Our purpose is to transfer scientific insights and theory into practice and help our customers create valuable business advantages.

The Business Model Lab has been established to meet the needs of CEOs, managers, interdisciplinary teams, project groups and entrepreneurs who seek assistance and advice in all topics around existing and new business models


The Business Model Lab has been designed to meet the needs of CEOs, managers, interdisciplinary teams, project groups and entrepreneurs who are presented with the challenge of having to develop new business models, some of which are disruptive, or to question the status quo of the existing business model and develop innovative solutions. 


We are a team of research assistants and associates working in the fields of Business Model Management, Technology Management and Entrepreneurship.

We are located at the Institute of General Management and Organisation at the Graz University of Technology. As a scientific institute, we have many years of experience in designing and innovationg buisness models.

Christiana Ropposch

Assistant Professor,  Graz University of Technology

Areas of expertise in the Business Model Lab: business model design (especially young companies) and business model innovation (especially established companies),   digital business models (e.g., mHealth)

Background: After her studies of Software Development and Management, Christiana worked in the organization of a large event (RoboCup World Championships) and   for a consulting company. Since 2010 she has been working at the Institute of General Management and Organization, where she also wrote her PhD thesis.

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