The registration is now closed.
Persons who want to attend the summer school must apply online by June 17th, 2018, following these steps:
1. Please download the following
questionnaire and fill it in.
2. Log in into EasyChair as an author via the following link:
If you do not have an EasyChair account yet, please create one here:
3. In EasyChair please fill in the provided fields, upload your completed questionnaire as the "paper", and sumbit your application.
Title should be: LEAD Summer School 2018
Keywords: here you should specify the main fields of your expertise
Upon reception of your application we are going to send you a notification e-mail with information if your application was accepted (the number of participants is limited). If accepted, the notification email will also contain information about the payment process.
Please note that by submitting your application you agree to the use of your data (name, affiliation, address, email) for the purpose of organizing the LEAD summer school 2018.