpfahl
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Helmut Schweiger Issues of parameter identification for numerical analysis with advanced constitutive models
15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Helmut Schweiger Einfluss des Nachweisverfahrens auf die Bemessung von Baugruben mit FEM
Workshop Bemessen mit Numerischen Methoden
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Georg Michael Ausweger, Roman Marte, Markus Schwager and Alexander Puzrin Inclinodeformeter - Ein neuartiges Instrument zur Erddruckmessung
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Roman Marte and Georg Michael Ausweger Geotechnische Herausforderungen bei der Definition und Beurteilung der Standsicherheit von Kriechhängen
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Roman Marte, Michael Havinga and Gregor Supp Eurocode 7 - Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut F. Schweiger Influence of anisotropic small strain stiffness on the deformation behavior of geotechnical structures
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Roland Lüftenegger, Helmut Schweiger and Roman Marte Innovative solutions for supporting excavations in slopes
18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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Dietmar Kohlböck and Stephan Semprich Berechnungsbeispiele zu Verpressankern und Verpresspfählen
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Roman Marte and Gregor Supp Durchströmung und Unterströmung bei Rückhaltebecken - Hydraulisch bedingte Grenzzustände
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Roman Marte and Georg Michael Ausweger Safety Definition and Estimation for Slopes with Creep Behavior - a Geotechnical Challenge
Workshop "Failure Prediction in Geotechnics"
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M. Hayden, Roman Marte, M. Pelzl and Th. Kirchmaier Vergleichende Ergebnisse von statischen Pfahlprobebelastungen an Pfählen
Beiträge zum 28.Christian Veder Kolloquium
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger A multilaminate constitutive model accounting for anisotropic small strain stiffness
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Otto Leibniz Bauschuttdeponie & Wiederverwertung Villach
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Xu Huang, Helmut Schweiger and Hongwei Huang Influence of Deep Excavations on Nearby Existing Tunnels
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Indra Hamdhan and Helmut Schweiger Finite Element Method-Based Analysis of an Unsaturated Soil Slope Subjected to Rainfall Infiltration
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Otto Leibniz Austrian Cut-off Walls - An Economically Attractive Sealing Element
Tradition and Innovation - 60 Years of Construction in Transilvania
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Otto Leibniz Lehmgrube St. Ruprecht a.d.Raab
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Georg Michael Ausweger Kriechdruckberechnung bei Massenbewegungen - Vergleich von analytischen Modellen an praktischen Beispielen
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Influence of anisotropic small strain stiffness on the deformation behaviour of geotechncal structures
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Dong-mei Sun and Stephan Semprich Using Compressed Air Injection to Control Seawater Intrusion in a Confined Coastal Aquifer
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Otto Leibniz Tertiär der Baugrube KW Kalsdorf-Gössendorf
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Setzungsprognose für Donau-City-Tower mittels 3D FE-Analyse
Tiefgründungskonzepte - Vom Mikropfahl zum Großbohrpfahl
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spideranchor - An innovative technolgy for slope stabilization
Landslides and Engineering Slopes - Protecting Society through Improved Understanding
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Ali Nasekhian, Helmut Schweiger and Thomas Marcher Point Estimate Method vs. Random Set – A case study in Tunnelling
Proceedings 10th International Probabilistic Workshop
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Ikhya Ikhya and Helmut Schweiger Numerical modeling of floating prefabricated vertical drains in layered soil
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Otto Leibniz Bauschuttdeponie Klampfl
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Otto Leibniz Deponie Karlschacht, Köflach
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Bert Schädlich A Multilaminate Constitutive Model for Stiff Soils
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Christian Lackner, Dennes T. Bergado, Roman Marte and Stephan Semprich The mesoscopic Soil Geogrid Interaction of reinforced Soil utilizing DEM
Proc. of the 5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Roman Marte, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger B. Schädlich: A Multilaminate Constitutive Model for Stiff Soils978-3-900484-64-4
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Lackner, Christian: Prestressed reinforced soil - Concept, investigations and recommendations978-3-900484-62-0
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Influence of non-local strain regularization on the evolution of shear bands
Setting the scene for future European geotechnical research
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Nestroy, Othmar; Dietzel, Martin: Die Dauerausstellung von Bodenprofilen am Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften der Technischen Universität Graz
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Otto Leibniz Hydraulic studies on drill core samples of faulted hard rocks with triaxial permeability cell tests
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Roman Marte, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger Beiträge zum 27. Christian Veder Kolloquium – Planung und Ausführung von Abdichtungsmaßnahmen in der Geotechnik
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Franz Tschuchnigg 3D Finite Element Modelling of Deep Foundations Employing an Embedded Pile Formulation
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Roman Marte, Roland Lüftenegger and Monika Paulus-Grill TAUERN SPA Kaprun Wasserhaltungs- und Abdichtungsmaßnahmen im Zuge der Bauausführung
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Bert Schädlich and Thomas Marcher Berücksichtigung des Quellens von Tonstein und Anhydrit bei der Bemessung der Tunnelschale
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Roman Marte and Wolfgang Jaritz Geologie und Geotechnik am Beispiel außergewöhnlicher Massenbewegungen
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Tina Knabe, Helmut Schweiger and Tom Schanz Calibration of constitutive parameters by inverse analysis for a geotechnical boundary problem
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Otto Leibniz Deponie Frohnleiten
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Stephan Semprich and Gerhard Steger Ermittlung des Luftbedarfs bei Tunnelvortrieben unter Druckluft mittels numerischer Simulation
32. Baugrundtagung - Vorträge
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Otto Leibniz Tongrube Ülmitz, St. Marein i.M
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Gregor Supp, Roman Marte and Stephan Semprich Transparenter Boden - Erste Analysen
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Anisotropic Small Strain Stiffness in Multilaminate Soil Models
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Stephan Semprich, Bernhard Scharner, Heinz Jauk and Andreas Fürst Entwurf und Ausführung effektiver Abdichtungsmaßnahmen für den Stauraum der WKW Gössendorf und Kalsdorf bei Graz
Beiträge zum 27. Christian Veder Kolloquium - Planung und Ausführung von Abdichtungsmaßnahmen in der Geotechnik
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Otto Leibniz Radmerbach - Frostsicherheit von natürlichen Korngemischen
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Zehentner and Helmut Schweiger Die Baugrube des Sky Tower in Bukarest
Beträge zum 26. Christian Veder Kolloquium "Tiefe Baugruben unter schwierigen Randbedingungen"
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Franz Tschuchnigg Optimization of a deep foundation with diaphragm wall panels employing 3D FE analysis
Proceedings 21. EYGEC
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Vergleich von Tiefgründungsvarianten mittels 3D Finite Elemente Berechnungen
Mitteilung des Instituts für Grundbau und Bodenmechanik Technische Universität Braunschweig; Heft Nr. 94
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Indra Noer Hamdhan and Helmut Schweiger Stability analysis with FEM: strain softening versus strength reduction approach
Calculation Methods in Geotechnics - Failure Mechanism and Determination of Parameters
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Helmut Schweiger, Ali Nasekhian and Thomas Marcher A comparison of Random Set and Point Estimate Methods in Finite Element Analysis of Tunnel Excavation
Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. On Geotechnical Safety and Risk
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Indra Noer Hamdhan and Helmut Schweiger Slope stability analysis of unsaturated soil with fully coupled-deformation analysis
Proceedings IAMG 2011 Salzburg
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Radoncic, Nedim: Tunnel design and prediction of system behaviour in weak ground978-3-900484-60-6
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Pötsch, Markus: The analysis of rotational and sliding modes of failure for slopes, foundations, and underground structures in blocky, hard rock978-3-900484-59-0
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert and Helmut Schweiger Nasekhian, Ali: Application of Non-probabilistic and Probabilistic Concepts in Finite Element Analysis of Tunnelling978-3-900484-58-3
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Tiefe Baugruben Unter Schwierigen Randbedingungen
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Ali Nasekhian and Helmut Schweiger Random set finite element application to tunnelling
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H. F. Schweiger and B. Schädlich Influence of modelling soil anisotropy on the behaviour of deep excavations
Computer Methods for Geomechanics
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Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Alois Vorwagner 3D Finite Elemente Berechnungen zur Setzungsprognose der Überbauung Wien-Mitte
8. Österreichische Geotechniktagung
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Otto Leibniz Stabilisierter THermosand als fließfähiges Bettungsmaterial mit guten Wärmedämmeigenschaften für Fernwärmeleitungen
8. Österreichische Geotechniktagung
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger A multilaminate soil model for highly overconsolidated clays
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE-Athens)
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Michael Burgstaller, Christian Lackner and Andreas Herold Dehnsteifigkeit von Geokunststoffen unter statischer und dynamischer Belastung im Bodenkontakt
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Comparison of deep foundation systems using 3D Finite Element analysis
Computer Methods for Geomechanics: Frontiers and New Applications
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Helmut Nievelt and Otto Leibniz Schadenserhebung und Ursachenfindung L65 - Hochrindlstraße
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Modeling of load reversals at very small strains in anisotropic soil with multilaminate constitutive models
Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials
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Otto Leibniz Bewertung von Bettungsmaterialien für Fernwärmeleitungen in Bezug auf ihre Wärmeleifähigkeit
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Roman Marte Geotechnisches Messverfahren und GIS in der GeotechnikHandbuch Geotechnik
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Roman Marte, Roland Lüftenegger, Monika Paulus-Grill and Eva Tschirf Baugrube Appartmenthaus Obertauern
Beiträge zum 26.Chrstian Veder Kolloquium
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Otto Leibniz, Gerfried Winkler and Steffen Birk Water retention curves and thermal insulating properties of Thermosand
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Gregor Supp, Stephan Semprich, Helfried Breymann, G. Deutinger, S. Ghetta, Rolf Katzenbach, Dimitrios Kolymbas, S. Leppla, M. Mayrhofer and C. Zangerl Spinanchor - A new constructional element
From Research to Design in European Practice
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spinanchor - a new constructional element
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Otto Leibniz Was hat sich in der Normensituation für Benennung, Beschreibung und Klassifizierung von Boden und Fels geändert?
Die neue ÖNORM B 4400-1 und -2 "Benennung, Beschreibung und Klassifizeriung von Boden und Fels
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Gerhard Steger Experimental and numerical investigation of unsaturated soils with application to tunnelling under compressed air
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Otto Leibniz Die Messung des Wärmeleitfähigkeitsbeiwertes von Bodenproben mit der Halbraumsonde
Tagungsband 12. GeoDACH-Treffen
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Otto Leibniz Qualification of Embedding Materials for Remote Heat Supply Pipes Regarding the Thermal Conductivity (Bewertung von Bettungsmaterialien für Fernwärmeleitungen in Bezug auf ihre Wärmeleifähigkeit)
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Christoph Wiltafsky and Roman Marte Thermenresort Seewinkel - Wasserhaltung und Gründung
Tagungshandbuch des 7.Kolloquiums Bauen in Boden und Fels
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Franz Tschuchnigg 3D Finite Elemente Berechnung zur Setzungsprognose der DC Towers
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Bewehrte Erde unter Vorspannung - Grundlagen, Versuche, Simulationen
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Prestressed geosynthetic reinforced soil by compaction
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Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger 3D Finite Elemente Berechnung zur Setzungsprognose der DC Towers
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Prestressed geosynthetic reinforced soil by compaction
Geosynthetics for a challenging world
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Dimiter Alexiev, Karl Lackner, Oliver Detert, D. Brokemper and Christian Lackner Twenty eight meters high geogrid reinforced embankments as flexible solutions in problematic hillsides: Project Trieben-Sunk, Austria
Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics
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Vahid Galavi and Helmut Schweiger Nonlocal multilaminate model for strain softening analysis
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Gregor Supp Spinanchor - a new constructional element
Geotechnical Engineering 20 - View of Young European Geotechnical Engineers
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Christian Lackner Reinforced Soil by Geogrids
New Technologies in Foundation Engineering
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Helmut Schweiger Design of deep excavations with FEM - Influence of constitutive model and comparison of EC7 design approaches
Earth Retention Conference 3
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Steger, Gerhard: Experimental and numerical investigation of unsaturated soils with application to tunnelling under compressed air978-3-900484-56-9
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Martin Dietzel, Daniel Scott Kieffer, Wulf Schubert, Helmut Schweiger and Stephan Semprich Beiträge zum 25. Christian Veder Kolloquium - 25 Jahre Fortschritt in der Geotechnik - Neue Entwicklungen in Gerätetechnik, Ausführung und Berechnung
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Franz Tschuchnigg 3D Finite Elemente Berechnung zur Setzungsprognose der DC Towers
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spinnanker - ein neues Konstruktionselement
7. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels
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Otto Leibniz Water retention curves and thermal insulating properties of Thermosand
Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol.12
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Vaclav Racansky, Alexander Zöhrer, U. Trunk and Helmut Schweiger Numerical 3D FE-Analysis of the Anchorage Zone of Jet Grouted Retaining Walls
From Research to Design in European Practice
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Helmut Schweiger, Ali Nasekhian and R. Pöttler Random Set analysis for tunnel excavation – application to real project
Safety, Reliability and Risk of Structures, Infrastructures and Engineering Systems
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Otto Leibniz Qualification of Embedding Materials for Remote Heat Supply Pipes Regarding the Thermal Conductivity
From Research to Design in European Practice
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Spinnanker - ein neues Konstruktionselement
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Christian Lackner and Stephan Semprich Vorgespannte Bewehrte Erde - Grundlagen, Versuche, Simulationen
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Indra Noer Hamdhan and Barry G. Clarke Determination of Thermal Conductivity of Coarse and Fine Sand Soils
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010
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Bert Schädlich and Helmut Schweiger Anisotropic small strain stiffness within the multilaminate framework
Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering
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Helmut Schweiger, Thomas Marcher and Ali Nasekhian Nonlinear FE-analysis of tunnel excavation - comparison of EC7 design approaches
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Otto Leibniz Vergleich der thermischen Eigenschaften von verschiedenen bodenmechanisch geeigneten Bettungsmaterialien für Fernwärmeleitungen
Tagungsband 7. Kolloquium Bauen in Boden und Fels, Deutschland
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Gregor Supp and Stephan Semprich Untersuchungen zum Trag- und Verformungsverhalten des Spinnankers
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Dietmar Adam, Helmut Schweiger, Roman Markiewicz and T. Knabe Euro 2008 Stadium Klagenfurt - Prediction, Monitoring and Back Calculation of Settlement Behaviour
From Research to Design in European Practice
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Thomas Marcher, Filip Jiricny, Helmut Schweiger and Ali Nasekhian Nonlinear FE-analyses of tunnel structures based on EC7 design approaches – a case study based on the Nivy station, Bratislava
From Research to Design in European Practice
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Stephan Semprich and Bernhard Scharner Quality Assurance in Geotechnics by Visualization of Measured Data
From Research to Design in European Practice
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Helmut Schweiger Numerical analysis of deep excavations and tunnels in accordance with EC7 design approaches
Int. Conference Geotechnical Challenges in Megacities
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Otto Leibniz, Helmut Nievelt and Heimo Spitzenberger Ungebundene und stabilisierte TragschichtenGESTRATA Asphalt Handbuch111-138
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