Morris Fedeli and Martin Glinik Assessing the Sustainability Performance of Entities
Conference Proceedings from the 6th International Conference on New Business Models
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Thomas Draschbacher and Michael Rachinger Bottlenecks as Drivers of Evolution in Innovation Ecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review
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Thomas Draschbacher Research Proposal: Strategies to address bottlenecks in nascent green innovation ecosystems
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Thomas Draschbacher, Elisabeth Maria Stiegler, Martin Glinik and Stefan Vorbach Technology Entrepreneurship - Eine Einführung und ein Überblick
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Martin Glinik, Michael Rachinger, Christiana Ropposch, Florian Ratz and Romana Rauter Exploring Sustainability in Business Models of Early-Phase Start-up Projects
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Martin Glinik Startup-Coaching und Mentoring für NachhaltigkeitsinitiativenPLAYBOOK Klimakultur132-133
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