An inaugural lecture about links, stratagems and the territory

by Aglaée Degros “The art of linking - connecting spaces, people and their environment - is the cornerstone of my approach to urban design. Urbanism is a changing discipline. Formerly focusing on defining surfaces and borders, in relation to economical, ecological and sociological conditions, urbanism is becoming a discipline of connecting. We are entering an age of urbanism that does not define boundaries but instead recognizes the potential of links.“ Guests Aglaée Degros 
head of Institute of Urbanism TU Graz, founding partner of ARTGINEERING, member of the Scientific Commitee of Europan Europe Chris Younès philosopher
professor at ENSA Paris-la-Vilette and at ESA Paris, head of the laboratory Gerphau and the international network PhiLau Marcel Smets 
former flamish government architect, emeritus professor of urbanism at KU Leuven, president of the Scientific and Guidance Council of the Institute for the City on the move Eric Frijters
founding partner and principal at FABRIC, professor for Future Urban Regions at the Dutch Academies of Architecture Bernd Vlay 
director of STUDIOVLAY, former Roland-Rainer-Chair professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, general secretary of Europan Austria

Institut für Städtebau
Rechbauerstraße 12/II
8010 Graz