Abstract submission extended until 07.07.2024 

Submissions from all areas of chemistry are welcome!

More Information!

   20th CHEMIETAGE 2024 Biobased Chemistry & Technology 

It is a great pleasure to announce the 20th Chemietage 2024, GÖCH, which will be organised by IBioSys together with The Austrian Chemical Society GÖCH.

The Chemietage will take place 23th - 25th September 2024 at Graz University of Technology, Austria 

More Information

   27th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop 

The 27th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop (ACW 2024) will take place form February 15th - 16th 2024 at Graz University of Technology.

Starting with only a handful of pioneers of the Austrian Carbohydrate community, today our meetings attract around 100 scientists form all areas of the Glycosciences.

In tradition of our former meetings alongside prestigious invited lectures, particularly our younger colleagues will finde opportunity to present their results with a focus set on presentations from PhDs and young PostDocs.

Click to see the program

  Epnoe Junior 2024 | 6th International EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting

The 6th EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting in 2024 will be held at the University of Natural Resources and Life SciencesVienna (Austria) from the 4th to the 6th of September, 2024.

More Information 

  Bioeconomy Innovation day | Brussels 16 November

The Bioeconomy Innovation Day – Advancing Resource Efficiency and Value Creation in Europe – is organised in cooperation with the Swedish research collaboration platform TreesearchFinnCERES materials bioeconomy Flagship from Finland, and the B2BE facilitator, a matchmaker in the Flemish bioeconomy. 

More information 

  8th International Polysaccharide Conference 2023

It is a great pleasure and privilege to announce that, together with the Austrian University Consortium - UNI Graz, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, UNI Vienna, and UNI Innsbruck, we are organising the 8th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference. The event will take place from 17th to 22nd September, 2023 at Graz University of Technology, Austria.

  Polysaccharide-based Materials Symposium 2023| at the XXI B-MRS Meeting (Brazil)

In the framework of a lagre forum taking place at the Ruth Cardoso Cultural and Exhibition Center in Merceió-Alagoas (Brazil), from October 1st to 5th 2023, this particular symposium will encourage collaboration among researchers from Brazil and other countires being a great opportunity to advance the materials theme

Abstract submissions now open - deadline April 17th  More info

  Austrian Carbohydrate Network | the 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop (ACW) 2022 at TU Graz

Click to open (pdf)

  Austrian Carbohydrate Network | the 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop (ACW) 2022 at TU Graz

Open for registration - deadline June 20th, 2022  More info

  Epnoe Junior 2022 | 5th International EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting

Abstract submissions now open - deadline March 31st  More info

  Call for Thematic Sessions | the 5th EPNOE Junior Scientist Meeting

In Aveiro, Portugal on September 8-9, 2022 we want to offer a broad view and in-depth knowledge on polysaccharides and their applications.
We are kindly asking you to submit your proposals of session topics together with suggested keynote speakers HERE.

  • Sessions should be organized by two-three scientists coming from different Institutions/countries.
  • EPNOE members can invite non-EPNOE members for co-organizing sessions.
  • Each organizer can only be involved in the organization of one session.
  • Session organizers cannot be keynote speakers of their own sessions.
  • The organizing committee reserves the right to modify sessions.

Please submit your proposals before November 30th, 2021.

  Wissenschaftstag TU Graz | Science for Future - 2021: Climate and Energy

In 8 themed sessions, our researchers will shed light on the future topic of "climate and energy" and discuss new approaches and technologies with guests from science, business and society. More

Language: German & English

Date: September 29, 2021, 09:00 - 18:00 (+networking)

Location: TU Graz, Campus Alte Technik, Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz (+livestreams)

more info & registration

  eseia EPNOE Workshop | Distilling collaborative research and innovation topics & Discussions

Topics: aSuccessful participation in Horizon Europe call opportunities, bDesigning a joint International Summer School 2022.

Discussions: 1Processing of polysaccharides and renewable energy, 2Shaping of Polysaccharides and energy efficiency and 3Properties of polysaccharides and energy storage.

June 29, 2021, 09:00 - 15:15 CET

more info and registration

  BTechPro 2022  | The International Conference for Young Scientists on Biorefinery Technologies and Products

April 27-29, 2022, Riga, Latvia

more info and registration

  EPNOE 2021 | 7th International Congress

  • a major international event in polysaccharide science gathering the talents of worldwide academic and industrial actors in the field
  • the scientific program is based on the advice of eminent scientists
  • more than 350 academic and industrial attendees coming from all over the world
  • a unique occasion to increase your visibility, build an international network and find new inspiration

more info

October 11-15 2021  (Monday to Friday)                                                                                                                 Nantes, France

  Online Conference | "Materials for tomorrow: the forest"

Find out how the forest can provide new solutions for electronics, cars, textiles, hydrogels, composites, and more! info and registration

The conference is organised by Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg (Sweden).

November 18  2020  (Wednesday)

  ! WORKSHOP | "PLASTIC: think global, think circular, re-think end-of-life"

Workshop is organised under the FUR4Sustain COST Action (CA18220) auspices in collaboration with the Chemistry Department of the University of Aveiro. Time for registration is until September 20. info and registration

September 24  2020  (Wednesday)

  EPNOE Junior Online Seminar | "Polysaccharide Research - Fundamentals and Beyond"

EPNOE Junior Scientists are joining efforts to organise an Online Seminar, which is a nice opportunity for young scientists for networking and learning about the research of their peers. info

September 15-16 2020  (Tuesday to Wednesday)

  Workshop  | Supramolecular and Colloid Chemistry and Physics for the Life Sciences

more info and registration

July 27-29 2020                                                                                                                                                                  University of Rijeka, Croatia

  EPNOE Junior | Online Seminar

Hopefully, we will see many of you online in September and in person in 2021!                              info and registration for Online Seminar

More information will be available as soon as possible as we are still sorting out program, speakers, and practical arrangements.

February 3-4 2021  (Wednesday to Thursday)                                                                                                        

  EPNOE | 7th International Polysaccharide Conference

The conferences are held every two years and are jointly organized with other professional societies, including the Cellulose and Renewable Materials (CELL) Division of the American Chemical Society and the Cellulose Society of Japan. The programmes will consist of multiple parallel sessions, each on specific topics, and are designed for researchers from academia and industry to present and discuss their latest results. info

October 11-15 2021  (Monday to Friday)                                                                                                                 Nantes, France

  ACW2021 - Graz | 25th Austrian Carbohydrate Workshop

Austrian Carbohydrate Network welcomes you to traditional yearly reunion of Austrian scientists from areas of Synthetic Glycochemistry, Glycobiology, Glycan Analysis, Carbohydrate Based Materials and Technology of Carbohydrat based Systems. Alongside prestigious plenary and invited lectures, particularly young colleagues will find opportunity to present their work. info and registration

February 11-12 2021 (Thursday to Friday)                                                                                                                       TU Graz , Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz

  EPNOE Junior | 4th International Scientist Meeting

EPNOE Junior 2020 Meeting designed for academically young researchers with a main theme "Polysaccharide Research - Fundamentals and Beyond". Senior scientists and industry researchers are invited to participate to give their input in the fruitful discussions. info and registration

February 3-4 2021  (Wednesday to Thursday)                                                                                                           KU Leuven, Kortrijk, Belgium

  EPNOE workshop

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna and EPNOE would like to announce the workshop "Modern analytical approaches in biopolymer characterization". The course focuses on state-of-the-art analytical tools for the characterization of natural polymers, in particular polysaccharides and lignin. info and registration

February 26th 2020: 9 am ­­- 5 pm;                                                                                                                                   February 27th 2020: 9 am - 12 am                                                                                                                          BOKU Vienna, UFT Tilln, Konrad-Lorenz-Str. 24; A-3430 Tulln