Current Events

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

Introduction: Design Studio (Master), Specialisation (Master) and Design 1, 3 & 4 (Bachelor)


The courses Design Studio (Master), Specialisation (Master), Design 1, 3 & 4 (EST) (Bachelor) are offered at TU Graz at different architecture institutes. At the introductory events, there is the opportunity to get to know the teachers as well as the respective topics that will be the focus of the…

© CH Studio

Graz Open Architecture


The Faculty of Architecture invites the public to the annual summer exhibition of student works on Thursday, June 29, and Friday 30, 2023. At the end of the summer semester 2023, the Faculty of Architecture will be showcasing student works and projects.

IRG: Final Presentations | Integral Design Studio (Master) + Design 4


Als Gastkritiker*innen hat das Institut für Raumgestaltung für ihre Abschlusspräsentationen des Entwerfen (Master) Alexandra Isele (Habsburg Isele Architekten, Wien) und Michael Wallraff (Architekt Michael Wallraff, Wien) und für Entwerfen 4 Roland Winkler (Winkler+Ruck Architekten, Klagenfurt)…

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© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

Introduction: Design Studio (Master), Specialisation (Master) and Design (Bachelor)


The courses Design Studio (Master), Specialisation (Master), Design 2, 4 & Specialised Design Topics (EST)  (Bachelor) are offered at TU Graz at different architecture institutes. At the introductory events, there is the opportunity to get to know the teachers as well as the respective topics that…

Ivar Kvaal – © Snøhetta

Panel Discussion: Changing Conditions. Environmental Awareness vs. Aesthetics in Architecture?


Thursday, January 19, 2023, 6.30pm | Halle, Kronesgasse 5/1.OG, 8010 Graz According to the World Resources Institute the energy sector and the building industry account for over 40 % of global industry’s heat-trapping emissions. Architects, landscape architects, urban designers and designers are…

© KOEN/Robert Anagnostopoulos, TU Graz

Introduction: Integral Design Studio, Specialization and Design 1 + 3


The courses Integral Design Studio, Specialization, Design 1 & Design 3 are offered at TU Graz at different architecture institutes. At the introductory events, there is the opportunity to get to know the teachers as well as the respective topics that will be the focus of the semester before the…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

GAD Awards 22


Award Ceremony Thursday, October 13, 2022, 7pm HS II, Rechbauerstraße 12 Guest Lecture Wednesday, October 12, 2022, 7pm HS II, Rechbauerstraße 12  

© i_w, TU Graz

Book Launch: Basic Living


Monday, September 12, 2022, 5pm EBS-Center, Seminarraum ebsego37, Inffeldgasse 33 8010 Graz Host: Gernot Rath (ORF Steiermark) Folder | Link to institute website

© Kuan-Ying Wu, Shen-Guan Shih

Open Lecture #34


Shen-Guan Shih, Yu-Chieh Lin, Shiang-I Juan and Lucky Tsaih: "On Shape and Order. An Unexpected Beauty in Daily Life" Monday, May 30, 2022, 6pm IAM Media Lab, Kronesgasse 5/3 8010 Graz Poster | Institute Website

© EnBeDe, TU Graz

Plano Piloto de Brasília - zwei Gesichter der Planstadt


Zu Gast bei (e)AKG: Sebastian Rickert (Architekt, München) spricht im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Architekturgeschichte der Gegenwart" vom Institut für Entwerfen im Bestand und Denkmalpflege über die weltbekannte Objektarchitektur im Regierungsviertel von Brasília und die weitgehend unbekannten…