Master Thesis
Title: Polysaccharides for crop protection
Adaption to climate change and a growing world population require smart and sustainable methods for a resilient food production. Polysaccharides and their derivatives are very attractive materials for crop protection due to their natural abundance, their versatile chemical and physical properties, and their biodegradability in moist soil or water. Depending on the chemical compostion and formulation, polysaccharides have the ability to protect crops at different stages of growth, and therefore potentially enhance yields and reduce the need for additional agricultural input. This master thesis aims at investigating polysaccharide derivatives and material formulations made thereof for the protection of important vegetable crops.
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Master Thesis
Title: Optimization of the Nano Cellulose production using homogenisation
The use of environmentally friendly, renewable, and sustainable biomaterials is becoming increasingly important. This area of research has attracted the interest of academy and industry because such materials are one solution to resource depletion, environmental pollution, global warming, and the energy crisis. Moreover, biopolymers are essential in biomedicine and nutrition. In this context, so called nanocelluloses and other nano bio polymers (chitin/chitosan, polyesters) are considered promising. Those are isolated as nano-particles, very thin fibres, or crystals from ubiquitous renewable biopolymer sources; example cellulosic sources (e.g., wood, algae, bacteria (also polyesters), tunicates).
These materials can be sourced from conventional agriculture and forestry, but more importantly, can be obtained through industrial biotechnology in the future. They are biodegradable and combine stiffness with high strength, low thermal expansion, low density, high dimensional stability, and can be modified during and after biosynthesis or processing.
Due to these properties, nano-fibrillated celluloses (NFC) or nano crystalline celluloses (NCC) and other nano- biopolymers are expected to appear in various markets soon. These include paper, pulp and packaging, composites, sound and thermal insulation, batteries and fuel cells, sensors, tissue regeneration, 3D printing, drug delivery, cosmetics, and food.
NFC and NCC can be produced in larger quantities from biogenic fibres (using a high-pressure techniques known as fluidizing or homogenizing processes as a core technology. Pre- and post-treatment equipment for nano-fibre production is necessary as listed above and consist of feedstock, pre-processing, core-processing, characterization/analytics.
In this Master Thesis:
will be studied in order to optimize the production process of the tuned NFC and NCC, which will be produced first time at IBioSys labs using new Homogenizator installed in our labs recently.
Contact person:
Prof. Dr. Karin Stana Kleinschek
Institute for chemistry and technology of biobased systems
Contact email: