
Bachelor's and Master's theses

At the Institute of Mechanics, we supervise a wide range of Bachelor's and Master's theses. Numerical and experimental structural dynamics, parameter identification, and multi-body dynamics are our research areas and are not exclusively based on theoretical concepts. They have practical applications that can help you develop an idea for your thesis.

Regardless of whether you bring your own idea or we can provide a suitable topic for you, we would be happy to hear from you. We will organize the collaboration together in an initial meeting so that we can provide you with the best possible support on your academic path.

Master's thesis




  • Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of a rail-wheel contact model
    Student: Maximilian Arndt

Bachelor's thesis


  • Sensitivity Analysis in Soft Tissues Mechanics.
    Student: Philipp Steinborn (in collaboration with the Institute of Biomechanics)
  • Construction and development of an MBD simulation to investigate the potential of a simplified occupant model
    Student: Daniel Reimeir (in collaboration with the AVL)


Institute of Mechanics
Kopernikusgasse 24/IV
8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0) 316 873 - 7141