Management team

Paolo Falcaro
head of the lead-project
key researcher in P4 and P6
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
expertise: metal organic frameworks and mesoporous materials

Egbert Zojer
deputy head of the lead-project
key researcher in P10 and P11
Institute of Solid State Physics
expertise: quantum mechanical modelling and molecular dynamics

Karin Stana Kleinschek (replacing Eva-Maria Steyskal)
deputy head of the lead-project
key researcher in P5
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Biobased Systems
expertise: biopolymer composites, polysaccharides in bio medical applications, 3D bioprinting

Key Researchers

Heinz Amenitsch
key researcher in P1
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Sergej Borisov
key researcher in P9
Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Food Chemistry

Anita Emmerstorfer-Augustin (ECR)
key researcher in P4
Institute of Molecular Biotechnology

Georg Gescheidt-Demner
key researcher in P5
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Marlene Kienberger
key researcher in P2
Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology

Karin Stana Kleinschek
key researcher in P5
Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Biobased Systems

Francesco Carraro (replacing Mercedes Linares-Moreau)
key researcher in P8
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Bernd Nidetzky
key researcher in P6 and P7
Institute of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering

Thomas Rath (ECR)
key researcher in P1
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Roland Resel
key researcher in P11 and P12
Institute of Solid State Physics

Martin Schultze
key researcher in P10 and P11
Institute of Experimental Physics

Christian Slugovc
key researcher in P9
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Christof Sommitsch
key researcher in P3
Institute of Materials Science, Joining and Forming

Vanja Subotic
key researcher in P3
Institute of Thermal Engineering

Gregor Trimmel
key researcher in P2
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Materials

Roland Würschum
key researcher in P8
Institute of Material Physics

Karin Zojer
key researcher in P12
Institute of Solid State Physics



Steyskal, Eva-Maria - Former Deputy Head of the Lead Project, Institute of Materials Physics

Linares-Moreau , Mercedes - Former Key Researcher in P8, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

PhD students

P1: Marco Sigl
+43 316 873 - 32307

P2: Melissa Egger
+43 316 873 - 32317

P3: Marlene Eichlseder
+43 316 873 - 1678

P4: Nina Grujicic

P5: Konstantin Knaipp

P6: Margherita Aghito

P7: Lara Novak
+43 316 873 - 8487

P8: Verena Lipic

P9: Theresa Katharina Mautz

P10: Florian Linder
+43 316 873 - 8972

P11: Nina Strasser
+43 316 873 - 8972

P12: Prabhu Prasad Biswal
+43 316 873 - 8477