Current Events

© iA, TU Graz

Integral Architecture Online Lectures | WELTEN III Bodybuilding


The lectures are part of this semesters Master Studio by the professorship of Integral Architecture and are open for the public. Organisation: Anne Femmer, Florian Summa und Alexander Barina. All lectures can be accessed through the same Webex-information: Webex: 27315383539 Passwort: INTEGRALWS21 …

© KOEN, TU Graz

Herbert Eichholzer Förderungspreis 2021: digital Award Ceremony


The digital Award Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, November 24, 2021, at 7.30pm. with City Council Günter Riegler (Kulturamt), Michael Rieper (Club Hybrid) and the participants of the competition. Jury: Vanessa Bauer, Alexander Lehnerer, Petra Petersson, Antje Senarclens de Grancy, Florian…

© M.Grabner/Kunsthaus Graz

Launch: (Kunst (Haus (Graz


Der gelandete Alien ist zu einem vertrauten Bild geworden, und doch haben sich die Perspektiven auf das Gebäude im Laufe der Zeit verändert und werden sich auch künftig verändern. In der neuen Publikation (Kunst (Haus (Graz schauen die Herausgeberinnen (Kunsthaus-Direktorin Barbara Steiner,…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

GAD Awards 21 | Vorträge der Preisträger*innen


Monday, November 8, 2021 | 7pm HDA- Haus der Architektur, Mariahilferstraße 2 Voranmeldung erforderlich | Vor Ort ist ein 2G-Nachweis zu zeigen. Alljährlich prämiert die Fakultät für Architektur der Technischen Universität Graz mit den Grazer Architektur Diplompreisen herausragende…

International Trade Fair, Accra, 1967. GNCC, Vic Adegbite (chief architect), Jacek Chyrosz, Stanisław Rymaszewski (project architects). Photo by Jacek Chyrosz. Private archive of Jacek Chyrosz, Warsaw (Poland).

Łukasz Stanek: "From Eastern Europe to Africa. Women Architects in the Global Cold War"


By the early 1960s, newly independent countries in Africa became entangled into Cold War rivalry between the Soviet Union, the United States, and their respective satellites and allies. Under the Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev (1953-1964), architecture, planning, and construction were instrumental…

© GAM.Lab, TU Graz

GAD Awards 21 | digital award ceremony


The Faculty of Architecture of the Graz University of Technology invites you to The Graz Architecture Diploma Awards 2021. All nominated diploma projects are presented on the website of the GAD Awards 21 making the work digitally accessible to the general public. This also makes it possible to…

© Laurian Ghinitoiu

Jeannette Kuo: "Parallel Worlds"


To kick off this year's GAD Awards, there will be a presentation by jury member Jeannette Kuo (Harvard GSD/Karamuk Kuo, Zurich) on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 6pm, will take place at HDA.

© KOEN/Robert Anagnostopoulos, TU Graz

ONLINE - Einführungsveranstaltungen: Projektübung, Entwerfen 1 + 3


The courses Integral Design Studio, Design 1 & Design 3 are offered at TU Graz at different architecture institutes. At the introductory events, there is the opportunity to get to know the teachers as well as the respective topics that will be the focus of the semester before the start of the…

© Martin Grabner

Online Symposium | Where City and Territory Meet…


Crises have influenced the formation of urbanism as a discipline, just as much as they have had effects on the development of different urbanistic movements. The current situation once again has confronted us with the fragility of our built environments - and thereby has evoked calls for a…

© stdb, TU Graz

Fallowscapes. Territorial Reconfiguration Strategies


The recognition of the existing in all its dimensions, including the void, the neutralized or the conflicting, the time, the flows, or the out of field. Metabolizing the in-visible aims to install a dialectic between Hard and Soft to open new perspectives. Through the tension between sensitive…