Telefon +43 316 873 - 4543
Adresse 8010 Graz, Kopernikusgasse 24/III (Institut für Statistik)
Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung


Ass. Prof. Dr. Matthias Neumann

About me

Since 2024, I am Assistant Professor at the Institute of Statistics at Graz University of Technology. I did my PhD in 2020 at the Institute of Stochastics at Ulm University under the supervision of Prof. Volker Schmidt. My dissertation was awarded with the PhD prize of Ulm University. During the time as a post-doc in Ulm (2020-2024), I received  start-up funding by the Graduate and Professional Training Center Ulm (ProTrainU) for two years. Moreover, from 2022-2023, I was principal investigator in the Post Lithium Storage Cluster of Excellence (POLiS) funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG). From September to November 2022, I spent a three-month research stay at the center of Mathematical Morphology of Mines Paris Tech in Fontainebleau.

The focus of my current research is on the development of statistical methods for analyzing and modeling micro- and nanostructures in close collaborations with partners from mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering and materials science. The main application of the developed methods is the model based–and thus ressource-efficient–quantification of process-structure-property relationships of different functional materials such as, e.g., electrodes in batteries and fuel cells or paper-based materials. For achieving the overall aim of eclucidating process-structure-property relationships, my research deals with:

  • The development of mathematical methods (using tools of mathematical morphology, machine learning and spatial statistics) for pre-processing and analysis of large image data representing micro- or nanostructures of porous or composite materials, where–to mention one example–parametric Copulas are used to model local heterogeneities in paper-based materials
  • The development and investigation of estimators for geometrical descriptors of random sets, wich have a strong influence on transport phenomena in porous or composite materials, namely characteristics quantifying the length of shortest transportation paths and quantifying bottleneck effects. By means of these characteristics quantitative relationships are established relating the morphology of micro- and nanostructures to effective physical properties. For the latter, classical tools from regression analysis as well as methods from machine learning, such as random forests and neural networks, are used.
  • The development of parametric random set models for generating virtual, but realistic micro- and nanostructures of two- or three-phase materials.  For this purpose, random fields, random geometric graphs and random point processes are used. Moreover, statistical methods are developed for estimating the model parameters based on image data



















Semester Course


Winter term 2024/25 Mathematical Statistics Lecturer (including exercise classes) Graz University of Technology
Summer term 2023 Seminar Multivariate Stochastic Modeling Lecturer Ulm University
Summer term 2021 Point processes Lecturer (including exercise classes)   Ulm University
Summer term 2016 Stochastik I Teaching assistant Ulm University
Winter term 2015/16    Elementare Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik    Teaching assistant Ulm University
Summer term 2015 Räumliche Statistik Teaching assistant Ulm University
Winter term 2014/15 Stochastics II Teaching assistant Ulm University
Summer term 2014 Methods of Monte Carlo Simulation II Teaching assistant Ulm University