Current Events

© Felix Obermair

Release & Talk: SCHAURAUM. #6 | Architektur und Politik


Thursday June 20, 2019 | 7:00pm - 11:00pm Forum Stadtpark | 8010 Graz Antagonists, estranged twins, stormy lovers, cool business partners - architecture and politics and their feelings towards one another can be described by many metaphors. SCHAURAUM. #6 approaches this controversial yet important…

© Pamina Rafezeder & David Neuhold

Opening and Book Presentation: Trofaiach. Architektonische Konzepte für ein zukünftiges Miteinander


Monday June 17, 2019 | 4:00pm Exhibition Duration: June 17 - September 30, 2019 Luchinettigasse 8 | Trofaiach On June 17, the Institute of Design and Building Typology (IGL) will present the results of the study “Trofaiach - An der Hauptstraße”, carried out in cooperation with the municipality of…

© KUWI Graz

KUWI Graz Lecture Series: Nicole Haitzinger: "Iokaste’s daughters in the scenic arts of the present. On performative acts of dying onstage and elsewhere"


Thursday June 13, 2019  | 19.00 Uhr HS 01.22  | Universitätsplatz 3/2 | Main Building, Uni Graz KUWI Graz Lecture Series: “I don’t think I’m trying to commit suicide” (Chris Burden) Performativity in the arts. University professor Dr. Nicole Haitzinger (University of Salzburg): “Iokaste’s…

© IZK, TU Graz

Exhibition: "In the Ruins of Deregulation - Thinking with Cinema Balkan"


Exhibition IZK Masterstudio (Summer Semester 2019) Opening: Thursday June 6, 2019 | 8:00pm Exhibition Duration: June 6 - 13, 2019 Bioskop Balkan | Braće Jugovića 16 | Belgrad One of the most prominent features currently is a continuous struggle between regulation and deregulation. Seen as an…

© ITE, TU Graz

RELOADED_IASS'19 Barcelona Teams & ITE: Kaffee and Crêpes | Spritzer and Gin Tonics


Wednesday June 5, 2019 | from 2pm Coffee and Crepes | from 4pm Spritzers and Gin & Tonics Courtyard | Alte Technik Three projects from the seminar "Structures in Design" at the ITE | Institute for Structural Design were accepted at the IASS - International Association for Shell and Spatial…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

STUDIO TALK N°1 | "Nachhaltigkeit: Tun wir genug?"


Monday June 3, 2019 | 7:00pm Attic Masterstudios | Technikerstraße | Alte Technik As part of Sustainability Week, taking place from June 3 to 7, 2019 at Graz University of Technology, the Faculty of Architecture invites you to an exchange of ideas and discussion in the studio space of the Alte…

© stdb, TU Graz

Call for Applications: Master Theses at the Institute of Urbanism


Supervisor:  Aglaée Degros Application Deadline: 31. Mai 2019 Application Format: Documents in PDF (via email to

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

Call for Applications: Start Scholarships 2019, Hans-Hollein Project Scholarships 2019, International Studio BANFF 2020


The Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery awards scholarships for Fine Arts, Photography, Architecture and Media Art, Hans Hollein Project Scholarships, International Fair Funding for Galleries and International Studio BANFF Center/Canada 2020. Details about the scholarships and…

© STP, TU Graz

Software - Spritzer - Support | STP


Wednesday May 29, 2019 | starting at 4:00pm | Spritzers at the Help Desk Inner Courtyard | Altechnik Students helping students - the student trainer project at the Faculty of Architecture has for many years offered a comprehensive course program in various BIM-oriented architecture software…

© HDA & stdb, TU Graz

Fahr Rad! Die Rückeroberung der Stadt


Exhibition opening: Tuesday May 28, 2019 | 7:00pm Exhibition duration: May 29th– August 14th2019 Haus der Architektur (HDA) | Mariahilferstraße 2 What can urban development look like in order to get even more people on bikes? Showing examples of projects from all over the world, the exhibition…