PMWS Summer School on Catalysis

The PMWS Summer School on Catalysis will take place from July 8th to 11th 2024 at Graz University of Technology.

The topics include biocatalysis, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, as well as photocalysis.

Registrations and abstract submissions for short oral presentations and poster presentations are open. Please send your registration and your abstract to

Please use this template for abstract submission.

The two best poster presentations will receive a poster prize of 100 EUR each.

Registration fee (including lunch and social events): 250 EUR

Venue: Graz Universtiy of Technology, lecture hall BE01 (Steyrergasse 30/I, 8010 Graz)


Announcement of the PMWS Autumn symposium

Our PMWS autumn symposium will take place on 25th and 26th of September 2024 at Graz University of Technology. We meet at

Lecture hall “HS BMT (BMTEG138)”, Stremayrgasse 16 (ground floor)

2nd PhD Symposium

The 2nd PhD symposium of the PMWS project took place on April 19th, 2024 at Kopernikusgasse 24, HS E (NT01088).

Workshop on Complex Electrode Designs in Bioelectrochemistry

The workshop took place on April 16th, 2024, 2:00-6:30 at Graz University of Technology, Seminar Room SR6001, Petersgasse 10-12.


1st PhD Symposium

The 1st PhD symposium of the PMWS project took place on May 3rd, 2023 at Kopernikusgasse 24, HS E (NT01088).
