
Master theses, seminars and projects at our institute have a strong connection to our current research projects. In addition we offer opportunities to work with our industry partners. If you are interested in working on a thesis at our institute and you cannot find interesting or available topics, do not hesitate to contact us and ask for different options!

You can find the corresponding guidelines here.


Next UFO-seminar dates:

  • 07.04.2025 - 12:30 - 14:30
  • 02.06.2025 - 12:30 - 14:30

Completed Theses (All sorts)

Click here for the list of all completed theses.

Bachelor Theses


  • None at the moment


  • Geschäftsmodellinnovationen für KI-Start-Ups
    Student: Marius Schober
  • Lehrabhaltungsanalyse für Curricula der TU Graz
    Studentin: Leonie Kögl
  • Ableitung und Implementierung eines Dashboards für Kundenprojekte der Anton Paar GmbH
    Student: Benedikt Santner


Click here for the list of all completed theses.

Master Theses




Click here for the list of all completed theses.