Design Studio (Master)
Exercise in 7-9. Semester

Vino Gorica
Tomorrow. Together.

Solkan is one of the oldest Slovene settlements. Although rather rural at first, it developed into an important centre of the furnishing industry by the 19th Century. This once-thriving town is now part of the municipality Nova Gorica and will become - together with their Italian sister city Gorizia – European Capital of Culture in 2025. Due to its location, Solkan has also become the gate to the leisure area of the Soča valley, an alpine landscape with emeraldgreen water.

Through the last decades however, Solkan has lost many essential services and cultural institutions. The centrally located „Vino Gorica“ building, once a flourishing wine shop and supermarket, is currently empty and looking for a new purpose. The municipality itself is on the search for ideas - a multifunctional performance hall, a youth centre, creative workshops and a daycare centre for the elderly are among them. Recognizing its social role and architectural qualities, we see immense potential in repurposing this structure and its surroundings to enrich the urban life of Solkan and beyond while benefiting locals, students and visitors alike.

Topic presentation on Thursday 26.09, from 1 pm, HS II, Rechbauerstraße 12
Registration from 27.09., 2 pm, TUGO

Design Studio - Urban Hybrid (Master)
Übung im 7-9. Semester

Beyond Walls
Timber Architecture for the Healthcare of Tomorrow

The future of hospital construction requires a radical rethink in terms of flexibility, sustainability and humanity. In his “Hospital of the Future” project, Reinier de Graaf from OMA poses key questions about the role of hospitals in the 21st century. He emphasizes that hospitals must be understood as strategic concepts that have to adapt to technological and social changes. One problem is the obsolescence of today‘s architecture, as medical technologies develop faster than buildings. Old hospitals are often more resilient because their simplicity offers flexibility. Future hospitals will have to be just as flexible in design in order to remain functional in the long term. Steiermärkische KAGES faces the challenge of finding flexible solutions while reducing CO2 emissions. Timber construction offers clear advantages in terms of sustainability and flexibility, but also brings with it challenges such as sound insulation, fire behavior and joint content. At the same time, wood not only offers a visually appealing appearance, but also contributes to a sense of well-being through its feel and smell, which can have a positive influence on the healing process.

The aim is to create a hospital concept that is flexible, sustainable and humane - not only as a place of healing, but also as a model for sustainable construction.

Topic presentation on Thursday 26.09, from 1 pm, HS II, Rechbauerstraße 12
Registration from 27.09., 2 pm, TUGO

Urban Mining / Re-Use
Exercise in  7-9. Semester

University Mining

In the context of sustainability, the seminar „Urban Mining / Re-Use“ focuses on circular construction and reuse practices. Participants create an architectural model from used materials and interpret the insights gained in the broader context of circular building practice. The meaning of urban mining in architecture is discussed and its possibilities and requirements are evaluated.

Through basic research and analysis, the course will provide an understanding of the efficient use of materials and resources as well as a familiarity with those assembling methods that enable their reuse, according to the cradle-to-cradle principle.

Registration: TUGO

Resilience / Structure and Facade
Seminar in 7-9. Semester

Resilience / Structure and Facade

The seminar provides a scientific introduction to the topic of sustainability with regard to resilience in the construction industry. Building on this, students will systematically research and analyze constructive requirements for resilient façades and put them up for discussion. This is done with regard to changing weather conditions. The results are prepared in a seminar paper.

The aim of the seminar is to develop a critical understanding of resilience in the context of architecture.

Registration: TUGO

Contextualization in Timber Construction
Seminar (Elective)

Design of circular and reusable wooden architecture

In the context of the seminar „Contextualization in Timber Construction „, the future challenges and tasks of building with timber will be examined with regard to resilient and circular economy friendly construction. For this purpose, design, static and constructive solutions will be treated and reuse and the use of used building materials from former students’ projects is emphasised. The aim is to gain knowledge about design strategies for circular building with wood and to make them applicable to one‘s own design work. This year‘s focus is above all on building with used wooden building components and the demands that can be imposed on them.

Registration: TUGO