FAIR research documentation using electronic laboratory notebooks

The RDM team (for research data management) invites all TU Graz members, researchers, students, and interested persons to a webinar on the topic of FAIR research documentation (for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability). This webinar will introduce the institutional electronic laboratory notebook elabFTW which is intended to, not only, replace paper-based labbooks and experimental documentation, but also represents a modern system to keep track of work processes, and to manage laboratories and working groups.
Find out how you are able to use elabFTW for research, teaching, or managing your daily business!

Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Bardel, BSc


  • Introduction to FAIR research documentation
  • Main functions of the institutional electronic laboratory notebook for users
  • Main functions of the institutional electronic laboratory notebook for administrators


Info and Registration

Date: 27.03.2025
Time: 10:30 am
Proceed here to receive webex details!

RDM webinar

FAIR research documentation
2025-03-27 at 10:30 am

ELN image, CC0 by Mohamed Hassan, pxhere.com