Urban Design Cares
Our cities are growing rapidly and we are about to densify our built environment. At the same time research shows how important a green environment is for our citizens concerning their health. Also from a economical and the citiziens well being point of view green already has itself proven, real estate in a green environment has more value than without. Offering green space to experience and to move around prevends visiting the doctors and will finally downsize the huge costs for healthcare. What kind of influence does the design of public space and buildings have on how people meet and having the feeling to belong somewhere and stimulate social cohesion and participation? Which spatial interventions and strategies are possible and required? Does it happen ‘bottom-up’ or ‘topdown’? Paul Goedknegt is city urbanist for the city of Nijmegen. His specialities are complex urban strategic projects. Mostly to fix physical barriers and to connect these isolated parts to the city structure. Sustainability and participation are keyelements of each project. Inhabitants and other stakeholders are always given the opportunity to participate in the planning process to ensure that a support plan is in place.

Institut für Städtebau
Rechbauerstraße 12/II
8010 Graz

++43/316 873-6286
++43/316 873-6280
Sprechstunden Mo-Do: 9-12 Uhr
