The 2025 AMS Poster day was on 04.02.2025

Our Institute was represented by:

  • Biopolymeric Alginate Composites - Sustainable Approach for Advanced Material Applications- Cornelia Ott, Institute of Architecture and Media
  • Scale-Up of 3D-Printed Bioreactors for Continuous-Flow Biotransformation- Daniel Pint, IPPT/IBioSys
  • Master’s Thesis: Covalent Crosslinking of Alginate by Native Chemical Ligation (NCL)- David Bucak Gasser, IBioSys
  • 3D-Printed Alginate-NFC Scaffolds functionalized with HP-beta-CD/CBD Complexes. A Novel Approach for Enhanced Solubility and Drug Delivery of CBD- Dennis A. Silva-Cullishpuma, Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia
  • Development of 3D-Printed Polysaccharide Biomaterials using a Dual-Enzyme Crosslinking System: Structural Stabilization, Mechanical Integrity and Swelling Behavior- Miriam Zeller, IBioSys
  • Investigating the fibrillation process and the characteristics of nanocellulose obtained through high-pressure homogenization- Simon Brunner, IBioSys
  • Chemical Modification of Chitosan: A Versatile Strategy for Developing Bioactive Thin Films and Bulk Materials- Tobias Dorn, IBioSys
  • Flavin-based crown ethers with ion-sensing properties- Vojtech Krusbersky, Brno University of Technology; IBioSys

We at  IBioSys welcome Prof. Yottha Srithep from Mahasarakham University -Thailand.

He is going to work on "Development of solvent-free of polylactide stereocomplex blended with nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) for tissue engineering scafolds" project with us.

Prof. Srithep will stay with us from March to August 2025.

At IBioSys we are very pleased about Prof. Jennifer Weiser staying at our Institute.  

Prof Weiser receives Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award for 2024-25. As a Fullbright Scholar, Dr. Weiser has joined the faculty of Graz University of Technology as a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Chemistry and Techology of Biobased Systems (IBioSys, Prof. Dr. Karin Stana-Kleinschek). Her experiance in innovative engineering education methods as well as in the newest research tools for the development of Drug Formulation, Delivery and Biomaterials will be ennoble our academic enviroment.

Prof. Weiser will stay with us from Febuary to July 2025.

More information

28th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop 13.-14.2.2025 @BOKU, Vienna

IBioSys and Glycogroup proudly presented latest results in two oral presentations and  three posters! It was a scientifically inspiring and social happy event as every year!


Congratulations! |We proudly congratulate Philipp Loibner, Miriam Zeller and David Bucak Gasser for the accomplished defense of their excellent master's thesis:

  • Covalent Crosslinking of Alginate using Amino Acid-derived Small-molecular Agents
  • Development of 3D-Printed Scaffolds via Dual Enzyme Crosslinking of Chemically Modified Alginate and Nanofibrous Cellulose Based Hydrogels
  • Covalent Crosslinking of Alginate by Native Chemical Ligation (NCL) – An Innovative Approach Towards Novel Hydrogels for Biomedicine

 Podcast Lehren - Lernen - Lauschen mit Tanja Wrodnigg, Studiendekanin der FakultätTCVB

In dieser Folge spricht Tanja Wrodnigg vom Institut für Chemie und Technologie biobasierter Systeme über ihre vielfältigen Tätigkeiten – von Grundlagenforschung im Bereich Kohlenhydratchemie über ihre Arbeit als Studiendekanin bis hin zur intensiven Laborarbeit mit Studierenden. Ihr Schwerpunkt liegt auf der praxisnahen Ausbildung im Chemiestudium, die international für ihre hohe Qualität bekannt ist. Tanja Wrodnigg erläutert, warum die Laborlehre nicht nur fachlich, sondern auch zwischenmenschlich bereichernd ist und wie sie Studierende durch persönliche Betreuung fördert. Außerdem teilt sie ihre Erfahrungen als Studiendekanin und Mentorin. Sie betont die Bedeutung von Kommunikation, Teamarbeit und Diversität – sowohl in der Lehre als auch in der Wissenschaft.

Hier klicken zum Anhören.

 Special Issue in Chemical Monthly 

We are pleased to share with you the special issue in Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly: "Carbohydartes - A sweet Austrian Screenshot"

Issue Editors: Tanja M. Wrodnigg, Christian Stanetty, Markus Blaukopf

More Infomation

 Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2025!

 Mind the Gap Award - Auszeichnung für gelebte Vielfalt

„WomenValue: Pionierinnen feiern – Erinnerungen bauen“

Lehrveranstaltung, Wettbewerb & Ausstellung von Ena Kukic, Katharina Mitsche und Tanja Wrodnigg

Ziel des Projektes ist es, das Erbe der ersten Frauen an der TU Graz sichtbar zu machen und zu bewahren. „WomenValue“ führte eine Lehrveranstaltung des Instituts für Grundlagen der Konstruktion und des Entwerfens (KOEN) der TU Graz, einen Studierendenwettbewerb und zwei Universitätsausstellungen mit einer universitätsübergreifenden Initiative des Alumni-Frauennetzwerks zur Würdigung der Pionierinnen der TU Graz zusammen. Aus dieser vernetzten Plattform resultierten zehn Entwurfsprojekte, die Denkmalprototypen für Pionierinnen sowie eine Broschüre umfassen. Die von den Studierenden eingereichten Modelle waren in einer Wanderausstellung im Sommersemester 2024 an der TU Graz ausgestellt. Eine Umsetzung des mit dem ersten Platz prämierten Prototypen als permanente Installation am Campus der TU Graz ist angedacht.  

Booklet zur Lehrveranstaltung

Video link

 Chemietage 2024 article in

Have a look at the article in chemiereport 2024.7 about the Chemietage 2024.

Click here for the whole chemiereport

©Chemiereport 2024.07

 European patent EP4215340A1

We are excited to share the european patent of Florian Lackner, Karin Stana Kleinschek and Rupert Kargl:

Device for forming structures from a nanoconductive matrix material comprising fibers and method of aligning fibers in a nonconductive matrix material (EP4215340A1)

More Info

 IBioSys at European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (esib) 

The European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology will take place from 12 to 14 of November 2024 at Messecongress Graz.

Prof. Karin Stana-Kleinschek will speak about Bio-Polymers for Funkctional Biomolecular Interactions, in the EU project session satelite workshop: '3D printing innovations: Insights from acib, black drop, and the EU project Piezo4Spine', which will take place on Tuesday the 12 of November in Saal 4. 

More Information: click here

 India-Austria Bilateral Project

After our colleagues Tamilselvan Mohan and Florian Lackner visited our cooperation partners at the Vellore Institute of Technology (India).

We now had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Amit Kumar Jaiswal to our institute, who gave a lecture on the research activities of his group. 

 TU Munich meets TU Graz

Last week we had the pleasure of welcomeing our colleagues Prof. Rieger and team from the WACKER-Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry to our Institute as part of an institute excursion. We had some scientific lectures from both institutes and a lab tour in our institute.

 20th GÖCH Chemietage 2024 - Biobased Chemistry and Technology 

Chemietage 2024 have been held from 23rd to 25th  of September at TUGraz.

There were many fascianting oral and poster presentations, and it was a true honor to have Ben Feringa as keynote speaker. 

A big thank to everyone who helped to make this conference possible!

 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium

IBioSys was well represented at the 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium ICS 2024 in Shanghai, Juli 14-19 2024, with an invited talk and 4 posters on the hottest scientific newes from our lab. It has been an inspiring conference in the astonishing city Shanghai.

 Congress Award Graz

We are pleased to inform you that we have been awarded the Congress Award of the City of Graz for the organisation of the 8th International Polysaccharide Conference of the EPNOE.

Thanks to everyone who helped us and made the conference possible!

More Information

Pictures: © MCG/Wiesner

 Congratulation | Outstanding Master Thesis Award

IBioSys proudly congratulates André Culum on his Master's Thesis Synthesis of glycomimetics as probes for activity based protein profilingwhich was awarded for the first time with the   'Outstanding Master Thesis Award' of the Faculty 'Technical Chemistry, Chemical and Process Engineering and Biotechnology of Graz University of Technology.

TUGraz_MasterThesisAward am 20.06.2024
TUGraz_MasterThesisAward am 20.06.2024

Job offer | University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)

First Level Doctorate Reasearchers CDL-CTTRI-93-SGRH/2024 Development of a physical recycling technology of ABS using alternative solvents of renewable origin and the use of various polymer characterization techniques

More Information

Congratulations! | We proudly congratulate Esther Ledl, Katharina Schober, and Michael Lamprecht for the accomplished defense of their excellent master's thesis:

  • Development of a renewable, hydrophobic coating for textile fibers by Esther Ledl,
  • Enzymatic Cross-Linking of Polysaccharide-Amino Acid Conjugates by Katharina Schober, and
  • Investigation of in-situ aligment of dielectric fibers with an electic field in extrusion-based 3D printing by Michael Lamprecht.

Congratulations!We are delighted and congratulate Florian Lackner on the successful defence of his doctoral thesis 3D Printing of Polysaccharides for Tailored Microstructures in Biomaterials

Campusausstellung: Frauen der TUGraz im Fokus

Vom 27. Mai bis 13. Juni 2024 zeigt die Ausstellung zum Gestaltungswettbewerb "Erinnerungen bauen: Pionierinnen der TU Graz" zehn architektonische Installationen, die Studierendenteams am Institut für Grundlagen der Konstruktion und des Entwerfens (KOEN) erarbeitet haben, um Pionierinnen der TU Graz räumlich zu vergegenwärtigen. Zu sehen sind die Arbeiten am Campus Neue Technik in der Kopernikusgasse 24 (Foyer bei Hörsaal H). Veranstalter*innen sind gemeinsam mit KOEN der Alumni-Verein alumniTUGraz 1887 und dessen WomenUniverse-Netzwerk.


Congratulation! Professor Jennifer Weiser Receives Fullbright U.S. Scholar Award for 2024-25| As a Fullbright Scholar, Dr. Weiser will join the faculty of Graz University of Technology as a Visiting Professor at the Institute of Chemistry and Techology of Biobased Systems (IBioSys, Prof. Dr. Karin Stana-Kleinschek). 

At IBioSys we are very pleased about Prof. Weiser staying at our Institute. Her experiance in innovative engineering education methods as well as in the newest research tools for the development of Drug Formulation, Delivery and Biomaterials will be ennoble our academic enviroment.

Prof. Weiser will stay with us from Febuary to July 2025.

More information


More information

Congratulations! | We congratulate Rupert Kargl on his habilitaion (venia docendi) in the field of material sience of bioorganic substances!

 Announcement: First decive in our new IBioSys laboratoriesWe are pleased to announce that we finally installed the GEA Panther Homogenizer as the first device in our new IBioSys laboratories.

We are looking forward to the production of nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and to new collaborations

 Innovation Map launch event by WKO (Austrian chamber of Comerce) in Vienna| We had the opportunity to present our current work and results in the field of 3D bioprinting, which is part of the Innovation Map

Our Prof. Karin Stana Kleinschek, Dr. Rupert Kargl and Ph.D student Florian Lackner came into contact with industry representatives and partners of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. 

Click here to find out more about the Innovation Map

 Infinite Storyscapes | Our professor Karin Stana Kleinschek was a guest in the interview series Infinit Storyscapes, which talks to women who live and work in the Carinthia-Styria-Slovenia region.

Listen to the interview

 Kraftfasern auf der Überholspur | A contribution about the Cellulose and Polysaccharide research in Austria, is just published in the GEO magazine.

Read the article (DE)


Open Professorship position for Biopolymers | at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany 

More information 

Open Postdoc positionat Sao Carlos Chemistry Institute (University of Sao Paulo) 

Click to open (pdf)

In few other fields has research achieved as much in recent decades as it has in medicine. The ServusTV reportage investigates the benefits of medical progress for patients, with Rupert Johann Kargl presenting our part (41:58) in the development of treatment options for the future.

Click on the image to see the video

What is the potential of polysaccharides in biomaterial science? | Biopolymers and carbohydrates have a significant potential to be used as biomaterials due to their very large structural variability and biological origin to which living cells respond. Read more

EPNOE Research Roadmap 2040 Launch Event | A joint effort of more than 20 high-level scientists who aim to address the most relevant scientific questions around sustainable solutions based on biomass and polysaccharides. This launch event offers a platform for discussion, encouraging exchanges among different stakeholders with common goals. The Research Roadmap Chairs and Vice Chairs will present their chapters, covering five strategic areas: Materials & Engineering, Food & Nutrition, Biomedical Applications, Basic Sciences - Chemistry, Biology & Physics, and Skills.

What an experience at the #WebSummit 2022 in Lisbon!! | Our colleagues Florian Lackner and Rupert Johann Kargl presented our technology on 3D printed biomimetic aorta models at the AUSTRIA NIGHT – reveals BOLD.

We are grateful for this opportunity and invitation from the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO).

A big thank you to our collaboration partners from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Prof. Dr. Nikolaos Tsilimparis, Jan Stana, MD, PhD, and Maximilian Grab, MSc, for contributing state-of-the-art vascular 3D models and EVAR implants.

We had a blast with our teammates at the 5th EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting (Aveiro, Portugal)! | Were you there? We contributed:

  • Session 3: Biorefinery and biomass-derived polysaccharides was organised by our team member Rupert Kargl & Andreea Scutaru as chairs.
  • Award-winning talk: 3D printing and alignment of NFC-Alginate nanocomposites with highly tunable properties by Florian Lackner
  • Poster: Synthesis of C-glycosidic entities for the modification of polysaccharide matrixes by Tobias Dorn
  • Poster: In-situ alignment of dielectric fibers with electric fields in extrusion processes by Florian Lackner

Congratulations! | Our PhD student Florian Lackner was recognised for the Best Oral Communication Award at the 5th EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting in Aveiro, Portugal for his talk on 3D printing and alignment of NFC-alginate nanocomposites with highly tunable properties.

Open Postdoc position | Chemical Glycobiology at the CIC bioGUNE (Bilbao, Spain)

Click to open (pdf)

the 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop | was a success! A big THANK YOU to all our participants of the event, which took place from July 7th-8th, 2022, at TU Graz.

The overall enthusiasm and positive spirit made our time together both productive and fun.


  • To all for coming!
  • To all the speakers and poster presenters!
  • To all the IBioSys staff for all their work and help!
  • To all the sponsors! None of this would have been possible without your support.

Gallery      Website

Congratulations! | We proudly congratulate Melanie Zündel, Stefan Schwaiger, und Maximilian Novak for the accomplished defense of their excellent master's thesis:

  • Synthesis of Iminosugar-Based Glycomimetics for Glycosidase Profiling by Melanie Zündel,
  • Synthesis of Alkyne Functionalized Carbohydrate Building Blocks in the D-manno Configuration for the Modification of Cellulose by Stefan Schwaiger, and
  • 3D Printing, Stabilization, and Characterization of Nanofibrillated Cellulose-Alginate Scaffolds by Maximilian Novak.

Learning from nature and promoting young people | In the "Woche" interview, our professor Karin Stana Kleinschek talks about research, internationality, and what she would like to pass on to young scientists.

Read the interview on page 12 (DE)

© Lunghammer – TU Graz
© Lunghammer – TU Graz

Congratulations! | Our Master's student Ivan Knechtl was awarded the WKO Steiermark research grant for business-related Bachelor's and Master's Theses. A total of 20 scholarships were awarded this year after more than 100 submissions for the scholarship program (awards were made by a 10-person expert jury).

Ivan's Master's Thesis: 3D printed medical models used in aortic surgeries

See the video

Our colleague Rupert Johann Kargl on the exciting field we are working in @ International Conferences & Exhibition on Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine.

See the video

  Austrian Carbohydrate Network | the 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop (ACW) 2022 at TU Graz

Click to open (pdf)

Grants Available! | Open Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) grant.

  Update: Austrian Carbohydrate Network | the 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop (ACW) 2022 at TU Graz

Open for registration - deadline June 20th, 2022  More info

Click to open (pdf)

New entrance hall to IBioSys | A new picture graces our entrance hall created by Ilse Leitgeb-Feichtenberger, "IBioSysLabs".

ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE Poster Day 2022 | In the coming Poster Day of the interdisciplinary network at the TU Graz, prof. Karin Stana Kleinschek will give a lecture on Biopolymers in Biomedical Applications, and Florian Lackner a poster presentation on In-situ alignment of dielectric fibers with electric fields in extrusion processes. more info

Interational ZELLCHEMING Conference Invited Lecture | As part of the excellent scientific program, prof. Karin Stana Kleinschek from the IBioSys will give an invited lecture on Biopolymers and their potential application in medicine. The conference gathers researchers from science and industry who are interested into R&D in polysaccharides, paper-based materials, and bioeconomy. more info

Click to open (pdf)

Technology Offer | In situ alignment of dielectric fibers using electric fields in extrusion processes

  • Development status: Proof of concept
  • Cooperation options: Licensing, Sale, Technical cooperation

Click to enlarge (pdf)

Our recent publication was highlighted as the supplementary cover on ACS Biomacromolecules (March 14, 2022 - Volume 23, Issue 3)

EPNOE Webinar  |  Registration

Heinzel Mondi Sappi Award | recognizes outstanding publications by early stage researchers

  • Deadline: February 28th 2022

Click to enlarge (pdf)

5 ECTS Cellulose Wet Spinning course (2 days) | short virtual winter course organized by Aalto University and Technical University of Graz.

  • Enrolment deadline: March 1st, 2022
  • Course code: CHEM-LV02
  • Lecturer: Prof. Herbert Sixta
  • Course assignment examiner: Prof. Michael Hummels

Click to enlarge (2x pdf)

Grants Available! | Open ITC Conference Grants and Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) grants for Young researchers & Innovators.

Click to enlarge flyer

Announced Lectures in Summer Semester 2022 | IBioSys offers the following elective subjects:

  • 3-D-Print info
  • Transformation and Shaping of Biobased Systems info
  • Macromolecular Materials and Material Technologies III - Composite Materials info

Click to enlarge (pdf)

Britt's Erasmus experience in Graz | Combining the student exchange and finishing her master’s thesis, she also found a great combination between culture and nature with the possibility of inspiring weekend getaways.

The interview was published in the GeniaaL magazine of Britt's home Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven (Belgium).

EPNOE Webinar  |  Registration

Congratulations! | We are proud to announce that our master student Ivan Knechtl received a research grant funded by the Austrian Economic Chamber-WKO Steiermark for his research on the master thesis titled 3D printed medical models used in aortic surgeries.

The scope of this master thesis is the development of 3D printed biomimetic models of the human aorta that have very similar biomechanical and pressure resistance properties when compared to the real organ. This will be achieved by combining biocomposite material and polymer science with the latest 3D manufacturing technologies.

Congratulations! | We proudly congratulate Melina Much and Tadeja Katan for the accomplished defense of their excellent master's thesis:

  • Materials for Additive Manufacturing and Molding of Biomimetic Aorta Models by Melina Much and
  • Chitosan and polyvinylidene fluoride thin films for solid phase peptide synthesis by Tadeja Katan.

Upcoming webinar on chitin and polysaccharide science | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. Join via ZOOM

As part of the Steiermark heute on national broadcast ORF (on November 9th, 2021 at 7 pm), a contribution Organ model from the 3D printer covered our expertise at IBioSys, TU Graz.

Congratulations! | We proudly congratulate Tobias Dorn MSc BSc for the accomplished defense of his excellent Master's Thesis in Chemistry.

  • Thesis title: "Synthesis of C-Glycosyl Type Sugar-Amino Acid Building Blocks for "on Surface" Glycopeptides Fabrication"

Congratulations! | To our new PhD Andreas Wolfsgruber MSc BSc for the accomplished defense of his excellent Doctoral Thesis.

Dissertation title: "Synthesis of Iminosugar Based Glycomimetics for Activity Based Protein Profiling of Carbohydrate Processing Enzymes"

Webinars on chitin and polysaccharide science are back in October! | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. Join via ZOOM

Welcome to the very 1st event from the FUR4Sustain Happy Hour series!  |  Zoom link will be provided soon

EPNOE Webinar on Biomedical Applications | November 4th, 2021, 13:0014:30   Register

  • plenary lecture by Prof. Olli Ikkala, Aalto University, Finland: New functions for polysaccharides: From strain hardening to optical fiber
  • presentation by Katja Heise, Aalto University, Finland: Asymmetric modifications of cellulose nanocrystals – concepts and challenges

Note the following webinar date in your calendar:

  • December 2nd

EPNOE Newsletter 

September 2021

IBioSys at TU Graz Science for Future 2021 - Climate and Energy | Graz University of Technology, September 29., 2021. More

We need to understand nature better. An interview about IBioSys with Karin Stana Kleinschek, published in the Spirit of Styria - the new business magazine for Styria. link

© Copyright 2017 Grazetta GmbH bzw.

EPNOE Webinar on Biomedical Applications | The following material is now available on the EPNOE website:

Note the following webinar dates in your calendar:

  • November 4th, 2021
  • December 2nd, 2021

IBioSys at Polymer Meeting 14 (PM14) | Graz University of Technology, Aug. 30.-Sep. 2., 2021.

  • Biomimetic models of the aortic arch for surgical planning
  • 3D printing and stabilization of nanofibrillated cellulose-alginate scaffolds by different crosslinking methods
  • Initiated chemical vapor deposition of a carbohydrate based polymer
  • Synthesis of all sugar cellulose conjugates by click chemistry
  • Is 3-O-Methyl-α,β-D-glucose a substrate for alginate producing Azotobacter vinelandii?
  • Solid phase synthesis of various amino acid sequences on chitosan thin films

Book of abstracts

Webinar on chitin and polysaccharide science | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. When? August 31th at 11 AM (CET). More info

Medical application of the chitosan in special areas of use by Marcin H. Struszczyk (Institute of Security Technologies “MORATEX”).

Join via ZOOM

EPNOE Webinar on Biomedical Applications | Register

© Lunghammer - TU Graz

From Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) Planet Research: News & Stories | At the Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Biobased Systems, a new bioprinter recently entered service. It will produce individual models of blood vessels. We are always on the look-out for research partners.

Read the full article

Webinar on chitin and polysaccharide science | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. When? July 27th at 11 AM (CET). More info

Chitosan-based nanomaterials for gene/drug delivery, and antibacterial control by Francisco Goycoolea (University of Leeds).

Dually crosslinked chitosan nanoparticles block quorum sensing and target bacterial growth at specific cell densities by Celina Vila (University of Santiago de Compostela).

Join via ZOOM

Congratulations! | We proudly congratulate Herwig Prasch MSc BSc for the accomplished defense of his excellent Master's Thesis in Chemistry. This is the first Master's Thesis performed at our Institute.

  • Thesis committee: Univ. Prof. Peter Macheroux (TU Graz), Univ. Prof. Tanja Wrodnigg (TU Graz) and Univ. Prof. Karl Gruber (University Graz).
  • Title of the Master's Thesis: "Design and Synthesis of Iminosugar-Based Probes for Investigation of Ligand-Directed Chemistry of β-Glucosidases".

Webinar on chitin and polysaccharide science | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. When? June 29th at 11 AM (CET). More info

Chitin extraction and chitosan production from non-marine sources by Thomas Hahn (Frauenhofer IGP).

Use of chitosan modifying enzymes as analytical tools by Stefan Cord-Landwehr (University of Münster).

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New Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D Printer available at IBioSys | The Creality Ender 3 V2 is a 3D printer employing the FDM technology, and can print various polymer filaments like PLA, ABS or PVA.

EPNOE Webinar on Food & Nutrition | June 10th, 13:00 – 14:30 CET

Plenary lecture: Food polysaccharides for sustainability and health by Laura Nyström (ETH Zürich).

Research presentation: Improving gluten-free bread by a novel arabinoxylan network by Denisse Bender (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna).


DER STANDARD covered an overview and IBioSys’ advances in tissue engineering in an article “On the way from the 3D printer to the heart”. Full article

Webinar on chitin and polysaccharide science | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. When? May 25th at 11 AM (CET). More info

Lytic Polysaccharide MonoOxygenases (LPMOs) - how chitin helped to change our views on enzymatic biomass conversion by Vincent Eijsink (Norwegian University of Life Sciences).

Chitosan thin films for in situ glycopeptide synthesis by Tadeja Katan (Graz University of Technology).

Join via ZOOM

Biopolymers come into fashion | What can you make from wood? Not only pieces of furniture apparently. Today, cellulose fibres are being turned into new, useful materials and used for fashion as well as for artificial tissue cultivation. Find out more

Diversity in research | Openness and diversity. Different experiences and ways of thinking give research the diversity it needs to serve us all. Graz University of Technology provides impetus in a series of lectures and a handbook for diversity-conscious research. In the lecture series, all seven faculties are giving insights into diversity aspects in science and technology at Graz University of Technology.

Join the lecture series and view the handbook.

Green Tech Innovators Club | Join the discussions for new project ideas and build new collaborations with experts from the industry and researchers from Styrian universities. Think outside the box and develop new projects together in the spirit of green innovations. More info

Webinar on chitin and polysaccharide science | Brought to you in cooperation with the European Chitin Society. When? April 27th at 11 AM (CET). More info

Structure-function relationships of chitosans: the pattern of N-acetylation by Bruno Moerschbacher (University of Münster).

Methods for the processing and shaping of polysaccharide based materials by Rupert Kargl (Graz University of Technology).

Join via ZOOM

Book announcement! | We are thrilled to announce the release of a book Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods, Volume 5 (1st edition), edited by Paul Kosma and our members Arnold Stütz and Tanja M. Wrodnigg.

This unique book explores carbohydrate chemistry from both the academic and industrial point of view, providing reliable and tested synthesis information in one reference.

Webinar series on chitin and polysaccharide science - COMING SOON! | Every last Tuesday of a month (11:00 AM, CET) starting on April 27th. Organized by the European Chitin Society.

Stay tuned for more info.

New Digital Light Processing (DLP) Resin 3D Printer available at IBioSys | With the Anycubic Photon Mono and the complementary Anycubic Wash and Cure Station 2.0, various commercial and self-synthesized photocurable resins could be 3D-printed, achieving a resolution up to 50 µm. This enables fast and precise prototyping of various tailormade equipment and printing without almost any geometrical limitations.

Prof. Karin Stana Kleinschek, dr. Tamilselvan Mohan and Assoc. Prof. Rupert Kargl, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Maribor, prepared an interesting laboratory manual for students on the processing of polysaccharides.

WHY, WHERE, WHY? | Students, have you ever thought about studying abroad? Learn more about mobility options.

New blood protein coagulation measurements available at IBioSys. | Control over haemostasis and coagulation analyses are essential for the assessment of blood and plasma contacting devices, and the development of anti- or procoagulant therapies. IBioSys has acquired a Stago STart Max coagulation analyser that allows for the determination of PT, APTT, fibrinogen concentration, thrombin time and others. With these methods, newly developed medicinal materials or compounds can be evaluated with respect to their interaction with blood plasma proteins.

We are delighted to announce the new FWF, Austria-Czech Republic International Project of Prof. Arnold Stütz  |  "New glycomimetics for managing of age-related neurodegenerative diseases"

Strong evidence has been accumulating for still poorly understood metabolic connections between lysosomal disorders and the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Based on our experience with inhibitors as enzyme stabilizers and activity enhancers for GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio B related mutants of human lysosomal beta-galactosidase, we now want to investigate some of the complex catabolic feed-forward and feed-back cycles which may be involved in the early stages of various forms of dementia and their roots in chemical biology of the brain. Various substance classes will be evaluated emphasizing their blood-brain-barrier permeability which is a vital prerequisite for viable drugability and medication in the context under consideration.

We are happy to announce that we started to work with our new 3D Bioprinter - Gesim: BioScaffolder BS 3.2, which enables us to prepare:

  • Multi materials prints in x-y-z axis with up to four materials simultaneously at 50 µm resolutions.
  • 3D and core shell structures by extrusion composed of polymer (hydro)gels and pastes.
  • Extrusion printed 3D structures from thermoplastic materials up to 250 °C processing temperature.
  • Melt electro-writing of thermoplastic nanofibers.
  • Piezo-pipetting of life cells, reactive liquids or biomolecules.
  • UV-Photocuring of prints.
  • Working under sterile conditions.

Our partners from Institute Jožef Stefan, Department F4 under the leadership of Prof. Miran Mozetič, are working with us on the model surface peptide modification and characterization using XPS and ToF-SIMS. The cooperation includes the active participation of our students from TU Graz.

Congratulations! | To our new PhD Patrick Weber, supervised by Ao.Univ.-Prof. Arnold Stütz.

Dissertation title: Synthesis and biological evaluation of highly functionalised aminocyclopentanes for medicinal applications 

Lecture | "Specialty papers and pulps" by Dr. Johannes Leitner

  • November 4th - 6th 2020 (enrolment until October 25th 2020)
  • Institute of Bioproducts and Paper Technology, Inffedgasse 23/I, room PZ401064; course 661.264
  • More info

"Current for surface science". | We are happy to announce the receipt and installation of our new Garmy Reference 600+ potentiostat / galvanostat coupled with our quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation. The combined system allows us to perform gravimetric, viscoelastic and electrical measurements on surfaces. Phenomena such as corrosion, deposition and other redox-reactions at interfaces can be analyzed in detail.

Prof. Dr. Karin Stana Kleinschek | Portrait in TU Graz research: "Die Natur schafft problemlos, was wir technisch nicht können".

IBioSys researcher Dr. Rupert Kargl presented a blog post "Considering the environmental impact of science and technology" in the frame of the FibreNet ITN EU project.

Preparation of the model films in our labs using new spin coater Spin200i (SPS Europe).

IBioSys researchers slowly, with the social distance, started to introduce new research activities in our labs. | Electrochemistry measurements at different surfaces (organic, inorganic model films or other nano layers prepared on different crystals).

Online Conferences | "YouTube virtual conference series on Biorefinery"

  • Tuesdays 10:15 - 11:00 and Thursdays 13:15 - 14:00
  • Treesearch and WWSC virtual conference series
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Online Course | "Carbohydrate Chemistry/Lignocellulose Biorefinery" by Prof. Dr. Herbert Sixta

  • June 16th - 18th 2020 (enrolment until June 5th 2020)
  • Organized by Aalto University (FIN), and TU Graz (AT); course 661.761
  • More info

Online Course | "Topochemical Fabrication of Polysaccharide-based Materials for Advanced Biomedical Applications: Gels and Surfaces" by Prof. Dr. Pedro Fardim (University Leuven, president of EPNOE)


Institut für Chemie und Technologie Biobasierter Systeme
Stremayrgasse 9
8010 Graz

+43 (316) 873 - 32071