Current Events

© KOEN/Robert Anagnostopoulos, TU Graz

ONLINE - Introductory courses: Integral Design Studio, Design 2, 4 + EST


The courses Integral Design Studio, Design 1 & Design 3 are offered at TU Graz at different architecture institutes. At the introductory events, there is the opportunity to get to know the teachers as well as the respective topics that will be the focus of the semester before the start of the…

[Translate to Englisch:]
© Ziga Testen Studio

Annenstraße 53: Opening Statement - Sequence 1


Annenstrasse 53 is an independent Exhibiting Space that mirrors and exposes discourses, ideas and teaching taking place at the IZK - Institute for Contemporary Art at TU Graz. By dislocating teaching, research and investigations from the university to Annenstrasse 53, the IZK Collective, actively…

[Translate to Englisch:] © KOEN, TU Graz

KOEN | Introductionlecture


Die live Präsentation findet via Webex unter folgendem Link statt: Meeting-Kennnummer: 137 768 8870 Passwort: PaSfpDRM935 Weitere wichtige Informationen zur ersten Übung findet ihr in eurem E-Mail Account der TU Graz…

© TU Graz

Open Day 2020: video insights into studying architecture


This year, the Open Day at the Faculty of Architecture is packaged in video format due to current COVID-19 restrictions.

[Translate to Englisch:] © Žiga Testen, TU Graz

Graz Architecture Lectures 2020 - cancelled


The Graz Architecture Lectures bring international architects, artists and theorists to Graz in order to present their latest projects and research on urban development, cultural theory, the social practice of architecture, the interface between architecture and art, and digital design. The lectures…