Duncan Nicholson, Chris Menkiti, Franz Tschuchnigg and Johan Spross Workshop WS08 - Observational Method – From Analysis to Data Interpretation and New Eurocodes CONFERENCE REPORT OF THE EIGHTEENTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 345-350
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Haris Felic, Paul Bonnier and Sandro Brasile Implementation and appraisal of stress recovery techniques for embedded finite elements with frictional contact
Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Beiträge zum 38. Christian Veder Kolloquium NEUE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN IN DER GEOTECHNIK – NACHHALTIGKEIT, ENERGIEWENDE & KLIMAWANDEL
Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Embedded Finite Element with Implicit Interaction Surface for 3D Analysis of Deep Foundations
Fengwen Lai, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger, Songyu Liu, Jim Shiau and Guojun Cai A numerical study of deep excavations adjacent to existing tunnels: Integrating CPTU and SDMT to calibrate soil constitutive model
M.H. Zobiri, Franz Tschuchnigg, Ch. Bouraoui and M. S. Remadna Bearing capacity of strip footings placed on sloping ground 18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ARCSMGE2024) 1-7
Matthias Rebhan, Stefan Grubinger, Andreas Schüppel, Simona Deutinger and Gernot Schwarzenberger Advances in the Digital Documentation of Railway Tunnel Inspection 12th International Conference Tunnel Safety and Ventilation 158-166
Amin Keshavarz, Babak Nikeghbal Sisakht, Mohammad Taher Kamali and Franz Tschuchnigg Seismic analysis of cross-anisotropic poroelastic layered soil retained by rigid walls
Christian Wallner, Dirk Schlicke and Franz Tschuchnigg Realistic regard of differential settlements in the design of foundation slabs by using non-linear soil material models 14th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering - Proceedings 230-240
Hans-Peter Daxer, Matthias Rebhan, Johannes Leo, Haris Felic, Franz Tschuchnigg, Julia Ober and Dirk Schlicke Berücksichtigung des konstruktiven Betonbaus bei der Bemessung, dem Entwurf und der Nachrechnung geotechnischer Bauwerke Beton Graz '24: 6. Grazer Betonkolloquium, 12./13. September 275-282
Roman Marte, Markus Keuschnig, Patrik Neureiter, Hannes Ramoser and Gerald Valentin Exploring the integration of InSAR data into climate-driven creep models to assess slow-moving landslide dynamics
Matthias Rebhan, Julian Schleicher, Hans-Peter Daxer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Daniela Wirthl and André Arnold SG4SSI Sensor Grid 4 Soil-Structure-Interaction
Roman Marte and Robert Hofmann Sicherheitsbeurteilung für Bauwerke in langsamen Großmassenbewegungen
Islam Marzouk, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Stefan Rauter and Franz Tschuchnigg A Case Study on Advanced CPT Data Interpretation: From Stratification to Soil Parameters
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Haris Felic, Johannes Leo, Alexander Stastny and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical investigation of pile foundation systems employing an enhanced embedded finite element
S. Oberhollenzer, L. Hauser, R. Marte, F. Tschuchnigg, H. F. Schweiger and E. J. Lande Improved determination of the constrained modulus in soft soils using the flat dilatometer testGeotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground122-129
A. Stastny, L. Knittel, T. Meier and F. Tschuchnigg Experimental determination of hypoplastic parameters and cyclic numerical analysis for railway bridge backfills
Islam Marzouk, Franz Tschuchnigg, Helmut Schweiger and Nikolaus Hödlmoser Parameter identification for constitutive models based on pressuremeter testGeotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society 656-659
Florian Roman Steindl, Stefanie Radinger, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Ognjen Rudic, Katharina Maria Weisser, Anna Krammer, Klaus Doschek-Held, Bettina Ratz, Iris Zögl, Sara Raic, Florian Mittermayr and Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg Thermally treated residues and by-products as components of waste-based alkali-activated materialsProceedings of the RILEM Spring Convention and Conference 2024. RSCC 2024.53-61
Haris Felic, Tobias Peterstorfer, Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Data-driven site characterization - Focus on small-strain stiffness Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
Haris Felic, Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Parameter Optimization for Constitutive Soil Models by means of Supervised Machine Learning 28th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference
Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg A combined approach to Automated Parameter Determination (APD) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization
Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Roman Marte, Jörg Edler, Martin Scharf, Christian Gasser and Stefan L, Burtscher Erfassung der Vorspannkraft bei bestehenden geankerten Konstruktionen – Abhebeversuche, Nachrüstung und Digitalisierung von Kraftmesseinrichtungen zu Monitoringzwecken
Agus Himawan, Andhika Sahadewa, Masyhur Irsyam, Reguel Mikhail, Idwan Suhendra, Muchamad Rifai, Karsten Beckhaus, Yasin Widodo, Christian Moormann, Helmut F. Schweiger, Abi Maulana Hakim, Hasbullah Nawir and Fahmi Aldiamar Full-scale trial embankment and numerical analysis of mortar column inclusion and high-strength geotextile-reinforced load transfer platform on peat
Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Kainz Florian and Jörg Edler Dynamic testing of micropiles subjected to tensile loads Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
Mona Siahkouhi, Gertraud Medicus, Franz Tschuchnigg and Barbara Schneider-Muntau Investigating the Impact of Inhomogeneous Soil Parameters on Shear Strength in Biaxial Tests 28th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference 1-9
Y. Degu, Oliver Reul and Franz Tschuchnigg Calibration of a numerical model for the investigation of piled rafts under dynamic loading Proceedings of the XVIII ECSMGE 2024 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING CHALLENGES TO MEET CURRENT AND EMERGING NEEDS OF SOCIETY 1-6
Georg H. Erharter, Suzanne Lacasse, Franz Tschuchnigg, Ewald Tentschert, Dennis Becker and Kok-Kwang Phoon A consistent terminology to communicate ground-related uncertainty
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Matthias Rebhan, Martin Hayden and Franz Tschuchnigg Insight into interaction effects between reaction systems and test piles during static load tests Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Markus Schuch, Clemens Klass, Volker Reinprecht, Stefan Grubinger, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Klimawandelbedingte Auswirkungen auf die Inspektion von Infrastrukturbauwerken und Ableitung nachhaltiger Maßnahmen für die Bauwerkserhaltung Beiträge zum 28. Christian Veder Kolloquium
Stefan Grubinger, Sandra Hoffmann and Matthias Rebhan Automatisierte plan-, modell- und bauteilbasierte Fehlstellenverortung in 2D und 3D bei Brückenbauwerken Tagungsband 2024 149-158
Matthias Rebhan, Hans-Peter Daxer, Markus Schuch, Clemens Klass, Klaus Breit, Franz Tschuchnigg and Roman Marte Dauerhaftigkeit von Zugelementen und geankerten Konstruktionen unter Berücksichtigung der geplanten Nutzungsdauer und klimawandelbedingter Effekte Mitteilungen des Institutes für Geotechnik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt
Simon Oberhollenzer, Laurin Hauser, Martin Ehall, Roman Marte, Franz Tschuchnigg and Helmut Schweiger Quality control of fine-grained embankments using penetration tests
Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg Incorporating shear wave velocity measurements into an Automated Parameter Determination (APD) system Proceedings of the 18th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Markus Schuch, Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Lukas Wimmer and Robert Hofmann Aktuelle Entwicklungen bei der Fundierung von Schutzbauten unter Berücksichtigung stoßartiger Einwirkungen und der Dauerhaftigkeit Tragungsbeiträge zur 14. Österreichischen Geotechniktagung 251-262
Islam Marzouk, Ronald Brinkgreve, Arny Lengkeek and Franz Tschuchnigg APD: An automated parameter determination system based on in-situ tests
Matthias Rebhan, Roman Marte, Bernhard Fischerauer, Alois Maintinger, Markus Schuch and Jürgen Stern Bahnspezifische Anforderungen an die Untergrunderkundung bei der Planung von Spülbohrungen und Rohrdurchpressungen unter Gleiskörpern Tagungsbeiträge zur 14. Österreichischen Geotechniktagung 299-308
Matthias Rebhan, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Fabian Öhlinger, Marc Andre Rapp, Klaus Breit, Markus Schuch and Roman Marte Ensuring climate-friendly and sustainable rockfall protection nets
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Johannes Leo and Franz Tschuchnigg Particle Swarm Optimization of Interface Constitutive Model Parameters for Embedded Beam Formulations
Wolfgang Fellin, Hans Peter Daxer and Franz Tschuchnigg Zum Einfluss des Dilatanzwinkels auf die Sicherheit am Beispiel einer einfach verankerten Spundwand
Julian Schleicher, Islam Marzouk, Matthias Rebhan and Franz Tschuchnigg Numerical studies on underground thermal energy storages Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology - Proceedings of the 2nd MedGU, Marrakesh 2022 Volume 3 83-86
Stefanie Radinger, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Ognjen Rudic, Bettina Ratz, Iris Zögl, Sara Raic, Florian Steindl, Florian Mittermayr and Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg A MULTI-STAGE EVALUATION PROCESS OF AUSTRIAN MINERAL WASTE STREAMS AS RAW MATERIALS IN ALKALI-ACTIVATED MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT
Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Saman Hosseini and Sandro Brasile Insight into numerical characteristics of embedded finite elements for pile-type structures employing an enhanced formulation
Matthias J. Rebhan, Cornelius Dold, Franz Tschuchnigg, Stefan L. Burtscher and Roman Marte Behavior of Cracked Grout Bodies of Micro-Piles with Different Corrosion Protection Measures Recent Research on Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing, Geophysics and Earthquake Seismology - Proceedings of the 1st MedGU, Istanbul 2021 Volume 3 135-137
Hannes Ramoser, Florian Thurner and Roman Marte Modelling of slow-moving landslides triggered by rainfall Interpraevent 2024 - Conference Proceedings 401-405
Hannes Ramoser and Roman Marte Prediction Program for Slow Moving Landslides Geotechnical Engineering Challenges to Meet Current and Emerging Needs of Society
Hans-Peter Daxer, Georg O. Flatscher, Franz Tschuchnigg, Matthias Rebhan, Vera Pamminger and Daniela Wirthl Simulation and numerical back analysis of the load redistribution associated with degrading anchored structures Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics
S. Oberhollenzer, L. Hauser, A. Baldermann, R. Marte, F. Tschuchnigg, H. F. Schweiger, M. Nachtnebel and M. Dietzel Microstructure development in lacustrine, fine-grained sediments traced by in situ and laboratory testing
Islam Marzouk and Franz Tschuchnigg APD: Automated parameter determination for constitutive models based on in-situ tests
Florian Roman Steindl, Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg, Ognjen Rudic, Stefanie Radinger, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Katharina Maria Weisser, Anna Krammer, Klaus Doschek-Held, Bettina Ratz, Sarah Steiner, Christoph Gatschlhofer and Florian Mittermayr Reactive binder components for building materials by thermochemical upcycling of mineral wastes and by-products
Florian Roman Steindl, Bettina Ratz, Stefanie Radinger, Iris Zögl, Amr Hussein Mokhtar Hassan, Sara Raic, Ognjen Rudic, Klaus Doschek-Held, Klaus Philipp Sedlazeck, Florian Mittermayr and Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg GECCO2: Ein neues Christian Doppler Labor für umweltfreundliche reststoffbasierte Baumaterialien VORTRÄGE-Konferenzband zur 17. Recy & DepoTech-Konferenz 805-810
Matthias Rebhan, Markus Schuch, Clemens Klass, Klaus Breit and Stefan Grubinger Fehlender Know-How-Transfer bei der Ausfürhung geotechnischer Konstruktionen
Martin Hayden, Matthias Rebhan, Andreas-Nizar Granitzer, Franz Tschuchnigg, Roman Marte, Adrian Thylbert Brunner, C. Böhm and Dietmar Adam Einfluss der Widerlagerkonstruktion auf die Prüfung von Duktil- und Mikropfählen Messen in der Geotechnik 2024 407-426
Stefan Grubinger, Andreas Schüppel, Gernot Schwarzenberger, Simona Deutinger and Matthias Rebhan Digitale Lösungen für die Inspektion von Tunneln
Stefanie Radinger, Cyrill Vallazza-Grengg and Roman Marte Neuartige Baustoffe in der Geotechnik – Was alkalisch-aktivierte Materialien so interessant macht
Franz Tschuchnigg and Andrew Ridley Discussion Session D10 (Excavations, Tunnelling & Monitoring) CONFERENCE REPORT OF THE EIGHTEENTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOIL MECHANICS AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING 253-255
Hans-Peter Daxer, Manuel F. Kainersdorfer, Helmut Schweiger and Franz Tschuchnigg Einfluss des Stoffgesetzes auf die Sicherheit von drainierten und undrainierten Böschungen Numerik in der Geotechnik 9 - 14